Wish Upon a Matchmaker. Marie Ferrarella

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Wish Upon a Matchmaker - Marie Ferrarella Matchmaking Mamas

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belongs to Maizie Sommers. She’s a Realtor who owns her own company. She said she needs the name of a good general contractor to recommend to her clients.”

      He had never believed in coincidences or good fortune without there being strings of some sort, no matter how invisible, attached.

      Consequently, Stone regarded the card in his hand with more than a smattering of suspicion. “And she just walked up to you and said, ‘Hmm, you look like you probably know a good general contractor,’ as she handed her card to you?”


      Virginia closed her eyes, doing her best to get herself under control. She knew she’d gotten too excited, but the picture that Maizie Sommers had painted for her earlier today had filled her with hope. It had been a very long time since she’d seen her brother with more than an obligatory smile on his lips.

      And, like her niece, she really didn’t care for the woman he was currently seeing. Try as she might, she couldn’t get herself to warm up to Elizabeth Wells—and she definitely didn’t see the woman as being Ginny’s stepmother. For one thing, the woman was not the patient sort.

      “Okay, from the top,” Virginia announced. “And this time,” she told her brother, “try to pay attention, all right?”

      “Yes, ma’am,” Stone replied, executing a mock salute and doing his best to be patient.

      Stone had just been on the receiving end of disappointing news. The owners of a house he was scheduled to begin work on had just changed their minds and canceled the project on him. That didn’t exactly put him in the best of moods.

      He didn’t have time to waste like this. There were cages he needed to rattle in order to replace the work he’d lost. But Virginia had gotten right in his face and insisted that he listen to her.

      “Well?” Stone prodded.

      Virginia took a deep breath. She decided that she would stay as close to the truth as possible without coming right out and telling her brother that he was being set up—not to take a fall, but to fall in love. If he even suspected that, he would never agree to any of this. And he needed to agree because, at the very least, he would wind up earning some money doing what he did best these days—working with his hands.

      Five years ago, he’d been an aerospace engineer. But that industry was all but dead in Southern California, so he had fallen back on what he’d done while working his way through college. He’d worked in construction.

      But now that was on shaky grounds. The economy had taken a bite out of everyone’s livelihood and his line of work was seeing a definite downturn. Remodeling was a luxury people felt they could put off until later without any major consequences. Virginia was confident that her brother wouldn’t turn down work.

      She just had to sell him on how this had all come about.

      “Okay, from the top,” Virginia said, echoing his words, then started with her narrative. “I took Ginny out for some ice cream.”

      Stone looked a wee bit exasperated. “Just what she needs, more sugar.” He loved his daughter more than life itself, but there were times when getting her to behave was a challenge—one that wore him out. Stone slanted a glance toward his only child. Ginny had been in constant motion since she and Virginia had walked in. “Is that why she’s bouncing five inches off the ground?” he asked.

      “You’re interrupting,” Virginia accused, frowning at him.

      He suppressed a sigh and waved his sister on. “Sorry, continue.”

      “Anyway, we went to that old-fashioned ice cream parlor at the Brubaker Mall, and I got her an ice cream cone. They had so many wonderful flavors to choose from, I couldn’t resist so I decided that I’d get one, too—it’s been a while since I just indulged in a treat,” she explained by way of a sidebar.

      “The point, Virginia, Get to the point,” Stone directed. Ever since they were children, the shortest distance between two points for Virginia had never once been a straight line; it always wound up being an elaborate journey—a very pronounced squiggly line if he didn’t adamantly put his foot down about it.

      “Okay. While I was getting myself a cone, Ginny decided to go exploring—” Catching her lower lip between her teeth, Virginia slanted a side glance in her brother’s direction. She was waiting to get the inevitable explosion out of the way.

      Stone was looking sharply at his daughter. “Ginny, you know better than to go running off like that.”

      Rather than protest, Ginny surprised him by looking down contritely at her shoes and murmuring, “Yes, Daddy.”

      It wasn’t that his only child was willful. She was just extremely exuberant and given to incredibly energetic enthusiasm. This apparent remorse, however, was a whole different side of her he’d never seen before.

      Had something put the fear of consequences into his little girl?

      Concerned, Stone glanced back at his sister for a further explanation.

      Virginia instantly obliged. “I caught up with Ginny just next door. She’d wandered into a real estate office,” she told him.

      Stone could only stare at his sister. Ginny in a toy store he could understand, but what could have possibly attracted his precocious child to walk into a real estate office?

      “Why?” he asked, looking from Ginny to his sister and then back again, waiting for one of them to give him a satisfactory answer.

      Virginia was at a loss as to how to explain this part and was about to say she had no idea why Ginny did half the things she did when Ginny suddenly said, “I heard you say that you didn’t know if you could find enough work to pay the bills, so I asked the lady if any of the houses in the pictures needed fixing—’cause you could do it.”

      Virginia was as stunned as her brother with her niece’s creative explanation. It took her a beat to pick up the lifeline that had just been thrown her way.

      “As it turned out, she did,” Virginia confirmed belatedly. “Your daughter charmed her,” Virginia said, putting her arm around Ginny’s small shoulders, “and instead of just ushering us out, the woman said that as a matter of fact, she was currently looking for a good general contractor for her reference file. Naturally, Ginny and I told her you were the best, so she gave me her card and said that you should call her when you had the time.”

      It sounded like a fairy tale, but in there somewhere Stone assumed was the truth, otherwise, why had the woman given his sister her card? And, since he suddenly found himself unexpectedly free, what did he have to lose by calling?

      “Well,” Stone said slowly, looking the card over again, “I could always use another contact but …” He glanced at his daughter, concerned and reading his own interpretation into what she’d just said. “Honey, we’re going to be just fine,” he assured her. “I don’t want you worrying about things like bills for a long time to come. I’ll take care of us,” he promised.

      “Yes, Daddy.” Ginny smiled at him. It was the same smile he’d seen on her mother’s face, Stone thought with a pang. A smile he missed seeing. “I just wanted to help,” she told him.

      “You do, honey, just

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