Where Azaleas Bloom. Sherryl Woods

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Where Azaleas Bloom - Sherryl Woods MIRA

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      Lynn, who hadn’t bought so much as a cheap T-shirt for herself since the separation, watched in awe as the two women quickly spent more money than she made in a month.

      Kelly Ann stood back and surveyed their purchases with satisfaction as Lynn put everything into bags. She gave Lynn a wide grin.

      “That ought to make up just a little bit for us coming in here and being so insensitive,” she said.

      “I appreciate the sales,” Lynn said. For once it didn’t seem to matter whether the purchases were made out of guilt or pity. She simply focused on what a nice boost they’d be to her paycheck.

      “Do you have a regular schedule?” Kelly Ann asked. “If you do, we’ll make sure to come in when you’re working.”

      “No. I’m usually here three days a week, but I’m never sure which days those might be. It depends on when Raylene or Adelia need to be off,” Lynn said. Even though she was picking up more hours from Mitch, she added, “And if you happen to hear of anyone else looking for someone part-time or full-time, let me know.”

      “We surely will,” Alicia promised.

      Kelly Ann gave Lynn another hug before they left. Lynn stared after them. While it grated to recall how the encounter had begun, she felt better about how it had ended. It had been a revelation, in fact.

      Maybe people in town really would take her side over Ed’s. She’d wondered about that. He was the son of a beloved insurance executive whose company handled policies for most everyone in town. Ed was now the big shot in charge, a position that commanded a lot of respect. She’d been so intent on running their home and being involved in a few things at school that her own circle of friends had grown smaller.

      Just thinking about the possibility that she could have moral support while this awful mess played out buoyed her spirits. It was possible that the deliberate attempts to isolate herself to avoid the judgments she thought people might be making had been unnecessary. It was time to hold her chin up and start facing people.

      * * *

      When Raylene returned from the bank, she looked at the receipt book and whistled. “Nice sales!”

      Lynn chuckled. “Guilt sales,” she said, then explained what had happened.

      Raylene shook her head. “I’m glad it turned out okay and you’ll make a nice commission, but I hope those two learned a lesson.”

      “I doubt it,” Lynn said with a shrug. “You grew up in this town, same as me. People talk. It’s not going to change.”

      Raylene sighed. “I suppose, but I don’t have to like it, especially when I see one of my friends hurt by their thoughtlessness.”

      “I’m not hurt, not really,” Lynn said. “In fact, it was eye-opening. I assumed everyone was going to take Ed’s side, so I’ve been avoiding people. He’s the big wheel in town. He prides himself on knowing everybody and taking real good care of them.”

      “He’s not taking such good care of you, though, is he?” Raylene said knowingly. “That will matter to people, Lynn. Family counts in this town, and the way a man treats his family says a lot about his own moral character. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see him lose business over the way he’s handling this divorce. Carter was saying just last night that once the insurance policy for the police department is up in a few months, he wants to negotiate with another company.”

      “You’re kidding,” Lynn said, astounded. “Because of me and the kids?”

      “Because a man who screws up his personal life can’t be trusted with other people’s business,” Raylene said. “And that’s just about a direct quote. Of course, Carter is one of those stand-up guys with a strict moral code, which makes him a fantastic police chief but a little tough for those of us with flaws. You remember how we met, the day Sarah’s little boy ran off while I was supposed to be watching him? Carter didn’t think much of me then.”

      Lynn recalled the terrifying incident all too well. “Give the man a break. He didn’t understand about the agoraphobia at that point. And he did apologize for his judgmental attitude after Travis filled him in.”

      “He did,” Raylene said, smiling, “And proved he had plenty of redeeming qualities.”

      “The man adores you,” Lynn said. “Flaws and all, assuming you have any. He certainly stuck right by you while you were fighting the agoraphobia and couldn’t leave the house. I think we all marveled at that.”

      “He was a saint, no question about it. And he’s been a rock for his sisters since their parents died, but he has his judgmental moments. Of course, when it comes to dealing with Ed, I happen to agree with his decision. I’m moving all my policies the first chance I get, too.”

      Lynn gave her a wry look. “Much as I love the idea of retribution, you do realize that if Ed’s business goes under, my situation will get even worse.”

      Raylene stared at her with dismay. “Well, fudge! I hadn’t thought of that.”

      “Believe me, I have,” Lynn said. “I have nightmares about it. One second I want the man to wind up a pauper, the next I realize he could drag me and the kids down with him.”

      Raylene’s expression turned thoughtful. “Okay, then, we need to find you another job, something better than what I can offer you for now. You’re smart. You’ve been running a household for years, without a lot of help from Ed, I imagine. You have skills that can be used in the workforce. We just have to focus on creating the perfect resume.”

      “I did snag another part-time job just yesterday,” Lynn admitted.

      Raylene’s eyes lit up. “Really? Tell me.”

      “Mitch hired me to handle his billing and payroll. I just started learning his system this morning. We’re going to go over a few more things later this afternoon when I get home from here.”

      A grin spread across Raylene’s face. Lynn suspected that the twinkle in her eyes had nothing at all to do with Lynn having found more work.

      “Mitch, huh?” Raylene said, clearly fascinated. “How’d that happen?”

      Lynn didn’t want to mention her foolish decision to check out a clerk’s job in a dangerous section of town, so she said simply, “He knew I was looking for something part-time and mentioned that he could use some help. The best part is I get to work from home.”

      Raylene’s grin spread. “The best part, huh? I’d have thought that would be spending more time with Mitch. The man is a serious hunk.”

      “So Grace has mentioned,” Lynn said wryly. “That seems to be the consensus in certain circles.”

      “And you hadn’t noticed?”

      “I’ve known Mitch since grade school. He’s an old friend, that’s all.”

      “Maybe that’s what he was in school, when you were gaga over Ed, but circumstances have changed,” Raylene reminded her. “You could do a lot worse. And don’t forget I’ve seen the way he looks at you when you’re both at the house for dinner.”

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