In the Tudor Court Collection. Amanda McCabe

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In the Tudor Court Collection - Amanda McCabe Mills & Boon e-Book Collections

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certain standard or you will not be given the respect that is your due. Especially amongst men like Pike.’

      ‘I…’ A dark flush stained her cheeks. She crossed her arms over her breasts defensively. ‘You are right. It will not occur again. I shall wear petticoats if I come outside.’

      ‘I shall not always be around to protect you.’ Justin frowned at her. He knew that his words had hurt her and he was already regretting having spoken so harshly. She was not to blame, because he could not control his hunger for her. ‘I know how uncomfortable you must feel, but you need to be careful on this island.’

      ‘You are right.’ Maribel hung her head. She saw that he was correctly dressed despite the heat and felt untidy and ashamed of her appearance. ‘I was careless. Thank you for helping me.’

      ‘I do not mean to be heartless, Madonna. I know this kind of heat can be suffocating. I speak only for your own good.’

      ‘Thank you. You will not need to reprimand me again, sir.’

      ‘Is Peg treating you well? You are comfortable here?’

      ‘Yes, thank you. She has been kind.’

      ‘My own house is almost ready. I am having it furnished. I had thought you safe here, but perhaps you should move in with me.’

      Maribel was shocked, her heart hammering against her ribcage as she stared at him. What could he mean? He had told her he would not marry—was he now suggesting that she should be his mistress? A part of her longed to say yes, but a tiny part of her mind still retained its sanity.

      ‘Captain Sylvester! You may have told that vile man that I am your woman to protect me, but it is not so. I cannot live under your roof, sir.’

      ‘I shall provide a chaperon. Anna will live with us and there will be a woman to keep the place tidy.’

      ‘Peg said there were no servants here.’

      ‘I pay well for service and find willing hands. I think Peg was trying to put you in your place, my lady. There are always those willing to work for good wages—but I treat them decently. They are not servants, as you have known them in your father’s house. I pay for their service, but I treat them as equals.’

      ‘Then they are not at all like the servants in my father’s house. My father’s servants feared him. I do not think anyone would fear to work for a man like you.’

      An odd smile touched his mouth. ‘Thank you, Maribel. I believe you just paid me a compliment. As to the matter of the house, I have arranged for the furniture to be moved in today. I came to bring you a gift, but now I am asking if you will live under my roof—as my guest, no more and no less.’

      ‘Everyone will think I am your woman…’

      ‘And they will leave you alone as a consequence. You will be able to move freely on the island. If you stay here, other men may have the same notion as Pike. It is the only way I can be certain you will be safe.’

      Maribel shuddered. ‘I should never have come to this terrible place. I do not belong here. I see resentment in the eyes of those I meet. They hate me because of who I was.’

      A nerve flicked in his throat. ‘It is my fault that you are here, lady. I have put my mark on you for your protection—it is all I could do to protect you. However, when we leave here you will be as you are now. I shall not abuse the situation. I have apologised, but I cannot change what is done. You must accept it and wait patiently until I can take you to your family.’

      Maribel hesitated, then inclined her head. ‘Yes, I shall trust you to keep your word, sir. Thank you. I shall be happy to live under your protection.’

      Justin smiled and moved closer. ‘I will make your stay here as pleasant as I can, Madonna. I wish that it had been possible to take you to your family immediately. I was wrong to bring you here, but I thought it best.’ A wry smile touched his mouth. ‘Your family will never know anything of your stay here. I promise you that when I take you to them they will accept my story that I have merely been your escort.’ He arched one eyebrow. ‘You suspected that I was once a gentleman. I know how to play the part and will not let you down, Maribel.’

      The way he said her name then made Maribel’s insides curl with a feeling she knew was desire. His mouth was curving in a mocking smile. She longed to be in his arms and to feel that mouth take possession of hers, as it had once before. It was all she could do to stop herself swaying towards him. She wanted to give herself to him, to tell him that she would be his woman in truth, but pride held her back.

      The expression in his eyes told her that he desired her but she knew that he did not love her. He had made it clear that a man such as he had no time for softness or love. Maribel was certain that to give herself to this man would mean loving him—the kind of love that would become a consuming flame. If she gave him her heart, he would crush it beneath his boots.

      ‘You speak my name,’ she said. ‘But I know you only as Captain Sylvester. I do not think it is your true name.’

      ‘I may not give you my family name—it would shame them.’ His eyes were flinty, distant. ‘They do not know that I have become a pirate and it would hurt them. However, my Christian name is Justin…’

      ‘Justin…’ she breathed. ‘Justin…’ A smile touched her mouth. ‘Yes, I like it very well. It suits you, sir—for you are a just man.’

      ‘Am I?’ He moved in closer, gazing down at her. ‘I retain some honour, Maribel, but a man may only be tempted so far. Be careful how far you tempt me—and wear your petticoats or I may not be responsible for my action.’

      ‘Justin…’ Her stomach clenched as his hot eyes scorched her. ‘Forgive me. I did not mean to tempt you or any man. My gowns were so hot…but I shall be more sensible in future.’

      ‘Be careful when out walking,’ he said. ‘I have purchased some lighter gowns for you with fine petticoats that will not be so heavy. I should have sent them immediately, but I was caught up with other things. I shall have them taken to my house. They will await you in your room—and now I shall take my leave of you before I lose all sense of honour.’

      He turned and walked away from her. Maribel watched. She longed with all her heart to call him back, but her pride held. He spoke of honour and yet he mocked her. If he cared for her, he would surely have asked her to be his wife, but he did not want a wife—only a mistress.

      She knew that she had only to say the word and she could become his woman in truth, for she had seen desire in his eyes and felt an answering need in herself. Yet if she were so lost to all pride and sense of what was fitting that she gave herself to him it could only bring unhappiness in the end.

      A little voice in her head told her that it would be worth the risk to know the sweetness of lying with him, of being safe in his arms—but he did not love her. He had told her that he had once loved a woman and would not give his heart again. She could be his mistress if she chose, but not his wife.

       Chapter Five

      ‘Why didn’t you tell me that you were Sylvester’s woman?’ Peg said when Maribel mentioned that he was sending someone to take her to his house and to fetch her trunk later that day. ‘You would not have needed to help with the chores if I’d known

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