Where Azaleas Bloom. Sherryl Woods

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Where Azaleas Bloom - Sherryl Woods MIRA

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and compassionate?”

      “Of course not, but it’s not exactly the basis for some big romance, the way you’re hinting.”

      Raylene laughed. “Honey, I’m not even hinting. I’m telling you flat-out you need to take another look at the man before someone else comes along and snaps him up. He’s been immune to most of the passes I know have been directed his way, but you can’t count on that resistance to last forever.”

      “Come on, Raylene,” Lynn protested. “How can I even think about him that way? He’s still grieving for Amy, and my divorce isn’t even final. For all I know, we could wind up losing the house and having to move to be closer to one of my sisters. Why start something that doesn’t have a chance?”

      Raylene gave her a chiding look. “I am way too familiar with that defeatist attitude. I kept trying to let Carter off the hook. I worked really hard not to fall in love with him, because I thought my situation would never change and I refused to have him tied down to a woman who couldn’t even leave the house. The thing was, he didn’t want to give up. He fought for what we had. I think you and Mitch could have that same kind of staying power.”

      “Based on the way he’s looked at me at dinner?” Lynn said skeptically. “You’re still lost in some romantic fog. Not every situation has a fairy-tale ending.”

      “I’m just saying you shouldn’t give up without a fight. Assuming you’re even the tiniest bit attracted to him, that is,” she said, regarding Lynn slyly. “Are you?”

      Lynn hesitated, then said, “Okay, I am the tiniest bit attracted.” She held two fingers maybe an inch apart. “This much, anyway.”

      Raylene laughed. “Couples have started with a lot less. Come to dinner tonight. Mitch usually stays, as you know. Let me get the lay of the land.”

      “No way,” Lynn said, shuddering at the thought. “I do not want to sit there with you studying us like we’re specimens under a microscope. It would be too embarrassing.”

      “Are you saying that you’ll never join us for dinner again?” Raylene asked with a frown. “The last thing I meant to do was scare you off.”

      “You didn’t. Not entirely anyway. I just don’t think I can pretend it’s simply another casual dinner after all this talk of attraction and looks and such. Maybe in a couple of weeks, but not tonight.”

      Raylene relented and backed off. “If you change your mind or Mitch talks you into it, the offer’s open. You’re always welcome.”

      “What makes you think Mitch will even attempt to talk me into it? When would he do that?”

      “You did say he’s coming over when you get home from work, right? I imagine I can plant the idea in his head before then,” Raylene said with confidence. “I promise I’ll be more subtle about it than I was with you.”

      “Have you caught some kind of matchmaking fever? I hear it’s been going around in Serenity.”

      “What can I say? It’s a community curse,” Raylene said unrepentantly. “Now go on home and freshen up so you’ll be stunning when Mitch drops by. You’ve done more than your share of selling in here this morning. You’ll have a nice fat commission in your check this week.”

      “I am not setting out to impress Mitch,” Lynn said with what she hoped sounded like suitable indignation.

      “Of course you’re not,” Raylene said innocently. “I’m just thinking a little eyeliner to go with that mascara you put on this morning, a touch of gloss on your lips and maybe another swipe of that blush.”

      Lynn groaned. “Was I that obvious?”

      Raylene laughed. “Not to Mitch, I’m sure. He probably just noticed you looked more beautiful than ever. Only women pay attention to the little, telltale details like extra makeup.”

      “I am so humiliated,” Lynn said. “I feel like a teenager who got caught drawing hearts and initials on the front of her school notebook. And I know exactly how that felt, because it happened way too often when my crush on Ed first developed. I do not want to be that lovesick girl ever again.”

      “How about a strong woman going after what she wants?” Raylene asked. “I think that would demonstrate a whole new level of maturity and intelligence.”

      “Or make me look more foolish than ever,” Lynn said direly.

      Raylene gave her a sympathetic look. “From what I’ve seen when you’re around Mitch, I don’t think you need to worry about that a bit.”

      But even her friend’s words of encouragement didn’t quite calm the very bad case of nerves Lynn was suddenly feeling as she headed for home and an unavoidable encounter with the man who’d been at the center of their conversation.

      * * *

      Mitch had been so distracted all day by his son’s unexpected announcement, even the guys had called him on it. When he was in his truck and heading for home before remembering he was supposed to stop over at Lynn’s, he knew his worry over Nate’s decision ran even deeper than he’d realized.

      He considered calling Lynn to postpone till tomorrow, but he didn’t want her worrying that he’d changed his mind about the job. He turned the truck around and headed back to her house, parking in her driveway this time, not Raylene’s.

      When Lynn answered the front door and spotted his truck, she studied him with confusion. “Weren’t you just next door working?”

      He nodded. “Sorry. I took off, then remembered I was supposed to come over to check on how you were making out with the computer systems. I turned around and came back.”

      She frowned at the admission. “Was there someplace else you needed to be? This can wait.”

      “To be perfectly honest, I’d be glad for the company,” he told her. “I can’t promise you, though, that my mind’s going to be on work.”

      Lynn looked vaguely alarmed by that. “Why?”

      “Are you sure you want me laying my problems on you? You seem to have plenty going on in your life these days.”

      “Which is why listening to you would be a real break,” she assured him. “Come on in and tell me.”

      “I had a call from my son Nate this morning,” Mitch explained as he followed her inside. “He announced that he’s engaged and wants to bring the girl home this weekend. I didn’t even know he was seriously dating anyone.”

      “Wow! That must have come as a shock.”

      “You have no idea.”

      She gestured toward the sofa. “Why don’t you have a seat in here for a minute? Can I get you something to drink? I have iced tea and water. I’m afraid that’s it. There might be a can of frozen lemonade left in the freezer. I could make that.”

      “Iced tea would be great.”

      “Sweetened or not?”

      “Straight’s good,” he said,

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