Wish Upon a Matchmaker. Marie Ferrarella

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Wish Upon a Matchmaker - Marie Ferrarella Matchmaking Mamas

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her index finger and middle finger on both hands and held them up for him to see as he took out his cell phone.

      We’ve got a great little girl, Eva. God but I wish you were here to see her, Stone couldn’t help thinking as he called the number on the card.

      He had no way of knowing that his daughter wasn’t crossing her fingers because she was hoping he’d wind up with a job. Ginny was hoping that the “nice lady at the agency” would do for her father what she’d already done for Greg’s father and that was to find her father someone who would be her new mommy.

      Stone returned his daughter’s hopeful smile as he heard the phone ringing on the other end.

      It rang a total of two times and then he could hear the other end pick up. A sunny voice was saying, “This is Maizie Sommers, how can I help you?”

      Stone turned away from his daughter and his sister, focusing his attention on the person on the other end of the call.

      “Ms. Sommers, this is Stone Scarborough—” He got no further than that.

      “Ah, yes,” Maizie said warmly, “the general contractor. I’ve been waiting for your call.”

      Her admission caught him off guard. “You have?” Was business on her end bad, too? And if so, then what sort of work could she possibly have for him? Still, he’d called so he might as well see where this actually wound up leading.

      “Absolutely,” she replied. “Are you by any chance available tonight?”

      “Tonight?” he echoed, wondering if he’d just made a big mistake.

      Something didn’t seem right. Maybe this woman wasn’t looking for a general contractor but for something else entirely. Granted this Maizie Sommers didn’t sound as eager and excited as Virginia had when she’d told him about this, but the woman was incredibly cheerful. Too cheerful to be talking strictly about work.

      Several possibilities ran through his head, but he tamped them down until he had more to go on. No point in thinking the worst—yet.

      “Yes. Or if that’s too short a notice for you, then perhaps tomorrow evening might be better for you.”

      She kept specifying evenings, which made it sound way too much like making arrangements for a date. “Why not in the daytime?” he asked suspiciously.

      The woman took the question in stride, making it sound as if she was already prepared for it. Maybe he was being too suspicious, Stone told himself.

      “I’m afraid the woman I’m giving your name to isn’t available during the daytime,” Maizie told him. “At least, not until the weekend. She’s busy taping her program during the day,” Maizie explained.

      “Her program?” Stone repeated, confused.

      This was a lot like talking to Virginia, he thought, wondering if vague obscurity was a gender thing or if he was just slow, the way Virginia had accused him of being. Either way, he was in need of either a further explanation—or subtitles.

      “Yes, she has a daily cooking show broadcast on a cable network and right now, her weekdays are taken up taping the program before a studio audience. When she first came out here and signed her contract,” Maizie continued proudly, “I sold her this lovely house. That was about six months ago.

      “I got her a really good deal on the house, but that was because the owner was in a hurry to sell. The house needed a lot of work and it was sold as is. She didn’t have the time then, or, I suspect, the money, for repairs. The poor dear was just starting out. But the program’s doing really well and she feels that she can finally afford to have the house fixed up the way she’d like.” Maizie paused for a moment, letting that all sink in before she asked him, “Are you interested, Mr. Scarborough?”

      It was work. He was more than interested. “Yes, of course I am.” But he had a question of his own. “Don’t you want to see some of my work before you refer me to someone?”

      She liked the fact that he was cautious and that he wasn’t trying to rush her into any sort of an agreement. For her part, she had already researched his background and had seen all she needed to. Virginia Scarborough had shown her a photograph of her brother and given her enough background information to get her started in the right direction.

      She felt she had the perfect match for Ginny’s father. Matches usually didn’t present themselves this quickly. They ordinarily took a little time. However, this time she’d thought of Danni almost immediately.

      That, to her, was a very good sign.

      “Your sister and daughter speak quite highly of you, Mr. Scarborough.”

      “And that’s enough?” he asked rather skeptically.

      “Yes,” Maizie told him with feeling, and then added with a slight chuckle, “of course, what I saw on your webpage didn’t exactly hurt, either.”

      “My webpage?” Stone echoed, confused. He turned to look quizzically at his sister as he said it. This was all news to him.

      “Yes, your sister very kindly gave me the URL address. I must say it was very impressive, Mr. Scarborough,” Maizie said warmly. “If my house was in need of work, I would hire you in a minute.”

      He supposed that was good news, but he was still a little confused. “Thanks,” he murmured belatedly.

      Poor man was probably still trying to figure out what hit him, Maizie thought, amused.

      “So, do I have your permission to pass your name on to my client?” she asked. Maizie had learned that it never paid to appear to take things for granted. People liked the illusion of being in charge of their own fate—even when they weren’t.

      “Yes, of course,” Stone said with feeling. If this was on the level—and it was beginning to sound that way—he definitely wanted the work. He made a point of never turning anything down.

      “Wonderful,” Maizie said, enthused. “I’m sure you’ll be hearing from her shortly,” she promised. “Just so you know, her name is Danni Everett.”

      “Danni Everett,” he repeated.

      Despite what the woman on the other end of the line had said about a cooking program on one of the cable channels, the name was not familiar to him. But then, he didn’t exactly spend his days watching cable channels or any other channels for that matter. When he wasn’t working—or trying to land work—he spent time with Ginny. That meant being outdoors, not locked in some room with the TV on, tuned to some brain-crushing program.

      Stone politely ended the call and then turned to look at his sister again.

      “My webpage?” he asked. “I thought we were going to discuss that.” The last he remembered, he’d told Virginia he’d get back to her. She’d obviously decided to go on without him.

      “We did discuss it,” Virginia told him innocently. “You said we’d talk about it when you had time. I decided that would take too long so I just put a few simple things together. You can change it any way you want.”

      “Oh, thanks,” he said sarcastically.

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