The Wedding Wager. Sara Orwig

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The Wedding Wager - Sara Orwig Mills & Boon By Request

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with me?” he asked in amusement.

      She whipped around to give him a level look. “No. I’ll leave before I let that happen,” she remarked.

      “Here’s to the future and forgetting the past,” he said, ignoring her remark and raising his drink in a toast, even though he doubted he would ever lose all his bitterness toward her.

      “This is pointless, Jared,” she said, sipping her drink.

      “Megan, we both did things that hurt. I left here and you married someone else two months later,” he said, hoping he kept his tone casual enough to hide the stab that memory always brought.

      “I’m sure you know my marriage didn’t last much more than a month before we filed for a divorce,” she replied with anger in her voice.

      He recalled his fury and pain when his parents told him about a reception her father had for her and her new husband shortly after the marriage, and then the next thing he’d heard was that she was divorced, which gave him a degree of satisfaction.

      “Where’s your son from that marriage?” he asked, wondering about her child.

      “With my aunt and uncle in Sioux Falls,” she replied. A shuttered look had come over her features and he could feel a wall of coldness between them. She looked half angry, half afraid. He tried to curb his emotions and not let his bitter feelings interfere with his goals.

      “At the time I couldn’t stay to tell you why I was doing what I was doing,” he said. “I never meant to hurt you like I did,” he admitted quietly, refusing to get into it now, knowing she wouldn’t listen to the truth about her father.

      Twisting her shoulders out of his grasp, she strolled farther around the patio while he walked with her. “Jared, let’s not rehash the past. As you said, it’s done. Let go of it.”

      “I will if you will. But I know this is why you backed out of the deal we had for the ranch. Admit it, you were ready and willing until you discovered that I was the buyer.”

      “I’m not arguing with you about it. My dad would have despised selling to you. I’ll not do it—I promise you,” she said, her eyes wide and almost green again.

      “Wait and let me talk to you about it, and what I’m willing to pay,” he said, fully confident he would win her over.

      “I agreed to tonight only. In the next hour over dinner you can make your offer and then I’m out of your life.” Her gaze slid away from his, as if there were more she wasn’t saying. She’d hardly been reticent before. He had a suspicious feeling there was something he was missing, but he didn’t know what.

      “As far as leaving you alone—I don’t know about that. There’s unfinished business between us.”

      “I can promise you, we won’t renew it,” she said with such force he was taken aback. She walked on and he stared after her. Again, he had been mystified by the venom in her quiet tone. Why would she be that bitter now? They had planned to marry, but he hadn’t left her at the altar. He’d never gotten that far—they’d talked about marriage and getting engaged, and he was looking for a ring for her when her father ruined their plans. Her reactions were still strong enough for it all to have happened last week instead of seven years ago.

      “I’ll check on dinner,” he said, and went to the cooker.

      Jared turned the steaks, watching her between glances at his cooking. He wondered whether she was truly interested in her surroundings or simply trying to avoid him.

      After turning the meat, he went into the house to get things ready. Because of the threat of rain, they would eat inside. If they had a real downpour, his bridge would be underwater and the ranch cut off.

      Jared hoped to avoid any threat that would send her home early before he could convince her to sell. Revenge was his goal. He didn’t want to return to Texas empty-handed, so he planned the kind of offer she couldn’t turn down. This was a battle he wanted to win. And he hoped to have her in his arms tonight.

      As he returned outside to get the steaks, she continued to circle the expansive patio. He observed her for a moment, aware how easy it was to watch her, letting his gaze drift slowly over her, recalling her passion and fire the night he had taken her virginity.

      Pushing aside memories, he plated the steaks and joined her. “Dinner is served. I thought we’d eat inside—it’s cozier.”

      “Fine,” she said, smiling. “Although, ‘cozy’ isn’t necessary to discuss business.”

      “You haven’t smiled much. I like it.”

      “A smile changes nothing,” she said, falling into step beside him.

      He caught her arm and turned her to face him, holding both arms lightly. It was on the tip of his tongue to blurt out the truth to her about her father. Instead, Jared held back, knowing it might be a misguided sense of honor. Or not wanting to sound like he was making excuses. “Megan,” he said solemnly, “admit it, all your hostility is a grudge because I walked out seven years ago. If that weren’t between us, your father’s fight with my father would no longer matter. It’s solely about us. Right?”


      As Megan looked up at him, her heart drummed. “Yes, I hate you for that, Jared,” she admitted reluctantly, hoping to get him out of her life with a desperation that was making a wreck of her nerves. This morning had shocked her beyond belief. She had almost fainted. She hated the light-headedness and queasy stomach the sight of him caused.

      Even worse, she loathed the jump in her heartbeat, the unwelcome reaction he could still evoke effortlessly. He was more handsome and appealing than she remembered, and that cleft in his chin was even more noticeable to her now. Tall, dynamic, sexy—too many qualities that she couldn’t ignore.

      “I’m astonished you’re even here. You have your chain of successful restaurants and you have high-rise condos. I’m sure you have investments galore, plenty to keep you busy.”

      “I’m interested in your ranch, and now in you. I’m amazed you haven’t married again,” he said.

      “Not so surprising,” she replied carefully, her palms growing sweaty with nervousness that she prayed she hid. “I’m a divorced single mom. I’m young—six years younger than you, if you recall. I haven’t met the right person. I’ve pursued a career.”

      “Why do I think you haven’t touched on the real cause,” he broke in, and her pulse accelerated.

      “I’ve given you all the explanations you’ll ever hear,” she said. In a taut moment, she was lost in his dark gaze. When his gaze lowered to her mouth, her lips parted. She hated the reaction she had to him, but she saw the faint, mocking smile on his face. He knew what he could do to her.

      He ran his finger slowly along her jaw. “You know, we could go at this a completely different way. We can renew an old, solid friendship.”

      “Solid until you walked out without a word!” she said, and yanked her head away, stepping back. “There’s nothing between us now. Jared, I—”

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