From Paris With Love Collection. Кэрол Мортимер

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From Paris With Love Collection - Кэрол Мортимер Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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Saturday morning at breakfast, she said, ‘Right, you need to get out of the house.’

      ‘What?’ Dylan looked at her as if she were speaking Martian.

      ‘Waiting. It’s the pits. And if you stay in and try and concentrate on work, you’ll end up brooding. So you’re coming out with Ty and me to get some fresh air. Isn’t he, Ty?’

      The baby gurgled and banged his spoon against the tray of his high chair. ‘Dih-dih!’

      ‘It sounds as if you have something in mind,’ Dylan said.

      Emmy nodded. ‘I’ve been making a list of places to go with him. We can always go to the park with the slide and the swings on sunny days, but it’s no good on rainy or cold days. And this is one I’ve been looking forward to.’

      * * *

      She was mysterious about where they were going, and Dylan didn’t have a clue until they were standing outside what looked like an Edwardian greenhouse with a large banner that proclaimed it to be the House of Butterflies.

      When they were inside, he discovered that the greenhouse was full of lush vegetation and had a slightly humid, warm atmosphere. He could hear the sound of water falling, so he realised there must be a fountain somewhere. There were butterflies of all sizes and colours, some huge and vivid. He’d never seen so many in one place before.

      Ty seemed to love it, watching the butterflies opening and closing their wings as they perched on a flower or fluttered overhead. He reached out to them, waggling his fingers as if copying the movement of their wings.

      ‘Look—those people over there are standing very still, and the butterflies are landing on them,’ Emmy exclaimed, looking enchanted.

      She tried it herself, and her face was suffused with wonder when a butterfly landed on her. Dylan wished for a second that he had a camera to capture that expression.

      They wandered through the different sections of the enormous greenhouse, looking at the butterflies and the flowers; Dylan was surprised by how much it made him relax.

      ‘Thank you for bringing me here. I was getting a bit scratchy. Sorry, I haven’t been very nice to live with.’

      She patted his arm, and the feel of her skin against his made him tingle. ‘That’s OK. I was the same when I was waiting. And you did the same for me, when you took me to the sea,’ she said. ‘I just thought this might be something different.’

      ‘I would never have thought to go to a butterfly house.’

      ‘To be fair, it hasn’t been open for that long, so you probably wouldn’t have known about it.’ She smiled at him. ‘Do you mind if I take a few photos?’

      ‘Sure, go ahead. I’ll take Ty.’

      He took over the pushchair, and she took various photographs with her phone. Including, to his surprise, the roof of the greenhouse. He’d expected her to concentrate on the butterflies. Then again, Emmy seemed to see things in a different way from most people.

      In the next section, there was a terrarium full of chrysalises, and they could actually see some of the pupae emerging from their cocoons.

      ‘That’s amazing. I never saw anything like that when I was a kid,’ Dylan said.

      ‘Did you have a garden?’

      He nodded. ‘My grandparents had a huge garden, and my gran loved butterflies and bees—she had shrubs to attract them. My grandfather preferred the more practical stuff, growing fruit and vegetables. And I used to have to help weed the garden whenever I was there.’

      ‘Sounds as if you weren’t keen.’

      ‘I was a child,’ he said. ‘But I’ve never had a garden since.’

      And they’d neglected Pete and Ally’s garden, just mowing the lawn.

      In the section after, there was a waterfall and a pond with huge red and white goldfish. Emmy unbuckled Tyler from his pushchair and held him up so he had a good view of the pond. ‘See the red fish, Ty?’

      ‘Fiiih,’ said the little boy.

      He saw the shock on Emmy’s face and the way she suddenly held Tyler that little bit tighter, as if she’d been near to dropping him. ‘Did you hear that, Dylan? He said “fish”!’

      ‘I heard.’ And it was crazy to feel so proud of him. Then again, Tyler was the nearest he’d ever get to having a son. Something he’d always thought he didn’t want, but now he knew he did.

      Tyler clapped his hands with delight, and Emmy beamed at him. ‘Clever boy.’

      * * *

      This, Emmy thought, was the perfect day. Tyler learning a new word. Sharing this amazing spectacle with him and with Dylan. And the butterfly house definitely seemed to have taken Dylan’s mind off the wait to hear from Ted Burroughs.

      In the next section, Dylan found a giant stripy caterpillar and pointed it out to the baby. ‘Hey, Tyler, what pillar doesn’t need holding up? A caterpillar!’

      He chuckled, and the baby laughed back. And Emmy was enchanted. The joke was terrible, but Stuffy Dylan would never have done something like that. He was definitely changing and she really liked the man he was becoming.

      ‘We’ll have to take him to the zoo. I’ve noticed he really likes that tiger story you bought him,’ she said.

      ‘Maybe we could go next weekend?’ he suggested. ‘Though it’s your weekend off.’

      ‘No, that’d be good. I’d like that.’

      ‘And maybe we can look at planting things in the garden,’ he said, ‘flowers that butterflies really like. Then, next summer, when Tyler plays in the garden he might get to see a few butterflies.’

      And maybe it would also bring back nice memories of his grandmother, Emmy thought. Dylan had mentioned her before; and she had the strongest feeling that he’d been closer to his grandmother than he was to his mother. He certainly missed her, from what he’d let slip.

      ‘That’s a great idea,’ she said. ‘Though I had a flat so I’m afraid I’m not much of a gardener. I tended to have cut flowers rather than houseplants. Ally bought me a couple and...well, let’s just say I don’t have green fingers.’

      ‘We’ll learn,’ he said. ‘Looking after a garden can’t be any harder than bringing up a baby, and we’re managing fine with Tyler.’

      Emmy felt warm inside that not only were they working together as a team, he was also acknowledging that. And this was beginning to feel like being part of a real family. It was taking time, but they were finally bonding.

      She was fascinated by the terrarium with the dragonflies in the next section. ‘Just look at the colours,’ she said, pointing them out to Tyler. ‘Blue and green dragonflies.’

      ‘Fiiih,’ the baby said again.

      She laughed and rubbed the tip of her nose against his. ‘Fly, sweetie, not

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