Mills & Boon Christmas Delights Collection. Rebecca Winters

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Mills & Boon Christmas Delights Collection - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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      ‘No! Not at all. Nothing like that. Well, he made no secret of the fact he’s a one-night stand kind of guy, but that’s up to him. But no, he didn’t make me feel uncomfortable like that.’

      ‘So, what is it? Normally you’re fizzing with excitement when you’re about to start with a new client. And today you’re definitely more flat than fizz.’

      ‘He’s just…’

      ‘Oooh, is he gorgeous and you don’t want to get caught in an awkward situation? I know you have this big thing about not mixing business and pleasure.’ Bernice’s big brown eyes widened as her mind went off into areas unknown.

      ‘No. It’s not that either. Although he is gorgeous, which he clearly knows. The only thing I’m worried about is that I might actually kill him and have him buried under the patio of his newly organised home.’

      ‘Oh wow. That bad?’

      ‘That bad. Think big Irish Grinch on a motorbike and you’re pretty much there.’

      ‘Actually sounds kind of yummy. Apart from the Grinch bit, obviously. So when do you start?’ Bernice asked, getting up and wandering over to gaze out of the window at the rain that was now slamming against it.

      I let out a sigh and peered again at my calendar, comparing it to the dates that Michael had sent over early this morning.

      ‘I’m not sure. Trying to find a time when we’re both free is beginning to look like more of an issue than I thought it was going to be. I think I’m going to end up having to see if he can do weekends by the looks of things.’

      ‘Does he specifically want to work with you?’ Bernice asked, coming away from the window to perch on my desk.

      ‘No, he just said that he wanted Stone Organisation rather than anyone else as his sister had recommended us.’ I distractedly flicked over the days of my calendar again, blindly hoping that when I looked at it this time there would magically be some space. I really didn’t want to have to go back to Michael and ask for different dates. I just wanted to get this all done and over with.

      ‘Bring my calendar up.’


      ‘Get mine up.’ Bernice leaned over and took the mouse from me, making a couple of clicks until her own schedule displayed on my screen in another window. ‘Now, when’s he free?’

      I pulled the email I’d printed off towards me and glanced between the two. Bernice had a space tomorrow that would fit in with Michael.

      ‘There you go. Problem solved.’

      I hesitated.

      ‘What is it?’

      I looked up at her. ‘I feel like I’m fobbing him off on you! I’ve just told you he’s a right royal pain and now I’m dumping him on you.’ For all my thoughts last night about pushing O’Farrell to Bernice, I’d never really intended to lumber her.

      ‘Do you really want to deal with him?’

      ‘Oh God, no!’

      Bernice laughed.

      ‘Sorry. That was a bit too emphatic, wasn’t it?’

      ‘That’s all right. I don’t mind dealing with him. It’s only a short-term thing anyway, isn’t it?’

      ‘Yes. It needs to be done by Christmas so we’ll be shot of him then.’

      ‘It’s settled then. Do you want me to contact him?’

      ‘No. I told him I’d call. I’ll give him a ring now and advise him he’s booked in for twelve tomorrow.’

      ‘I can hardly wait,’ Bernice teased. ‘I’m totally intrigued now.’

      ‘I still feel bad.’

      ‘Don’t. I volunteered and you can’t change your morning appointment tomorrow. That’s your final one with Mrs Clarke. She’d be devastated to not finish up with you.’

      Bernice was right. This particular client had come a long way, physically and emotionally during the process, and the truth was I’d be upset to have to miss it too.

      ‘Thanks Bernice. You’re a lifesaver. It may be for the best anyway. You’ll probably be able to bring out his better side. I’m pretty sure he has one. There was a tiny glimpse of it when he was on the phone to his sister, but it only appears for a few seconds at a time. With me, anyway. But you have that cutesy persona thing going on. It’ll be perfect.’

      ‘I can certainly try.’

      ‘And bonus points if you can avoid calling him an arsehole within a few minutes of meeting him.’

      Bernice was looking at me, her carefully painted Cupid’s bow mouth forming a perfect ‘O’.

      ‘You did not.’

      I cleared my throat. ‘Yep, I kind of did.’

      Bernice continued staring.

      ‘Could you please stop looking at me like that. I feel bad enough already. I just thought I should fill you in because I wouldn’t put it past Mr O’Farrell to bring it up and I didn’t want you blindsided.’

      ‘But you’re always so…controlled with clients.’

      ‘As I say. Probably for the best that you’re doing it.’

      ‘Wow. I really can’t wait to meet him now. If he rattled your cage, he must be something.’

      ‘Oh, he’s something all right. And just so you have all the background info, he’d kept me waiting in the snow for nearly an hour before finally showing up, made absolutely no apology and just proceeded to tell me how much he didn’t want our services. My patience was worn pretty thin by then.’

      ‘Understandably. It’s no problem. I can handle him.’

      ‘Thanks Bernice. I really appreciate this. I really didn’t want my falling out with him to affect my friendship with Janey. So this is the best of both worlds – he gets help and I don’t upset my friend because I beat her brother to death with an egg whisk.’

      ‘Is it actually possible beat someone to death with an egg whisk?’

      ‘You haven’t met him. It’d certainly be worth a try.’

      Bernice grinned.

      ‘I’ll call him now and put it in your diary for tomorrow. The ones after that, perhaps you can discuss with him, once you see how you’ve progressed after the first session? I’ve typed up the notes I took last night, so I’ll email them over to you.’

      ‘Great, thanks.’

      I quickly sent her the email before I forgot, then dialled Michael’s

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