The Rebel Returns. Michelle Douglas

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The Rebel Returns - Michelle Douglas Mills & Boon By Request

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can I say? I’m a sucker for a foot massage.”

      “Scoot back on the bed.”

      She did as he said, wondering what he was up to next. He grabbed a couple of pillows and propped up her injured leg. Then he sat down and put her other foot in his lap. The pad of his thumb rubbed up and down over the arch of her foot. She watched him as he used both hands to stretch her foot and then run both thumbs in circular patterns.

      “Close your eyes,” he said, still working his magic fingers.

      She was in the midst of ecstasy and didn’t want it to stop so she complied. Tomorrow she would stand her ground—yes, tomorrow. Tonight she would let him feel as though he were taking care of her... Just so long as his fingers kept moving.

      Time slipped by and, at last, he stopped. She was lost somewhere between floating on a fluffy cloud and half-asleep. He got up and turned off the light.

      “Don’t go.” She reached out to grab his hand. “Not yet.”


      All she knew was that she was in a happy place and she didn’t want it to end. Her body felt like mush. The darkness made her feel safe from his scrutinizing stare. She felt as though she could say anything to him. And in a sleepy haze she decided to throw caution to the wind.

      “Why don’t you find me attractive?”

      She heard a swift intake of his breath. Then an awkward silence hung there.

      The edge of the bed dipped as he sat down. The back of his hand glided over her cheek. “Who says I don’t find you attractive?”

      “When we kissed earlier, you pulled away. You didn’t like it.”

      His voice was soft. “Did you ever think that I liked it too much?”

      “Then kiss me now.” He groaned but she wasn’t giving up. “I’ve kissed you twice. You owe me.”

      Again there was an elongated silence. It had to be the medication because she’d never asked a man to kiss her. And it was so much easier to blame it on the painkillers than to admit how very much she wanted him. She’d never desired a man as she did Jax.

      Then without warning he leaned over. His lips were just a breath away from hers. “Cleo, you don’t know what you’re asking of me.”

      “Yes, I do. I want you to kiss me. I want to know what it’s like to be desired by Jax Monroe. Hope Springs’s bad boy. Now a Wall Street tycoon. Kiss me, Jax. Please.”

      With a moan, his mouth pressed to hers. His kiss was hungry and needy. And her heart swelled. Somewhere in the haze of her mind there was a warning voice, but it was garbled and she didn’t feel like heeding to caution. Here in the dark there was just the two of them.

      His lips moved hungrily over hers like a starved man. And she met him kiss for kiss. Her fingers worked their way over his muscular shoulders to his neck and then her nails raked through his short hair.

      The kiss went on and on and she never wanted it to end. She just floated along in the moment, enjoying having Jax so close. Because come the stark morning sun, she’d come to her senses. A relationship wasn’t in the cards for her. But a fleeting moment of ecstasy was too tempting to pass up. Tomorrow would come all too quickly.

      As though he could read her thoughts, he pulled back. His breathing was uneven and rapid. But as she reached out to him, he jumped to his feet.

      “Cleo, you couldn’t be more wrong. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. But this, you and me, it can’t be.”

      “Of course it can’t be,” she spat out. No matter what he said, he didn’t find her attractive enough. She blinked back the tears swarming in her eyes.

      She’d miscalculated. Instead of the kiss making her feel better, she felt even worse knowing that he still thought that they were a mistake—that she was a mistake. She wanted to get as far away from him as she could, someplace where she could lick her wounds in private.

      “I want to go home. Charlie needs me.”

      She rolled over onto her side, craving the company of her tabby cat. Anytime she was upset, he was right there with a loving rub and a cheerful purr. Her wounded body ached but it was nothing compared to the great big bruise on her heart.


      JAX YAWNED AGAIN. At this rate he’d need to brew another pot of coffee before lunch. He’d done nothing but toss and turn for hours last night. He’d finally dozed off sometime after three.

      His mind had been crammed full with thoughts of the thug who had hurt Cleo. He’d even checked in with the police to see if the ape, as Cleo called him, had been arrested. So far, nothing. But the good news was they had his image from the resort’s tapes and were working on identifying him.

      Jax grabbed a spatula for the scrambled eggs. He wasn’t used to cooking for anyone, but he didn’t mind. What did bother him was having Cleo long for another man after he’d just got done kissing her. He snatched up a plate and placed it with a thunk on the counter.

      The fact that she had Charlie in her life was for the best. A man in his position needed to keep clear of romantic entanglements. And even if his latest set of tests came back clear there was no guarantee they’d stay that way.

      He drew his thoughts up short. None of it mattered because he had no intention of letting Cleo into his life—into his heart.

      After the thug was arrested, Jax’s plan was to return to his solitary life. With all of the money he’d made in the stock market, he could retire young. He didn’t want to be one of those people who died at their desk. He wanted to get out and experience the world for as long as he had... And just as soon as this court case was over he’d get started.

      No longer feeling so tired, he piled the scrambled eggs on the plate next to the buttered toast. When his friend said the housekeeper kept this place stocked, he hadn’t been kidding. Jax really need not have bothered stopping at the store last night after he’d picked up the rental vehicle.

      He placed the food and the orange juice on a tray, along with a red rose from the bouquet on the dining room table. Then on second thought, he returned the flower back to the vase. There was no reason to muddy the waters any further.

      He carried the tray to the bedroom and tapped on the door. “Cleo, are you up?”

      Silence greeted him.

      He knocked louder. “Cleo, I’ve got your breakfast.”

      Still nothing.

      Balancing the tray with one hand, he eased open the door and stepped inside. He came to a halt when he saw that the bed was already made up. His gaze flicked to the bathroom door. It was open and no sounds came from within.

      Erring on the side of caution, he called out, “Cleo, are you decent?”

      Again there was no response. He envisioned her passed out in the tub or worse. He set

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