A Tempting Proposal. Sherelle Green

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A Tempting Proposal - Sherelle Green Mills & Boon Kimani

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was the first to speak. “Man, Jaleen told me about the proposal to plan the gala. That would be great exposure for R&W. You agreed, right?”

      “Of course.”

      “Great. Did you decide when you want to announce your partnership with R&W?”

      “I’m not sure, exactly. I’m still trying to tie up a few things at Barker Architecture before making the announcement, but I will definitely do it before the gala.”

      Taheim and Jaleen nodded in agreement.

      “Who are you planning the gala with?” Jaleen asked. “I don’t remember you telling me on the phone the other day.”

      Daman wished he’d been able to stop thinking about Imani.

      “A woman, and a very attractive woman at that. We didn’t get off to the best start. She thinks I’m arrogant and cocky. But you know me. I’m determined to show her my softer side.” He gave his best “all-American boy” look and placed his hands over his heart in exaggeration.

      Taheim laughed. “Already on the prowl, huh?”

      “Well, yeah, but there’s something about her. She’s educated, successful and confident, and I know she wants the gala to be a success, too.”

      “D, no offense, but the women you mess with are never educated, successful, or confident. Well, a couple have been, but not many.”

      “I know. She’s different.”

      “What’s her name?” Jaleen asked.

      “Imani Rayne.” No sooner than her name left his mouth, did Taheim spill his coffee on the table.

      “Is everything okay, man?” Daman asked.

      Taheim and Jaleen shared a look that didn’t go unseen by Daman. Taheim cleaned up the spilled coffee.

      “Yeah, man. I’m good. Have the two of you met yet?”

      Daman didn’t like not knowing what was up with his boys. He tried to squash the tinge of jealousy he felt. “Yeah, we met. Why? Did one of you date her or something?”

      “No,” both men replied in unison. They didn’t date each other’s exes, and he didn’t even know why he cared. It’s not like he wanted to date her. Daman Barker didn’t date; he entertained.

      Jaleen began to speak, but he was cut off by Taheim.

      “The truth is that we’ve heard of her and her family. Not much happens in Chicago that her family isn’t involved with socially or politically.”

      Jaleen nodded in agreement. “Not to mention she’s attractive, and so are all the women in her circle.”

      Daman felt like there was more to the story than either man was telling him, but he chose to ignore it.

      “Okay, well, she called me about the gala, and I was going to return her call right after this meeting. Could we talk more after I finish the call?”

      “Sure, man. We’ll talk at lunch or something.”

      * * *

      Daman walked into his tastefully decorated office, sat down at his desk and began dialing the number Imani had left in her message.

      “Thank you for calling Elite Events Incorporated. How may I direct your call?”

      “Hello. May I please speak with Imani Rayne?”

      “May I ask who’s calling?”

      “Daman Barker.”

      “One moment, Mr. Barker.”

      Daman enjoyed the upbeat R&B music that played in the background. It was much better than the dreadful elevator music most companies played when they put you on hold.

      Imani’s voice suddenly filled the line. “Hello, Daman. Thanks for returning my call so promptly.”

      “You’re welcome. I assume your call has something to do with the gala?”Although I wouldn’t mind if it were about something more personal.

      “Yes. I was wondering if we could meet tomorrow instead of Friday to discuss the plans. I’m going to make an appearance in Atlanta next week. So I figured I could introduce myself to the team when I get there.”

      “Okay, that sounds good. One of us should go to make sure we know the people we’re working with. Where do you want to meet?”

      “How about 6:00 p.m. at my place?”

      Daman was shocked. After dinner the other day, he figured most of their meetings would be in public places. “Your place?”

      “Yes, my place. Is that okay with you?”

      “Oh, yeah, that’s fine. I’ll be there. What’s your address?”

      After Daman hung up the phone, he thought about what tomorrow had in store. He knew Imani would try her best to remain collected around him, but he enjoyed making her nervous. She probably thought she hid it well, but she didn’t. He would use their mutual attraction to his advantage, and persuade her to give him the estate. One thing was on his side: women could be just as cutthroat as men, but they had more difficulty separating business from pleasure. Daman knew better. He played the game with his mind. Emotions only stood in the way and made you lose touch with reality. A woman didn’t stand a chance against a determined man, and after only two meetings, seducing Imani was at the top of his to-do list.

      Chapter 5

      Imani spent a full two hours trying to get ready for her meeting with Daman. She didn’t know why she was making such a big deal about seeing him. She kept reminding herself that it was strictly business and to ignore the discomfort she always felt in his presence. He was due to arrive in ten minutes, and she still felt mentally unprepared for his visit. She looked at herself in the mirror for the twentieth time.

      Man, I look good! She had chosen to dress casually. A clingy mahogany maxi dress softly hugged her curves and complemented her flawless complexion. The dress was sure to make his mouth water, putting her at a great advantage.

      The buzzer to the condo’s security desk rang.

      “Yes, Bernard?”

      “There’s a Mr. Barker here to see you.”

      “Thank you, Bernard. Please send him up.”

      With one more glance in the mirror, Imani took a deep breath and made her way to the door. Here goes nothing.... Opening her door, she was greeted by Daman’s seductive smile.

      “Hello, Imani. Nice to see you again.”

      “Likewise, Daman. Please come in.”

      As he made his way into her condo, she heard him take a deep breath. His eyes were burning a hole in her dress, causing her stomach to flutter. She moved to the couch and bent

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