Cherish Collection January 2014 (Books 1-12). Rebecca Winters

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Cherish Collection January 2014 (Books 1-12) - Rebecca Winters Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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given her only the attention that courtesy demanded. Then he’d hidden behind the shield Debra offered, flirting with her, seeming riveted by her company, to conceal the fact that his real attention was for Freya. He’d tried to be glad that she was getting on so well with Larry, but somehow he just hadn’t been able to manage it.

      When the meal was over he’d seen Debra to her door and bade her a courteous goodnight, pretending not to see the invitation in her eyes, or her bafflement when he ignored it. Then he’d returned to his own room.

      There had been no light under Freya’s door, suggesting that she hadn’t returned. Where was she? he’d wondered. Alone? Or had her joke about dodgy characters being fun actually held some meaning? Was she exploring that meaning? With Larry?

      No, not Freya. Not after one brief meeting.

      Surely not.

      But then where was she?

      He’d gone out to look at the pyramid, looming in the darkness, and had still been standing there when she’d arrived next door. Straining his ears, he’d heard no voices and realised, with relief, that she was alone. Next moment she’d appeared on her balcony.

      He’d moved forward, meaning to speak to her, then stopped. Something about her as she’d stood there, gazing up into the night, had made him pause, enjoying the air of rapture that seemed to permeate her being. But it had passed suddenly, replaced by a sigh.

      He’d watched as her shoulders had sagged, hoping to see her pleasure return. Instead she’d dropped her head in her hands and he’d been able to hear her weeping.

      He’d clenched his hands, longing to reveal himself and comfort her but knowing that he didn’t dare. She would never forgive him.

      He’d seen the sobs convulse her, possessing her whole body with a nameless grief. Frantically he had sought for the answer. Was it the sight of himself that had hurt her after so long? Or did the pain of that terrible day still torment her, reducing everything else to nothing?

      In the aftermath of her wrecked wedding, how often had he heard her declare defiantly that she wasn’t going to cry? She hadn’t always managed to fight back the tears, but her courage and defiance had seldom faltered. He’d known her confident, efficient at her job, ready to confront life on equal terms. But until now he hadn’t known her defeated.

      The sight of her yielding to despair had made him long to reach out and console her. It would have been easy to climb the low wall that separated his balcony from hers and take her in his arms, lavish her with warmth and comfort. For a moment he’d been fiercely tempted, knowing that only he could comfort her because only he knew the full extent of her hurt.

      He had reached out his hand to the wall.

      But then he’d stopped himself and drawn back in alarm. Once he could have consoled her as a brother, but those days were over. The physical attraction that had flickered between them might have been brief, but its memory was searing. Neither of them could forget it, and it would destroy everything he tried to do for her. Now she was alone as never before.

      The sight of her tears had seemed to bring a treacherous stinging to his own eyes, and bitterly he’d cursed the malign fate that made him helpless when she needed him so much.

      At last Freya had turned away and stumbled inside, leaving him distraught and asking himself for the thousandth time, What have I done?


      THE RINGING OF the phone awoke Freya before dawn the next morning. It was Janine, sounding worried.

      ‘Please come,’ she said. ‘He’s gasping again.’

      Freya pulled on her dressing gown and hurried out into the corridor. To her surprise she saw Jackson there, turning the key in his own door.

      ‘What is it?’ he asked.

      ‘Amos. Mum’s just called me to say he’s gasping.’

      ‘Let’s go.’

      They found Amos sitting on the side of the bed, his chest rising and falling heavily. He looked up at Freya, and nodded when she produced the stethoscope she’d taken the precaution of bringing.

      ‘So now we have the truth,’ he said caustically. ‘Your visit is just another way of mollycoddling me.’

      ‘I’m always ready in case you need me. Now hush and let me do my job.’

      ‘Are you giving me orders?’

      ‘Yes, I am. So do as I say and be quiet.’

      ‘You’re as big a bully as your mother.’

      ‘Luckily for you I am.’

      She listened to his heart, fearing the worst, but was pleasantly surprised to hear it beating strongly.

      ‘That’s good,’ she said.

      ‘Of course it is. There’s nothing the matter with me. Why must women always make a fuss?’

      ‘Because you mean a lot to us,’ Janine said, sounding cross. ‘Although I sometimes wonder why. You miserable old so-and-so.’

      Amos gave a bark of ironic laughter. ‘And those are the words of a woman who says I mean a lot to her. Isn’t it lucky I have a sense of humour?’

      ‘No, it’s lucky you have a wife who can put up with your carry-on,’ Freya said. ‘Your health isn’t too bad but don’t overdo it.’

      ‘If you’re trying to stop me going out today, forget it. It’s our last day here before we go to Edfu and I’m not going to miss it.’

      ‘Perhaps you should,’ Jackson said. ‘You’ve seen this place. Why not stay here and rest today so that you’re fit for tomorrow?’

      ‘I’m fit for anything I say I’m fit for,’ Amos said, outraged. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve started taking their orders? That any son of mine—’

      ‘As a son of yours I’m practical,’ Jackson said. ‘And being practical means I’ll listen to suggestions from someone who knows better than I do.’ He inclined his head to Freya. ‘Find the experts and pick their brains. It’s the most profitable way forward. You taught me that.’

      ‘I’m going with you,’ Amos repeated.

      ‘All right, but take it easy,’ Freya told him. ‘Walk as little as you have to.’ She had a sudden burst of inspiration. ‘After all, our next stop is Edfu, where you and Horus will confront each other. You wouldn’t want to be taken ill before you get there, would you? Imagine missing him when you’ve come so far to meet him. He’s probably laying out the red carpet for you now.’

      Amos cast her a wry look, conveying that he understood exactly what she was up to. But to their relief his mood improved.

      ‘You’re right,’ he said. ‘Nothing must get in the way of Edfu.’

      ‘It’s still early,’ Freya said. ‘Try to get some more sleep.’


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