Need You Now. Yahrah St. John

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Need You Now - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Kimani

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to approach.”

      “Kay, can you for once not think about business and let your hair down and have some fun? I sure intend to.” Shane went rushing off toward a group of beautiful women nearby that were ogling his good looks.

      The dress was her letting her hair down, Kayla thought to herself. Kayla glanced around the room anxiously, wringing her hands. Why was she so nervous? It wasn’t like she hadn’t been to a hundred of these events before. Deep down, she knew why. Ethan Graham was expected to attend. All the gossip blogs were talking about who the elusive bachelor would attend the gala with. Would he be like his father and wait until later in life to marry? Kayla didn’t know.

      She recalled their encounter in France a few years ago, when she’d made polite pleasantries and retreated as fast as she could from his overpowering male presence. But recently, despite all her best efforts, the man seemed to be haunting her daytime thoughts and nighttime dreams. It had to be because he’d suddenly shown interest in Adams Cosmetics, because she refused to believe it could be something more.

      Kayla was happy when her eyes fixed on a certain redheaded entertainment reporter working the room with her cameraman. “Piper!” She waved enthusiastically at her oldest and dearest friend. Piper was petite, barely reaching five feet, with shockingly vibrant red hair and freckles spread over her fair skin, but no one could deny that when she was on-screen, you couldn’t take your eyes off her.

      “Kay.” Piper stopped short when she crossed the room to her friend. “I’m loving the dress!” She turned to her cameraman. “Let’s take a quick break. I’ll find you in a bit.” He nodded before walking away.

      Kayla blushed, but gave a twirl. “You like?’

      “Oh, yeah.” Piper nodded. “Do you have your eye on someone tonight?” she asked, glancing around the room.

      “Why would you say that?” Kayla chuckled nervously.

      “Because you never show all the goods.” Piper motioned to the side slit.

      “What’s wrong with being a little sexy?” Kayla inquired. “There’s a time and a place for it.”

      “And clearly tonight is the night.” Piper laughed. “Let’s grab some champagne. They have the good stuff.” She tugged at Kayla’s arm.

      “Sure, sure.” Kayla glanced over her shoulder uneasily. It felt as if someone was watching her, but when she turned around and found no one she brushed it off and joined Piper at the bar.

      “She’s here,” Ethan stated from across the dance floor. Photos had done Kayla little justice. They didn’t capture just how sexy and beautiful the executive truly was. Luscious full lips, a mass of sexy wavy hair and legs that went on for miles. Ethan could feel his body temperature rising just looking at her.

      He watched Kayla glide to the bar in a delicious confection of a dress. When she walked, it showed a very nice expanse of leg that was causing blood to rush through his veins. He watched as she sipped her champagne flute. Oh, how he wished he was that glass to receive those full lips of hers.

      “She is, as are all the Adamses,” Daniel returned.

      “Of course.” Ethan nodded, drinking his scotch. “And I think it’s time I reacquainted myself with Ms. Adams.”

      “Good luck,” Daniel said as Ethan strolled toward the women.

      Kayla and Piper were discussing Piper’s latest report about an up-and-coming actress who couldn’t seem to get off drugs and alcohol. Suddenly, Kayla felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand at attention.

      Kayla swung around and found herself staring up into a pair of dark brown eyes that were intensely focused on her. Although she’d known Ethan Graham might attend, she’d wanted their first meeting to be on her terms, so she could be prepared. Not like this—she wasn’t prepared to have the full magnitude of those sexy brown eyes on her. And the years, well, they had been good to him. She surmised he’d just hit forty, but that didn’t matter, because he was still the most magnificent specimen of a man she’d ever laid her eyes on.

      Ethan still had a sinfully sculpted face with a square jaw that would make any woman weak at the knees. He towered over her at six foot three and looked debonair in a black tuxedo minus a tie. What was the saying, the suit made the man? In this case, it was the opposite—the man absolutely made the suit look good.

      Piper was the first to speak. She was used to being around gorgeous celebrities as an entertainment reporter. “Ethan Graham.” She extended her hand. “Pleasure to see you again.”

      “You, as well, Piper.” Ethan smiled at the redhead. “It’s been a while. I remember you running around in your knickers with Kayla.”

      Immediately Kayla flushed at the memory of Ethan catching her and Piper running around in their boy-short pajamas when he and his father stopped by for a visit to their house.

      “So very gentlemanly of you to remind us, Ethan.” Kayla finally found her voice.

      Ethan smiled broadly, showing a perfect smile and straight white teeth. He’d ruffled her feathers. “Well, I’m no gentleman.” His voice was low and masculine.

      “I’ve heard that.” Piper jumped into the action. “The paparazzi do seem fascinated with your dating exploits.”

      “And it’s because of my exploits that celebrity reporters such as yourself do so well, yes?” Ethan responded, taking a sip of his scotch.

      “Touché.” Piper nodded.

      “Can I get you ladies another drink?” Ethan asked cordially as he noticed their flutes were empty.

      “I’m fine,” Piper answered, “but Kayla here could use one.” She could feel tension emanating out of Kayla’s every pore. “Matter of fact, why don’t I leave you to catch up? I have to mingle and find my cameraman.”

      Kayla glared at Piper. She couldn’t believe she was deserting her and leaving her alone with him, but she was. Piper was already making her way through the crowd while Ethan was fetching the bartender.

      When he’d finished ordering, he returned to face Kayla. “Well, that just leaves the two of us.” He smiled down at her.

      “Unfortunately.” She tried to calm the shivers that were running through her at his breathtaking grin.

      “Now who is being impolite?” Ethan’s brow rose.

      “C’mon Ethan, you and I haven’t seen each other in years and have nothing to catch up on.”

      “What if I’d like to change that?” Ethan handed her a glass of champagne from the bartender.

      Kayla chuckled but accepted the flute. “Oh, really?”

      “Yes. I think you could use a man like me right now.”

      “A man like you?” Kayla swallowed the lump in her throat. Could Ethan tell she was still attracted to him?

      Ethan watched the color drain from Kayla’s face. She thought he meant sexually and he did. But clearly she wasn’t ready for a little flirtation, so he switched gears. “Adams

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