In the Tudor Court Collection. Amanda McCabe

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In the Tudor Court Collection - Amanda McCabe Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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should call me Maribel. It is best not to use my titles here, Anna.’

      Anna looked dubious. ‘I am not sure I could do that, my…señorita.’

      ‘Yes, call me señorita if you will not use my name.’ Maribel sighed with relief as she shed some of her layers of petticoats, then, feeling how much better it was, she took off the last of them and stood in just a simple shift and the gown she had chosen. ‘This is my simplest gown, but still it is too costly for life here. Do you think you could purchase something simpler for me to wear, Anna? I am not permitted to visit the waterfront, but there must be merchants of a sort, I think.’

      ‘I am certain there are, though they do not have shops to trade from, merely a stall or the window of their house. I shall ask Higgins where suitable clothes can be purchased, D—señorita.’

      ‘Thank you. I will give you some gold pieces. I do not know how much you will need.’

      ‘One gold piece should buy you at least two gowns of the kind you require,’ Anna said. ‘Do not give me more, for I might be robbed.’

      ‘Is it too dangerous for you to visit the merchants?’

      ‘I shall not go alone. Higgins will take me if I ask him.’

      Maribel looked at her thoughtfully. ‘Has he spoken to you—asked you to wed him?’

      ‘We shall not marry in church, but it is agreed between us that we shall live together once he has built us a house.’

      ‘And when the ship leaves? Shall you come with me to England?’

      ‘We’ve talked about that,’ Anna said. ‘I shall look after you on the journey, but once you are in England I shall leave you and return with Higgins to the island. He says that when he retires from the sea, we shall set up a little trading station of our own. More people are beginning to settle here and we can buy from the ships that drop anchor and sell to those who live here.’

      Maribel felt a pang of regret. ‘I shall miss you, Anna. You have been a good friend to me.’

      ‘You were always a fair and generous mistress. In England you will find others to serve you, perhaps better than I ever could.’

      ‘They will not be better than you, Anna.’

      ‘Well, it will be some weeks before we must part,’ Anna said. ‘I am to stay with you until Higgins has his house built—and there will be the voyage to England. He says we can buy goods there and bring them back to the island. When you leave to join your family, it will be time enough to say our goodbyes.’

      ‘Yes…’ Maribel turned away to tidy some of her things. She had set out her own brush, silver combs, perfume flasks, and a small hand mirror on the top of an oak hutch that served her as a dressing chest. Tears stung behind her eyes. She felt very alone. When Anna left her she would have no one in the world that cared for her. Her mother’s relatives would be strangers and she was not even sure they would welcome her to their house. Especially if they knew that she had been living with pirates for some weeks.

      Maribel spread the wet clothes on bushes to dry in the heat of the scorching sun. The steam immediately began to rise and she knew she must be careful not to let them dry too much or the creases would never come out. She had washed a few of her things while Anna was out buying things they needed from the traders on the waterfront. Her back was trickling with sweat and her hair felt sticky on her neck, falling into her eyes despite all the combs she had used to keep it out of the way. Anna had offered to help her, but Maribel felt that she must learn to manage these things for herself, and she had merely brushed her hair back and fastened it with combs.

      ‘Well, well, what have we here…?’

      The man’s voice made her swing round. She stared at the tall man in dismay for he was a fearful sight. His clothes were salt-stained and looked as if he had never washed them, his hair long and greasy beneath the red scarf he wore beneath his hat—and when he grinned at her she saw a row of blackened teeth.

      ‘Excuse me, sir? Were you looking for someone? I believe Peg is in the house. Your business must be with her.’

      ‘My business with Peg can wait, sweet doxy. You will suit me for the moment.’

      Maribel gasped and stepped back in horror as she read the look in his eyes. ‘No, sir, you mistake things. I am not a whore. You have no business with me.’

      ‘She thinks herself a fine lady!’ The man laughed, clearly finding it amusing. ‘Well, my lady, when Pike says he has business with you, you would do best to heed him.’

      ‘Stay away from me!’ Maribel gave a scream of fear as he lunged at her. ‘Keep your distance, sir. I will have none of you!’

      ‘You’ll do as I bid you and keep your mouth shut…’

      Maribel screamed again as he grabbed her arm. ‘Let me go! Take your filthy hands off me, you pig!’

      ‘I’ll teach you some manners, whore…’

      ‘I suggest you take your hands off my woman,’ another man’s voice said. ‘Otherwise I shall slit your throat, Pike. The choice is yours.’

      Pike swung round, his face shocked as he found himself at the wrong end of a wicked-looking sword. ‘Sylvester…’ he croaked, sweat beading on his brow. ‘I didn’t realise she was your woman.’

      ‘Well, you do now.’ Justin’s eyes glittered with fury. ‘Lay one finger on her and you are a dead man, Pike. No man touches my woman and lives.’

      ‘I was just having a bit of fun…’ Pike held his hands up, moving away from Maribel. ‘Why didn’t she say she belonged to you? I wouldn’t have gone near her if I’d known.’

      ‘She is a lady, unused to the ways of scum like you.’ Justin’s voice was like the lash of a whip. ‘Stay away from her—and from this house until we leave. Do you hear? If you attempt to touch her again, I’ll kill you.’

      ‘I hear you. I’m on my way.’

      Maribel watched the man slink away. She was trembling and she felt sick, but she managed to hold back the tears.

      ‘Thank you. I do not know what I should have done had you not come.’

      ‘In future tell any man who tries anything on with you that you belong to me. They won’t molest my woman.’ Justin’s eyes went over her. The thin gown she was wearing was sticking to her, revealing the intimate contours of her body. Desire flared and he was tempted to crush her to him, his need intensified by the temptation she offered in such flimsy clothing. His voice was harsh as he rasped, ‘I am not surprised he thought you were available in that gown. Where are your petticoats?’

      ‘I took them off. It was so hot. Anna took hers off and I thought…’ Maribel flushed as she saw the expression in his eyes. ‘I didn’t expect to see anyone.’

      Justin was angry, because he wanted to do much the same things as Pike had, and he was disgusted with himself. She had given him her trust and he had no right to feel such hunger just because her air of vulnerability tempted him past bearing. So he deliberately chose words to hurt her.


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