One Kiss in... Paris. Robyn Grady

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One Kiss in... Paris - Robyn Grady Mills & Boon M&B

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style="font-size:15px;">      Still, she didn’t want to mire down the conversation, not when Reece was mumbling adorable things she couldn’t quite understand and hiccuping in such a cute way.

      But Natalie’s expression had grown alarmed. Slanting her head, she held out her arms.

      “I think you’d better give him back.”

      Bailey’s heart sank. “Did I do something wrong?”

      “No, no. It’s just I think he’s about to—”

      Natalie didn’t move quickly enough. Reece gave another hiccup. Heaved a little. Then a lot. Next his dinner came up.

      All over the front of Bailey’s dress.


      When Natalie barged into the room, Mateo and Alex had been discussing the state’s current public hospital concerns. Mateo immediately dropped the conversation and peered past Natalie’s shoulder. Bailey wasn’t in tow and Natalie’s hands were clasped tight before her. Seemed unlikely—Natalie was one of the sweetest people he knew. But Bailey was a relatively unknown quantity. Had the women had a disagreement?

      Natalie pulled up in front of her husband. “Can you ring and let the restaurant know we’ll be late?”

      Standing, Alex caught her arm. “Is the baby all right?” “Too much milk after dinner, I’m afraid.” Alex lowered his hand. “Another accident?” “All over poor Bailey.”

      Mateo was no stranger to babies’ assortment of surprises. He not only cared for pregnant women before and during delivery, he looked after their concerns postpartum. Many days, his practice was filled with the sights, sounds and smells of children of all ages. He’d been chucked up on more often than some people brushed their teeth. Part of the job. He wasn’t sure Bailey would be quite so cool with it, particularly given the trying day she’d had.

      Setting down his glass, Mateo rose too. “I’ll take her home.”

      “No need. Bailey’s fine,” Natalie said. “Other than needing a quick shower and a fresh change of clothes, and I have a stack of outfits in my pre-baby wardrobe she can wear.” She ran her hand down her husband’s sleeve. “Tammy’s settling the baby now. I’ll go see how Bailey’s doing.”

      As she sailed away, Alex fell back into his chair. The grin on his face said it all. “She’s an amazing woman, isn’t she?”

      “You’re a lucky man.”

      Alex leaned closer and lowered his voice. “So, now we know they’ll be occupied for a while yet, tell me about it.”

      “Tell you what?”

      “About your date.”

      “She’s not a date.”

      “She’s an attractive female accompanying you to dinner. If she’s not a date, what is she?”

      “Difficult to work out,” Mateo admitted. “Like I said on the phone, she appeared on my doorstep yesterday morning.” He went into more about the engagement and her dramatic flight from Italy, the loan and Bailey’s search for a job to pay it back. “When I phoned Mama today, she confirmed that she’d told Bailey to drop in.” Mateo dropped his gaze to the glass he rotated between his fingers. “Mama also asked me to watch out for her until she can make amends with her father.”

      “Trouble there too?”

      “I’m sure whatever’s gone on before could be sorted out with one or two calm conversations.”

      “Family rifts aren’t usually that easy to solve.” Alex took a long sip of scotch.

      “Either way, it’s none of my business.”

      “So where’s Bailey staying?”

      “I said she could stay with me—just for a few days.” Alex coughed as if his drink had gone down the wrong way. Mateo frowned. “What?”

      Alex tried to contain his amused look. “Nothing. I mean, Bailey seems very nice.”


      “But nothing, Mateo. I’m only surprised that you’ve opened your home to her. You haven’t done that in a while.”

      “You mean since Linda.” Mateo slid his glass onto the side table. “This isn’t the same.”

      Alex studied his friend’s face and, inhaling, nodded and changed the subject.

      “What’s happening with the vacation?”

      “I haven’t made any firm decisions yet.”

      “But you’re still going to France, right?”

      It was more a statement than a question. His annual pilgrimage to Ville Laube was a duty he never shirked. But, of course, it was more than simply an obligation. He enjoyed catching up with the people who ran the orphanage. Although seeing the children conjured up as many haunted feelings as good. Each year he saw so many new faces as well as those who had lived there for years.

      One little boy was a favorite. Remy had turned five last visit. Dark hair and eyes, solemn until you pitched him a ball—any kind. Then his face would light up. He reminded Mateo of himself at that age. Leaving Remy last year had been difficult.

      When he returned this year, Mateo hoped that little boy was gone. He hoped he’d found a good family who would love and support him. He wondered what kind of man Remy would grow into. If he would learn from the right influences. Whether he’d always have plenty to eat.

      Mateo confirmed, “I’ll go to France.”

      “Maybe Bailey would like to go too.”

      Mateo all but lost his breath. Then he swore. “You’re not trying to step into Mama Celeca’s matchmaking shoes, I hope.”

      “Just an idea. You seem … interested.”

      “You saw us together for less than a minute.”

      “It was all the time I needed to see that you think she’s different.”

      “Hold on.” Mateo got to his feet. “Just because you’ve found the one, doesn’t mean I need to be pushed down any aisle.”

      “Maybe it’d make a difference if you didn’t fight it quite so hard?”

      “Fight what?”

      Both men’s attention flew in the direction of that third voice. Natalie stood in the living room doorway. While Mateo withered—was Bailey a step behind, within earshot?—Alex pushed to his feet and crossed to his wife.

      “Nothing, honey,” he said, stealing a quick kiss. “Is the baby okay? How’s Bailey?”


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