A Texas Family. Linda Warren

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A Texas Family - Linda Warren Mills & Boon Superromance

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chest and wide shoulders that held her attention. A light citrus scent teased her nostrils. Swirls of brown chest hair peeped out from the V of his white shirt. Jared had had boyish good looks, but Carson had a raw masculinity that made her aware he was a man and she was a woman.

      “I was going to talk to him last night, but he wasn’t feeling well and my aunt gave him a sleeping pill so he could rest. When he wakes up, I’ll try again, but you have to understand he’s not the strong domineering man you remember. He’s never gotten over Jared’s murder, and he’s very fragile in his body and in his mind.”

      “I understand that.” She hitched the strap of her purse higher. “My mom is not doing well, either. She’s in her own little world. The tragedy has affected so many people, and it still lingers. My father’s murder was never solved. Either the authorities covered up for Asa or they didn’t care.”

      “Could we talk about that?”

      “The murders?”

      “Yes. I have a lot of questions.”

      She sighed. “What good will that do except to dredge up old heartaches and pain?”

      “The cases were closed very quickly, and I feel there is still evidence out there to help corroborate your story.”

      What was it about this man that made her see his point of view? “Okay. Okay. I’ll answer questions. Again, I might add.”

      “I appreciate that.”

      She turned toward the chair and noticed he was still standing by the door. “Are you afraid I’m going to sneak out?”

      “Just making sure,” he replied with a half grin. The tired expression was gone from his face, and she knew he could be quite persuasive if he applied himself.

      She resumed her seat, as did he. As she placed her purse back on the floor, she noticed the photo on his desk. Her nerves had been so helter-skelter when she was in the office before she hadn’t even seen it.

      “Your children?” She pointed to the photo.

      “Um...yeah. Trey and Claire.”

      The boy had brown hair and favored Carson. The little girl was her mother all the way. She remembered Beth Corbett—a beautiful blonde. Hilary had told her about Beth’s death. That had to have been hard to lose his brother and wife within a few years.

      “I’m sorry about your wife.” She felt she had to say something.

      “Thank you,” he replied in a neutral tone, signaling the subject was off-limits.

      He shuffled through the file. “Why did your dad shoot Jared? Was there an ongoing feud between them?”

      She lifted an eyebrow. “You mean because of me?”

      “Yes.” He looked up, his green eyes intense.

      “It may surprise you to know that my father had no interest in my or my sister’s lives. When he learned I was pregnant, he said at least I had enough sense to sleep with someone who had money.” She clenched her hands in her lap. Her childhood had been riddled with strife. Her father had been a decent person until he started drinking. Then he became abusive. They used to dread the sound of his truck in the driveway. Their mother would get them out of their beds and hurry them outside in the dark to hide. She would then take the brunt of his drunken rage.

      “Your father killing Jared makes no sense.” Carson’s voice penetrated her disturbing thoughts. “He had no motive.”

      “The sheriff and his deputies made up a motive by talking to people around town. They said my dad was trying to force Jared to marry me and nothing could be further from the truth.”

      “What was the truth?”

      “We graduated in May and worked all summer. The baby was due the first week in October, and we wanted to save enough money to rent an apartment in Austin. Before the baby was born, we planned to run away and get married.”

      “Who knew about the plan?”

      “No one. I didn’t even tell Hilary. We didn’t want Asa to find out.”

      “Can you prove any of this?”

      “Why do I need to prove anything?”

      His eyes held hers. “Because it would mean your father didn’t have a motive.”

      “My father didn’t know we were getting married,” she said rather tartly.

      He pulled a pad and pen forward. “Did you get a marriage license?”

      “Yes. In San Marcos.”

      “Did you rent an apartment?”

      “Yes. In Austin.” She gripped her hands again to keep the memories at bay. “Jared was killed the day before we were to leave.”

      Complete silence followed her words, and she took a moment to gather her shattered composure. Memories of that day were still very real and painful. But it was only a prelude of the misery to come.

      “Mr. Corbett...”

      “Could you please call me Carson?” His green eyes held hers, waiting.

      “I’d rather keep this formal.” She didn’t know why she was hesitating. She just didn’t want to be on friendly terms with him.

      “Willow Creek is as informal as you can get.”

      “But you and I are not friends. You and I will never be friends.”

      “I see,” he said in a flat tone, and for a moment she felt a twinge of guilt. But it passed quickly. He made her feel weak and she hated that. She would never be weak again.

      She reached for her purse and stood. “Dredging up the murders is not the reason I’m here. My child is the only reason I came back, and your father is the only one who has the answer. You’re stalling because you know I’m right.”

      He stood, too, his green eyes turning dark. “I’ve asked before, and your answer wasn’t satisfactory. Why are you coming back now? Why not eight years ago? Five years? You’ve left it rather late to play the mother card.”

      “How dare you! I don’t have to explain anything to you, and I’m not answering any more questions. You have until eight o’clock tonight to speak to your father. If I don’t hear from you, I’m calling my attorney.” She turned on her heel and walked out.

      In the car she was trembling so badly she had to take several deep breaths. She’d known this wasn’t going to be easy, but she’d never counted on her emotions betraying her. There was an attraction between them, very subtle, but it was there. No way was she letting her heart get involved with the enemy. And that was who Carson Corbett was—her worst enemy.

      * * *

      CARSON RAN BOTH hands through his hair. Son of a bitch! What had just happened? They were having a normal conversation and the next minute she was tearing into him like a cornered bobcat.

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