Regency Society Collection Part 1. Sarah Mallory

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Regency Society Collection Part 1 - Sarah Mallory Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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to people and the subjects you put forward are not for the fainthearted. And yet you allow all an opinion, no matter how unusual.’

      ‘I was not allowed my own for so many years that I suspect it is now a calling to hear those of others.’

      ‘Are you never fearful that such debate might get out of hand?’

      ‘It is London. What harm could my patrons truly do?’

      ‘Crucify you with words, for one.’

      ‘The opinions of those here at Falder are the only ones I worry about.’

      ‘Lord. No wonder Taris wants you by his side, Bea. Together you might rule the world. I hope that he doesn’t take you off to Beaconsmeade too quickly.’

      The conversation whirled again out of kilter. ‘I don’t understand.’

      ‘Tonight was the first time that he has ever forgotten to hide his lack of sight from others and that was because of his fear for your safety.’

      ‘Or perhaps for that of our child.’ Bea had not meant to say it but it slipped out. Unbidden.

      ‘Which explains your penchant for weak tea?’

      ‘Anything else makes me feel ill.’

      ‘Have you wondered why a man who is pursued by every eligible miss in London has no other offspring, given that he is now almost thirty-two years of age?’

      ‘Perhaps he has been careful?’

      ‘Or celibate. Before you he barely noticed women and when he inherited his estate, believe me, there were many vying for his attention. You sell yourself short by proclaiming that his interest lies only in this child, for I can see that you love him.’

      A single tear traced its way down Beatrice’s cheek. ‘I do,’ she returned, no longer able to hide anything. ‘More than life itself, for he has saved me by letting me be me.’

      ‘Then when he returns tell him how you feel, but be warned. The Wellingham men are not prone to using much poetry in words, so listen for them in other ways.’

      ‘Other ways?’

      His arms around her at the ball encircling her in his safety and protecting her from an enemy he could not even see. His breath hoarse as he called to her, no touchstone for his hands and his man Bates nowhere in sight.

      Other ways? How many had she seen tonight? Bravery had a face as did panic, written into fear and honour as he went about the daunting task of finding her in a crowded room and risking everything.

      And exposing everything!

      She had heard the whispers as they left.

       ‘Can he see anything?’

       ‘My God, is Wellingham blind?’

      Taris would have heard the conjecture too, but he had not made any mention of it, his careful masking of poor sight for years banished in those moments of terror.

      For her! Everything he had held so close abandoned because of his fear for her.

      Bea’s heart ached with the sheer breadth and depth of his gift.

      Taris and Asher returned almost two hours later with the story of Radcliff’s capture. The clerk had been surprised by their arrival and had instantly surrendered, his lack of any resistance making the task of apprehending him relatively speedy. After leaving him safely in the hands of the local constabulary there was no more to be done.

      ‘James Radcliff confessed to everything from the taking of the Bassingstoke money to paying someone to keep you out of the way, Beatrice, whilst he searched the confines of your home.’ Taris sat next to her and had taken her hand in his as he related the story. ‘He also said that his intentions were never to kill you, though given the lengths he went to retrieve the ledgers I find that hard to believe.’

      ‘It was all about getting back the books?’

      ‘With them destroyed Radcliff believed he could walk free. He thought they were with you in the carriage and was following behind you until the snowstorm forced him to take refuge at a tavern. He then believed you had taken them to London.’

      ‘But I didn’t.’

      ‘Robert Nelson said they had been sent to you after the death of your husband. At a guess I would say they were packed up with the rest of your belongings and now lie beneath the snow in the spot where the carriage rolled after Radcliff tampered with the axle.’

      ‘But why would he take the money in the first place? Surely he realised the amounts would be written and recorded?’

      ‘Grandeur, I think. Nelson alluded to the fact he was the second son of a mayor somewhere to the north. A son who thought he was entitled to more.’

      ‘So the amount stolen is in the books?’

      Taris nodded. ‘These things have a way of coming out, no matter how carefully they are managed. He will stand trial for tampering with a public conveyance and for the embezzlement of funds that did not belong to him. Gaol will be his home for a good many years, and I will follow his progress to make certain that he never comes near us again.’

      ‘The man must have been mad to think he could come to take you from us.’ Emerald stood beside her, the tone in her voice leaving no doubt as to what she thought of Radcliff’s motives.

      Asher laughed. ‘We cannot keep Beatrice here, Em. She belongs to my brother.’

      ‘Yes, she does.’ Taris’s voice was firm and for the very first time in her whole life Beatrice knew the true meaning of place.

      An hour later Bea lay tucked up beside Taris, the light of only a small slice of moon making her think again of Maldon and the snowstorm.

      How far had they come? How far were they yet to go? A soft flutter in her stomach made her take in air and gasp.

      ‘I felt it. I felt our baby move. Like a butterfly.’ She took his hand and laid it across her stomach, staying very still and when the child jumped again he pulled back in surprise and delight. No sight needed. Just touch and feel. A first for them both. Entire, complete and elemental. The beginning of a journey that would take them places neither had even dreamed of.

      ‘If I had lost you tonight…’ Taris could not finish and swallowed heavily before beginning again. ‘If I lost you, I don’t think that I could live.’

      Tears welled in her eyes.

      ‘Others may now know of your secret. I heard people talking as we left the Davis function…’

      He stopped the words by laying a finger upon her lips. ‘I love you, Beatrice-Maude Bassing-stoke.’

      His voice was rusty, as if the words were ones he had not thought to say. ‘I love you so damn much that it hurts.’ His hand fell across his heart, opened like a fan. ‘Here.’

      She saw him take in a breath, finding time

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