The Rebel Returns. Michelle Douglas

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The Rebel Returns - Michelle Douglas Mills & Boon By Request

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today. We’re going someplace where you can rest and not worry about any unwanted guests.”

      “But I can’t.” She didn’t like the sound of this. “I have a, at least I hope I still have a job.”

      “Of course you do. You were injured on Glamour grounds while performing your duties. Therefore you’re entitled to workers’ compensation. Not even Mr. Burns would be foolish enough to let you go and face a lawsuit.”

      The medication they’d given her at the hospital was making her head woozy. “The doctor said it wouldn’t be long until I could get around.”

      “And until then you need to rest as much as possible. Now just relax. I’ve got everything under control.”

      “How am I supposed to do that when you won’t even tell me where we’re going?”

      “We aren’t going far. Just north of the city. And I promise you’ll like the accommodations.”

      He was trying to sound upbeat, but she knew he was worried. “You think that guy is going to come back, don’t you?”

      “He won’t bother you where we’re going.”

      She wanted to believe him, but she didn’t even know what he was mixed up in. The adrenaline that had been driving her drained away, leaving her feeling wiped out. She was with Jax. Nothing would happen now because the one thing she did know was that she still trusted him. She instinctively knew that he’d protect her.

      She leaned her head back, fighting to keep her eyes open. The image of her kitty came to mind. She’d called her neighbor Robyn McCreedy to check in on him. Still, it wasn’t the same as being there, especially since he’d just been neutered.

      “I can’t stay here long. I have to get home.”

      “Don’t worry. I’ll get you home soon.” Jax glanced over at her. “You can sleep. I’ll let you know when we’re there.”

      She really shouldn’t trust him so easily, but her eyelids felt so very heavy. If she could just close her eyes for a minute, she’d be all right...

      “Cleo, wake up. We’re here.”

      Her eyes snapped open, not recognizing her surroundings. The bandage around her forehead was getting itchy so she rubbed at it, wanting to take it off. But the doctor had warned her to leave it on until the stitches on the back of her head had a chance to heal.

      She gazed up at a large gate that was automatically opening for them. “Where are we?”

      “Someplace safe.”

      Jax maneuvered the vehicle between the gates and down a road lined with jaw-dropping mansions. It was dark out, making it difficult to see the details of each impressive estate until they pulled into the driveway of a humongous home. She’d only ever seen something this extraordinary in glossy magazines.

      Soft rays from the full moon bathed the white stucco home, giving it a magical glow. And it was, wait, make that three stories high. With the lights on inside, it looked like a gem against the velvety night. Its sweeping length and elegance left her in awe.

      “I hope you won’t mind staying here.”

      She blinked, making sure that it was real. “Mind? It’s amazing.” Then she turned to him. “Is it yours?”

      He shook his head. “I don’t have any use for a place this big. It belongs to a friend of mine.”

      “That must be some friend. Is he famous?”

      Jax chuckled. “You might say that. Remember the movie from last summer, Shooting Stars?”

      “You mean the Western romance? I think everyone went to see it, including me. It was a great mix of action and passion.”

      “My friend will be glad to hear you’re such a fan.”

      “He filmed it?”

      “No, George starred in it.”

      Cleo’s mouth gaped as she sat there trying to process this information. “No way. Are you totally serious? He’s drop-dead gorgeous.”

      Jax smiled and shook his head. “I do believe you’re starstruck.”

      “Did you see the movie?” She fanned herself. “He’s so hot. In the film he was the marshal and he was on the hunt for train robbers. He ended up rescuing the heroine from a train accident the robbers had caused. It was so romantic how he cared for her and kept her safe.”

      Jax cleared his throat. “I’ll be sure to tell George when I talk to him. Now, is there any chance you want to go inside?”

      “And see the rest of his house? You bet.” She reached for the door.

      “Wait! I’ll help you. We don’t need any more accidents tonight.” He alighted from the vehicle and circled around to open her door.

      “But how did you get George to lend you his house?”

      Jax gave a nonchalant shrug. “It’s not his primary residence. He spends most of his time in Hollywood.”

      “I still can’t believe he’s letting us stay here.”

      “Let’s just say that he owed me a favor and I called it in. George is a really good guy. He was happy to do it.”

      “Did you tell your friend that we are on the run from some ape?”

      “Ape, huh?” Jax smiled. “I’m glad to see your sense of humor hasn’t been injured.”

      She thought back to her run-in with that man and a shiver ran down her spine. “I just refuse to give him power over me by calling him a big, mean, scary dude...even if he was one.”

      Refusing to dwell on what happened, she turned her attention to the long sweeping steps that led to the front door. And then she glanced down at her leg. This was going to be a challenge, especially when she wasn’t used to getting around on one good leg.

      But before she could ask Jax for the crutches, he scooped her into his arms. Her body landed against his solid chest. He’d definitely filled out in the years they’d been apart.

      “What are you doing?”

      “Taking you inside.”

      Her hand automatically slipped around his neck. “But I can manage—”

      “Do you have to argue about everything?”

      She pressed her lips shut. If he wanted to carry her up all of those steps, why should she complain? She wasn’t feeling exactly steady on her feet. Tomorrow would be plenty early enough for her to prove her independence, even if she had to be aided by those confounded crutches.

      Her head rested on his shoulder as he moved up the steps. Beneath the moonlight with the warm breeze swirling around them, it would be so easy to let her guard down. If she closed her eyes and inhaled his

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