A Tempting Proposal. Sherelle Green

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A Tempting Proposal - Sherelle Green Mills & Boon Kimani

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      “You’re right. At one point you had my complete attention yesterday.” He dropped his voice even lower before continuing. “But it’s only fair that I call you on your crap, too. You’re attracted to me. You know it. I know it. I’m sure Mr. and Mrs. Sims know it. The difference is that you are playing with fire, Imani. You’re definitely not too much for me to handle and I’m not afraid to act on the attraction. No matter how confident you seem today, I remember how our chemistry caught you off guard before. If you want to play this game, then be prepared to be eating out of my hands. I’m good at what I do.”

      He was forgetting his manners, and for a minute, he regretted what he’d said because he knew it could be taken more than one way. Then he remembered that anything he could do to throw her off her game was a plus, since he really needed to get the estate.

      “Well, I have to go,” Imani said, clearly appalled by his egotistical comments. But like the pro he could tell she was, she quickly recovered and continued their conversation. “I’ll be busy rearranging my schedule, so it won’t conflict with planning the gala. How about we meet Friday?”

      Daman needed to make arrangements at work, too. “I’ll call you and work out the details for Friday.”

      Imani stood to leave and placed the schedule in her purse. “I look forward to it. And hopefully, you’ll check your arrogance at the door next time we meet,” she stated in a sharp tone.

      As Daman watched her walk out of the restaurant, he couldn’t help but admire how gracefully her juicy behind swayed in her suit. Her thickness should not be hidden under clothes.

      When he’d promised his father he would buy the estate with the lake view when the Simses were ready to sell, he didn’t think he’d be going up against such a beautiful woman. He settled the check and left the restaurant, knowing his body wouldn’t let him get any sleep tonight.

      Chapter 3

      “So Mr. and Mrs. Sims want you to plan one of the biggest galas of the year with one of the most sought-after bachelors in Detroit?” Mya Winters, one of Imani’s business partners and best friends walked into Imani’s office and sat in a chair near the desk. At twenty-nine, they were proud owners of Elite Events Incorporated, along with Imani’s twenty-seven-year-old sister, Cydney Rayne, and cousin, Lexus Turner.

      “You know Daman Barker?” Imani asked as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

      “I’ve heard his name around.”

      “And we’ve seen a picture or two,” Cyd added, as she and Lex walked into Imani’s office and took a seat on her sofa. “We also presented him with an offer to be featured in the most-eligible bachelors’ edition of our magazine in a few months. Didn’t you read the documents I placed on your desk?”

      “No, I didn’t. Sorry.”

      “That’s okay. I know you’ve been busy.”

      Truthfully, they’d all been busy, and Imani wished she hadn’t taken on so many additional projects. Although each woman ran their respective divisions, Imani knew that she sometimes took on more than she could handle in her own division. The same could be said for her involvement with her family.

      “So what are you going to do?” Lex asked the question, but all three women appeared to be listening intently.

      “I told the Simses and Daman that I accepted the proposal, but I don’t like feeling obligated to work with anyone. Regardless, I know I need to suck it up and play nice. Although Gamine never told me why she needed me to purchase the estate, she did say it would hold the answers I’ve been searching for. The estate is finally in my reach to purchase, and I’ve been waiting five years to see what answers may lie inside. Whether it be a box or a letter, I need to know.”

      The look between Cyd and Lex didn’t go unseen by Imani so she decided to divert from talking about Gamine.

      “Plus, my initial meeting with Daman didn’t go so well.”

      “Why not?” Mya asked.

      “He’s arrogant, cocky and thinks he’s God’s gift to women.”

      “Seems like most of the men we know,” Mya said with a laugh.

      “That may be true, but something about him gets under my skin. If last night was any indication of how working with him will be, then I need to really think about this.”

      “Hmmm...usually you’re so good with words that even the cocky guys eventually quit with that nonsense,” Cyd stated. “Could it be that your attraction to him is what’s really aggravating you?”

      Imani looked at Cyd in disbelief. “What makes you think I’m attracted to him?”

      “Oh, come on, girl,” Mya chimed in. “We’ve all seen his picture. Daman’s your type. Simple as that.”

      Imani sighed as she stood and glanced out her office window before turning her attention back toward the women. “That’s the other problem. When the Simses first introduced us, the attraction between us was obvious, and you all know my policy about fraternizing with men I work with.”

      The three women shook their heads at Imani’s comment.

      “You can’t constantly work hard and never allow yourself time to relax,” Lex said. “I can’t even remember the last time you were attracted to a man.”

      “That’s because I don’t have time for them.”

      Cyd walked over to Imani. “Last time I checked, you didn’t need a lot of time to enjoy a man’s company. Plus,” Cyd continued while nudging Imani’s shoulder, “you and Daman will only be partners for a short time.”

      “I know, but I need to stay focused. No one thought that four women as young as us could have built such a successful company so fast. That’s part of why you all don’t date, either, because deep down we know men equal trouble. And trouble makes us lose focus of our goals.”

      “I disagree,” Mya said. “At least we choose to date every now and then. But you haven’t let loose in a while, which is crazy considering how you used to be. Don’t you miss it?”

      Imani glanced up at her friends and business partners because she knew there were words left unspoken. Since Gamine’s death, Imani was far from the person she once was. She used to be more carefree and had no problem enjoying a man’s company or living in the moment. Gamine had always encouraged her to follow her dreams and start her own event-planning business. The fact that her best friend since college, sister and cousin all shared a similar dream was a huge plus. Each of them had talents in different areas, and their business took off like wildfire. Besides being founders of a successful business, they also owned several Boys & Girls Clubs and published their own bimonthly magazine. Each alternated as head planner per event and actively managed a different part of the company. Imani’s focus was on business management and sales; Cyd did marketing and advertising; Lex handled communications and public relations, and Mya worked on educational training and sponsorships. They were a force to be reckoned with, each having accomplished so much before the age of thirty.

      Coming out of her trance, Imani noticed that they were still waiting on her response to Mya’s question.


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