One Kiss in... Paris. Robyn Grady

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One Kiss in... Paris - Robyn Grady Mills & Boon M&B

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did a double take then all but fell back into his seat.


      While the bikini-girl turned glamour-queen crossed the room, looking as if she’d worn Chanel all her life, Natalie clasped her hands under her chin and exclaimed, “Isn’t she gorgeous?”

      Mateo knew he was smiling. He wanted to agree. Unfortunately he was too stunned—too delighted—to find his voice.

      “The first time Mateo and I came to this place, we were twenty-two,” Alex explained as a uniformed Maxim’s waiter showed the foursome to a table next to the dance floor.

      “Twenty-three,” Mateo amended, his hand a touch away from Bailey’s elbow as they navigated tables of patrons enjoying their meals and tasteful atmosphere, including tinkling background music. “You’d just had a cast off your arm after a spill on your skateboard.”

      “You rode a skateboard at twenty-three?” Natalie laughed as she lowered into a chair the waiter had pulled out for her.

      Alex ran a finger and thumb down his tie. “And very well, might I add.”

      While the waiter draped linen napkins over laps, Bailey tried to contain the nerves jitterbugging in her belly. She’d dined at similar establishments, although not since her mother had died. In the old days her family had enjoyed dinner out at least once a week, but never to this particular restaurant. Wearing this glamorous dress and these dazzling earrings, not to mention the fabulous silver heels, she felt as if a magic wand had been waved and she’d emerged from her baby throw-up moment as a returned modern-day princess. For a day that had started out horrendously, she was feeling pretty fine now. Not even tired. Although catch-up jet lag would probably hit when she least expected it.

      Until then she’d lap up what promised to be a wonderful night.

      Some people you couldn’t help but like. Natalie and Alex were that kind of folk. And Mateo … she’d wondered what he’d be like in friends’ company. His smile was broader. His laugh, deeper. And when his gaze caught hers, the interested approval in his heavy-lidded eyes left her feeling surreal and believing that tonight they might have met for the first time.

      “I must confess,” Natalie said, casting an eye over the menu. “I love not having to think about the dishes.”

      “I help with that,” Alex pointed out, teasing.

      “And I love you for it.” Natalie snatched a kiss from her husband’s cheek then found Bailey’s gaze. “Do you like to cook?”

      “I’m no expert. But I would like to learn how to prepare meals the way they do in Italy.” The dishes she’d enjoyed there had been so incredibly tasty and wholesome.

      Natalie tipped her head toward Mateo. “You know your date’s a bit of a chef?”

       Her date?

      Hoping no one noticed her blush, Bailey merely replied, “Really?”

      “We go over for dinner at least every month,” Natalie added.

      Mateo qualified, “Nothing fancy. Just a way of remembering home.”

      “His crepes are mouth-watering,” Natalie confided.

      Bailey thought for a moment. “Aren’t crepes French?”

      “Mateo spent his first years there.” As soon as the words were out, Natalie’s expression dropped. “That probably wasn’t my place to say.”

      While Mateo waved it off, Bailey puzzled over what the drama with France could be. He must have seen her curiosity.

      “I lived in an orphanage the first six years of my life.”

      All the air left Bailey’s lungs as images of dank, dark corridors and rickety cots with children who lacked love’s warm touch swam up in her mind. She couldn’t imagine it, particularly not for Mateo Celeca. Her lips moved a few times before she got out a single, “Oh.”

      “It wasn’t so bad,” Mateo said, obviously reading her expression. “The people who ran it were kind. We had what we needed.”

      “Mateo sponsors the orphanage now,” Alex chipped in as, wine menu in hand, he beckoned a waiter.

      Bailey sat back. Of course. Yesterday Mateo had mentioned he was a benefactor. She hadn’t thought beyond the notion that any donations would be the act of someone who had the means to make a difference to others’ lives. She hadn’t stopped to think his work in France might be more personal. That he was paying homage to a darker past and wanted to help those who were in the same underprivileged position he’d once been.

      “It’s difficult for them to find funds,” Mateo was saying, pouring more water. “A small bit goes a long way.”

      “You’re too modest,” Alex said.

      Natalie added, “Wouldn’t surprise me if one day you come back with someone who needs a good home.”

      “I’m hardly in a position.”

      Mateo’s reply sounded unaffected. But Bailey detected a certain faraway gleam in his eye. Would Mateo consider adopting if he were in the position? If he were married?

      She tried to focus on Natalie’s words … something about looking forward to dessert. But, as much as she tried, Bailey couldn’t shake the vision of Mateo playing with a child of his own with a faceless Mrs. Celeca smiling and gazing on. Not her, of course. She wasn’t after a husband—or certainly not this soon after her recent hairy experience. One day she wanted to be part of a loving couple—like Natalie and Alex—but right now she was more than happy to be free.

      Did Mateo feel the same way? Natalie wondered, stealing a glance at the doctor from beneath her lashes. Or could Mama’s perennial bachelor be on the lookout for a suitable wife slash mother for an adopted child?

      Finishing dessert, a moist, scrumptious red velvet cake, Bailey gave a soft cry when some chocolate sauce slipped from her spoon and caught the bodice of her dress. She slid a fingertip over the spot to scoop up the drop, which only smeared the sauce. Bailey didn’t wear these kinds of labels, but she knew something about the price tags. Often they cost more than her airfare home.

      With dread filling her stomach, Bailey turned to Natalie. “I’ll pay to have it dry-cleaned.”

      But Natalie wasn’t troubled.

      “Keep the dress, if you want. It’s too snug on me after the baby anyway. In fact, there’s a heap of things you could take off my hands, if you’d like.”

      Eyes down, Bailey dabbed the spot with her napkin. She was grateful for the offer but also embarrassed. Over dinner, they’d discussed her travels and lightly touched on the Emilio affair. Mention had been made of Mateo’s suggestion she stay a couple of days as well as Natalie’s proposal of work. Now the offer of a designer wardrobe.

      She was beginning to feel as if she constantly had her hand out.

      Bailey set aside the napkin. “That’s very kind, Natalie. But you don’t need to do that.”


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