The Sheikh's Collection. Оливия Гейтс

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The Sheikh's Collection - Оливия Гейтс Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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And with one hand on her waist, the other clasped with hers, he led her to the circle of dancers.

      The next hour passed in a blur of music and dance, every second one of heightened, almost painful awareness. Khalil’s hand in hers, his body next to hers, his gaze fastened to hers, everything in her pulsing with longing. She’d never felt so beautiful or desirable, so heady with a kind of power she’d never, ever experienced before.

      When she moved, Khalil’s gaze followed her. When she spoke, he leaned forward to listen. She felt as if she were, at this moment, the centre of his universe. And it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

      She never wanted it to end.

      But of course it did; the bridal couple was seen off and people began to trail back to their dwellings. Elena turned to Khalil, uncertainty and hope warring within her. He gazed down at her, his expression inscrutable.

      ‘They have arranged for us to share a tent tonight. I hope you don’t mind.’

      Mind? No, she didn’t mind at all. ‘That’s...that’s all right,’ she managed.

      Smiling faintly, Khalil threaded his fingers through hers and drew her away from the others...towards the tent they would share.


      KHALIL KNEW HE was a little drunk. He hadn’t had any alcohol to drink; none had been served. Yet he still felt dazed, almost drugged with possibility. With something deeper and stronger than mere lust, even if part of him wanted to give it that name, make it that simple.

      He held the tent flap open for Elena and watched as she moved past him, her Bedouin clothing emphasising the sinuous swing of her hips, her graceful gait. Once in the tent she turned to him and he saw the expectation in her eyes, felt it in himself.

      Tonight, to all intents and purposes, they were married. Husband and wife.

      ‘Did you have a good time this evening?’ he asked and she nodded.

      ‘Yes... I don’t know when I’ve had a better time, actually.’ She let out a little laugh, sounding self-conscious, uncertain. ‘I haven’t gone to many parties before.’

      ‘Not gone to parties? Not even royal or state functions?’

      She shook her head, her grey eyes heartbreakingly wide above her veil. ‘I’ve gone to those, but they weren’t...they weren’t fun. I could never just be myself. I was always Queen Elena and sometimes it felt like an act.’

      ‘A danger of wearing the crown so young, I suppose. But you should be proud of yourself, Elena, and all you have accomplished.’

      He took a step towards her, the need to touch her growing with every moment they spent together. His palms itched and he had to keep himself from reaching for her. ‘And were you yourself tonight, Elena? Looking as you do, like a Bedouin girl?’

      ‘Strangely, yes.’ She let out another laugh, this one breathy. ‘I felt more free tonight than I have in a long time.’

      ‘Free—and yet captive.’ He didn’t know why he felt the need to remind her of the truth of their situation just then, only that he did. Perhaps he was trying to remind himself to hold onto reality when all he really wanted was to slip the veil from her face and the dress from her body.

      ‘I don’t feel like a captive any more, Khalil. I want to be here with you. You might have brought me here, but I’m choosing this now.’

      He saw a bold purpose in her eyes now. The innocent, it seemed, had become a seductress. A siren. She walked towards him, lowering the veil of coins away from her face, and placed her hands on his chest. He gazed down at her long, slender fingers, felt them tremble against him. ‘Tonight I want to forget everything, Khalil. Everything but you.’

      Desire pulsed through him, blurred his brain along with his vision. ‘Elena—’


      He covered her hands with his own; he’d meant to remove them but as soon as he touched her he knew he wouldn’t. He knew he needed at least this much, because there wouldn’t be much more.

      There couldn’t be.

      ‘Elena,’ he said again, and she shook her head, her hair escaping from underneath her veil, tumbling about her shoulders as dark as a desert night.

      ‘Don’t, Khalil,’ she whispered. ‘Don’t say no to me now.’

      ‘Do you even know what you’re asking?’ he demanded, his voice low, raw and ragged with a desire he couldn’t deny.

      ‘Yes, I do.’ She met his gaze. ‘I’m asking you to make love to me. With me.’

      Khalil’s breath escaped in a hiss. ‘Yes, but you don’t know what that means.’

      Her eyes flashed sudden fire. ‘Don’t tell me what I know or don’t know, Khalil. I’m perfectly aware of what it means. What I’m asking.’

      He arched an eyebrow. ‘Are you sure about that, Elena? Because, if I’m not very much mistaken, I believe you’re a virgin.’

      She flushed but didn’t lower her challenging gaze. ‘Practical experience isn’t required to make an informed choice.’

      He almost laughed then, both amused by and admiring of her boldness and courage. His hands tightened on hers as he considered the possibility.

      One night... One wonderful, amazing, incredible night...

      ‘It’s dangerous,’ he began, and she shook her head.

      ‘I know there are ways to prevent a pregnancy, if you don’t have any protection.’

      Her cheeks had turned fiery and he almost laughed. ‘Oh, you do? As it happens, I have protection.’

      Surprise made her jaw drop. ‘You do?’

      ‘Not,’ he continued swiftly, ‘because I intended to use it.’

      She eyed him sceptically. ‘Really?’

      ‘I just like to be prepared.’

      She looked uncertain then, even vulnerable. ‘Have you had many lovers, then?’

      ‘Not as many as you’re thinking, and none in the last year. I’ve been too busy with other things.’ And none like you. Untouched. Innocent. Amazing. He couldn’t believe he was seriously thinking about taking Elena up on her offer. About making love to her.

      ‘When I said it was dangerous, Elena, I didn’t mean an unplanned pregnancy. I was talking about the...the emotional risks.’

      She flinched and then recovered her composure. ‘I’m aware of the risk, Khalil,’ she told him. ‘And I’m not under the illusion that this would be anything but one night. I’m not asking for more from you.’

      ‘I know that.’


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