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she answered, with the same lightness of tone that he maintained. “If it turns out more of my time is required, I’ll hire someone to run my gallery.”

      They both had stopped eating and she could feel the tension increase. She also realized the thunder was more frequent. “Jared, I have to get across your bridge.”

      “You have time,” he said dismissively, and with as much certainty as if he controlled the weather, which, under other circumstances, would have amused her. “Here’s what I’ll do,” he said. “I’ll pay you one million more than your asking price of thirty million,” he said flatly. “That has to be a figure that you have to consider.”

      Stunned, she stared at him. One million more was huge. On top of her asking price, it was fantastic. “That’s impressive,” she said, studying him. “Why would you possibly want the Sorenson ranch that badly?”

      He nodded. “Plus, I’d like the water rights.”

      “The river runs through the Dakotas, far north of us. You can’t control all of it.”

      He smiled as if they were discussing the weather. She knew he expected her to jump at his spectacular offer. “No, I can’t, but I’ll feel better about it if I control more water than I do now. That’s what our dads fought over. Plus, you have a thriving ranch. I would fully expect to make back my investment, or I wouldn’t want it. There would be no point.

      “I’ve made you a damn fine offer, Megan, and you know it. Think about it. Whatever you do about the ranch, I don’t think you’re going to spend a lot of your time in South Dakota.”

      “That’s not the only consideration.”

      “You’re hanging on out of anger, not because of a business decision. I know you don’t run your gallery this way.”

      “I’ve never been emotionally involved with anyone the way I was with you, so it’s difficult to view objectively,” she admitted, hating to reveal the depth of her hurt. His eyes widened as if in disbelief, and she wondered what he was thinking about. Just being with him was opening doors to more problems and hurt. Thunder boomed again, as if a reminder to terminate the evening.

      Staring at his supreme self-assurance in consternation, she knew he was right, but she wasn’t going to let him win. “You’re a ruthless man, Jared,” she said flatly.

      “No, I’m not. At least not in this case, and you know it. That’s a fabulous bid, more than you’ll get from anyone else. More than the place is worth. You’ve admitted that yourself. There’s nothing ruthless about it. Most people wouldn’t even be discussing the matter.” He reached out to touch her hand, startling her and causing an unwelcome jump in her heartbeat. “But then, you’re not ‘most people,’ and you never have been,” he added in a husky voice that made her draw a deep breath. His gaze lowered to her mouth and her lips tingled. “You think about it,” he suggested quietly, continuing to hold her hand. His hand slipped down to her wrist lightly, finding her racing pulse.

      Satisfaction flared in his eyes, and she knew he could tell that she still had a strong physical reaction to him. The moment became taut, as his dark eyes probed hers. She should look away, move, speak—anything to end this electricity that intensified with each second; but she was held by his mesmerizing gaze. Memories rose to haunt her, tormenting moments of the past and their lovemaking. She could remember his kisses in exact detail, recollections she’d tried to shake.

      “Stick to business,” she said, the words bubbling up in anger even as her soft tone sheathed the steel in her voice.

      She became aware of rain, wondering when it had begun, because she had been engrossed by their conversation. To her chagrin, she discovered it was a downpour, barely heard inside while sheets of water beat against the windows. She stood abruptly. “I’m going. I’ve stayed until it’s pouring and I didn’t intend to.”

      “Sit and wait it out,” he suggested. “We can be civilized with each other. If you prefer, we can stay off the topic of business.”

      “The only thing I have to talk to you about, Jared, is business,” she said, praying that was all she had to discuss with him and that he never learned the truth of why she was so unhappy to see him. The whole day and evening had turned into a nightmare, and she tried to hide her nervousness over seeing him again.

      “You’ll have a rough drive home. Let me take you and you can send a couple of your hands for your SUV tomorrow.”

      “No,” she said, going to get her purse. Jared strolled behind her, his long legs eating up the distance with ease.

      “Do you have a raincoat or umbrella?” he asked, and she shook her head.

      “I didn’t think about it. I have an umbrella in the SUV.”

      “I’ve got an extra. Wait a moment and I’ll get it for you.”

      She watched him walk away, her gaze drifting over his long legs and through the memories of their bare strength against hers. Annoyed, she turned to the darkened window, watching rain beat against it. She wanted out of his house. Clearly, she recalled the muddy, rushing river nearly brushing Jared’s bridge. She had to be able to get through. She couldn’t stay the night with him.

      To her relief, he reappeared with an umbrella and raincoat.

      “Take both. I have others.”

      “Thanks. Where are you going?” she asked, as she watched him yank on a second raincoat.

      “I’ll follow you and see that you get across the bridge. I intended to have it replaced, but I forget about it in the dry spells. We can go years without it being underwater.”

      “I can manage by myself. Thanks for dinner, Jared. I’ll consider the offer and get back to you,” she said over her shoulder, but he caught up with her, reaching ahead of her to open the door. His car was nowhere in sight, and she knew he would have to go back through the house or make a run for a garage. She didn’t care what he did. Her focus was on crossing the river.

      As she started the SUV and drove away, she peered through the watery windshield that couldn’t be completely cleared by the wipers, even set on the highest speed.

      Each flash of lightning increased her concern. Brilliant light illuminated fields that were turning into ponds, water running in the bar ditch. Occasionally, thin streams crossed low spots in the graveled road, and she knew the saturated ground was not soaking up the rain.

      She couldn’t be cut off. Not here and not now. Why had she let him goad her into this dinner? He would have made his pitch whether she showed up to eat with him or not.

      Rounding a bend, she topped a rise when lightning flashed. She gasped as the streak of light revealed a river ahead. The instant display vanished, leaving driving rain and darkness, but the image was indelible in her mind. There was no bridge in sight because it was underwater.

      She glanced in the rearview mirror and received another surprise. Headlights were a quarter of a mile behind and gaining on her. It had to be Jared. How fast was he driving in this storm?

      She forgot about him as the next bolt lit up her surroundings, and again she saw the river with only the top of the bridge rails showing.

      With a sinking disappointment, she knew crossing it would impossible. Jared

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