Need You Now. Yahrah St. John

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Need You Now - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Kimani

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“And she wanted to make a good impression.”

      “You know I was surprised Andrew Jackson wasn’t at the premiere,” her father said. “He always did like a good show.”

      A silence came over the table, as the Jackson family was persona non grata in the Adams household.

      “I ran into him last week,” Kayla responded. “He was really interested in the fact that we were starting a new fragrance and mentioned that he just so happened to have been in France.”

      “The fragrance capital of the world.” Shane rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Jackson could be up to something.

      “Watch out for him,” Byron said. “He’s always been envious of our success.”

      “Oh, trust me, Daddy, I’ve got an eye on him at all times,” Kayla said, laughing.

      “That’s good to hear. You’ll need it,” her mother said. “Anyway, you received a dozen calla lilies. They are on the table in the foyer.”

      “Really?” Kayla asked. She couldn’t fathom who might have sent them. “From whom?”

      “That’s what we were wondering,” Shane responded. “Do you have a secret admirer?”

      Kayla rose from the table, but Victor was already on it and bringing her the card from the flowers. When had he sneaked out of the room? “Thank you, Victor.”

      “You’re welcome,” Victor said.

      “So, who are they from?” Courtney inquired. “A new beau, perhaps?”

      “Yeah, right. That’s the last thing I need right now,” Kayla said, pulling the card out of the envelope. She was surprised at the name on the card and had to read the message twice for fear she was hallucinating. The card stated, “Dinner. Tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. Will pick you up. Ethan.”

      Why was Ethan sending her flowers? And did he think he could just order her to dinner and she would comply? “Anyway, it’s no one important.” She placed the card back in the envelope and slid it inside her purse.

      “Hmm…if it’s no one important, you should tell us,” Shane said from her side.

      Kayla glared at Shane before rising from the table. “Umm, I don’t think I’m hungry after all.” She grabbed her purse. “I’ll see you all later.” She quickly rushed out of the room. She had business to attend to, namely, setting Ethan Graham straight.

      Ethan had just prepared himself an after-dinner cocktail and was relaxing in his living room when his doorbell rang. He had a loft in the city, but after living abroad the past few years while expanding Graham International, he much preferred his nine-bedroom, nine-bath mansion in Tuxedo Park.

      He answered the door himself because he’d told the staff they could retire for the evening. So not only was the visitor shocked to see him answer the door, but he was equally shocked to see her. “Kayla!”

      “Ethan.” Kayla pushed past him into the foyer. “I need to talk to you.” She stood in the hallway, then began pacing back and forth.

      Ethan smiled. She must have received his flowers, and if the furious expression on Kayla’s face was any indication, she was not happy about it. “And this couldn’t wait until our dinner tomorrow night?”


      “Well, then, by all means let’s talk.” He motioned with his arm for Kayla to follow him. He led her down the hall to the study where he’d been reading.

      Once in the study, Kayla let him have it. “You have no right to send me a summons.”

      “A summons?” Ethan’s brow rose. “I believe you’re mistaken. It was an invitation to dinner.”

      Kayla pulled the envelope from her purse. “This was not an invitation because you did not expect to be turned down.”

      Ethan sat down with his decanter in hand and folded one leg over the other. He sipped before speaking. “And I presume you are here at this hour—” he looked at his Movado watch and it read eight o’clock “—to decline my invitation.”

      “I will not be ordered around, especially by you.”

      Ethan’s mouth formed an O. “Especially by me. Why is that, Kayla? What do you have against me? Correct me if I’m wrong—” he rubbed his beard thoughtfully “—but had we not been interrupted the other night, you and I would have finally shared that long-awaited kiss you’ve always wanted. So what exactly is so abhorrent about sharing dinner with me?”

      “You’re wrong!” Kayla responded even though her face turned several shades of red.

      “Am I?” Ethan rose from the chair. “I think it’s time we find out exactly what’s between us. Don’t you?”

      Kayla took a step back. “I wouldn’t share a meal with you if I was dying of hunger.”

      Ethan chuckled. “Well, fortunately, you’re not.”

      “Which is why I’m declining.”

      “I refuse to take no for an answer.”

      “You may not be used to hearing the word no, Ethan, but I meant what I said the other night. I want no part of you or your company.”

      “Those are mighty big words for a woman in a bind. I would think you’d be chomping at the bit to pitch your investment strategy to me personally, as I am Graham International.”

      “I have been looking after my family’s company for a long time, Ethan, and I most certainly don’t need you to bail me out.”

      Ethan placed the decanter on a side table and walked toward her. Kayla stood up ramrod straight. She refused to be bullied by Ethan and was determined to stand up to him, even though butterflies were jumping around in her stomach at his nearness. She took a deep breath and calmed herself.

      “No, I don’t imagine you need me just yet.” Ethan’s fierce brown eyes focused on hers, and Kayla found she couldn’t turn away from his piercing gaze that was drenched with hunger. “But you want me.”

      Kayla swallowed hard.

      “Oh, yes.” He watched Kayla nervously look downward. “You want me, but you’re afraid to show it. But that’s all right, I have no problem going for what I want.” Ethan grabbed Kayla by the shoulders and his mouth slammed down on hers, stealing her breath and fracturing her thoughts into a million pieces. Before she knew what was happening, he had her up against the bookshelves and was pressing his body against her. He cupped the back of her head as his mouth kissed her with fervor.

      Kayla was unprepared for the onslaught of Ethan’s mouth on hers or the rush of excitement that coursed through her. She’d thought the kiss would be hard and fast but instead his lips were surprisingly gentle and soft as they searched hers. His tongue traced the outline of her lips and despite herself, she parted them, allowing him entry. His tongue slipped inside and he began plundering the inner recesses of her mouth. The kiss sent the pit of her stomach swirling and caused spirals of ecstasy to shoot straight through her. When he began

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