A Texas Family. Linda Warren

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A Texas Family - Linda Warren Mills & Boon Superromance

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cell buzzed and he reached for it on his belt. It was his aunt.

      “Carson, your father’s awake. He’s had a late breakfast and now he’s watching TV.”

      “I’ll be right there.”

      He locked up the office and headed for home. Driving down the winding road to the house, he glanced at his cows feeding on new coastal hay. It had taken him years, but he’d slowly built a good-size herd again. Yet the ranch was far from what it used to be. He couldn’t afford help, so when he wasn’t doing his constable job, he worked the ranch. His life ran at a grueling pace, but it kept him from thinking.

      Parking at the garages, he took a moment and then went in through the sunroom. Aunt Fran was in the kitchen, loading the dishwasher.

      She looked up, her face worried. “What’s this about, Carson?”

      “It’s not good.” He told her about Jena Brooks’s allegations.

      “That can’t be true.” She wiped her hands on a dish towel. “Asa wouldn’t do something like that.”

      “I’m not so sure. He was out of his mind with grief.”

      “I wish I could have gotten here sooner after Jared died, but I was in Australia and...”

      “You know Pa. You couldn’t have changed a thing. Where is he?”

      “In the den. Carson,” she called as he turned away. “Be patient.”

      He nodded and walked into the large Western-style room with dark walnut paneling, leather sofas, horse sculptures and a brightly colored area rug. His father sat in his chair, watching TV, a remote in his unsteady hand.

      Carson was reminded of the years he and Asa went head-to-head on just about everything. His father was a hard man, and his sons knew that better than anyone. Work was always on Asa’s mind, and he’d made sure his boys started working at an early age. Carson could remember pushing hay off the back of a truck to feed cows at six. After school, it was ranch work. Weekends were the same. Vacations were nonexistent. The only fun they’d had was hanging out with friends and playing sports. His father was the reason he’d joined the Marines. He’d had to get away to be his own man apart from his father’s insane views of life.

      His father was also an unforgiving man. He could remember the time Asa beat Jared to within an inch of his life for leaving a gate open. Cows got out and Asa was furious. Carson jumped in and pulled Asa off his little brother. They’d slept in the barn that night, and the next day Asa acted as if nothing had happened. There were so many days like that. Yet through it all they’d loved their father.

      But Jared’s murder had broken Asa. So much so that he’d allowed a worthless ranch hand to squander away everything he’d built. Carson shook the memories away.

      “Hi, Pa.”

      The chair buzzed as Asa turned it to face him.

      “I need to talk to you.”

      “About...what?” His robust voice was now a gravelly whisper.

      There wasn’t any way to do this but to say the words. “Jena Brooks is back in town.”

      “Bit-ch,” he spat, his leathery, lined face suffused with rage. “Killed...my...son. Bitch!”

      “Lamar Brooks killed Jared.”

      Asa heaved several deep breaths and drool ran out the corner of his mouth.

      “Stay calm.” Carson handed him the washcloth on the arm of the chair.

      Asa dabbed at his mouth.

      “Pa, there’s more.” He hated to keep on, but if he didn’t an investigator from the sheriff’s office would. “You okay?”

      Asa nodded.

      Carson measured his next words. “Ms. Brooks says Minnie Voltree gave her something to induce labor in the basement of this house. That you then took her baby from her and told her to get out of town or you would kill her.”

      There was no reaction on his father’s face, and Carson wondered if he’d heard what he’d said.

      “Pa, she’s come back for her child.”

      An evil grin spread across Asa’s face. “She...will...never...find it.”


      CARSON SANK ONTO the arm of the sofa. Stunned. Speechless.

      No denials. No indignation. No shock. Nothing but a glee in his dad’s eyes that was hard to explain. It was as if he’d been expecting this. Had been waiting for it. Waiting for the day he could have this moment. Of what? The ultimate revenge.

      He marshaled his chaotic thoughts. “You kidnapped Jena Brooks and took her baby?”

      Asa nodded once.


      “An eye...for an eye. A life...for a life. She...took...my boy. I took...her baby.”

      “That’s insane, Pa. And illegal.”

      His father stared at him with triumph in his dull eyes.

      Carson stood and raked both hands through his hair. “Where’s the baby?”

      Asa shook his head.

      “You don’t know? Or are you refusing to say?”

      Asa just stared at him.

      “Damn it, Pa. Jena Brooks works for a lawyer, and he will speak to the sheriff about her claims. The sheriff in turn will have questions for you. As the constable, I’m supposed to work closely with the sheriff. Do you understand that?”

      “So? Arrest...me.” Asa tried to hold out his shaky hands, but the left one barely left his lap.

      Carson drew in deeply, trying to figure out how to handle the situation. “Pa, talk to me. Tell me what happened. After Jared’s death, you were under a lot of stress and everyone knows that. Just talk to me, please.”

      Asa shook his head.

      Carson watched the mulish expression on his father’s face. He’d seen it many times, and he was especially reminded of the day he’d beaten Jared. He’d been bent on teaching his son a lesson. And now he was determined to teach Jena a lesson. Nothing would stand in his way. Not even jail. Nothing.

      But maybe there was something that would grab his attention. Something other than revenge. “Pa, that baby is Jared’s, so whatever...”

      “No!” he shouted, his whole body vibrating with rage. “Bitch...lied. Had Ro-land follow...her and...”

      “Roland lied to you just like he lied about everything else.”

      “No!” This time the denial wasn’t so forceful.

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