Lone Star Legacy. Sara Orwig

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think you’ve had my commitment since the moment we met.”

      “Commitment to an affair,” she said, gasping for breath.

      He showered kisses on her throat and face and then his mouth settled on hers again.

      How long they kissed she couldn’t guess. Finally, she stepped away. He caught her waist, leaning forward. “Good night, darlin’. I’ll dream about you.” He brushed a kiss on her lips and then was gone, closing the door behind him.

      His shirt lay on the floor. She picked it up and tossed it on a chair. She wasn’t going after him and she didn’t think he would come back for it.

      She touched her lips. She was letting him get too close in too many ways.

      Her thoughts churned as she got ready for bed and then lay in the dark to steep in regrets. She had to do better in keeping him at a distance. Avoiding him was impossible. He grew more irresistible each time they were together. How long before seduction? And then how long before heartbreak? Her thoughts shifted to Caroline. Had today really been progress, or just a temporary ripple? Only time would tell. Ava prayed the puppy turned out to be what Caroline expected and hoped for. Ava knew of many programs that brought together animals and children for therapeutic purposes. Hopefully, a puppy would be something Caroline could love and respond to. Another question that only time could answer.

      The next day it took no time to realize Caroline was excited about the puppy. She picked out books about dogs to read and once she gave Ava a smile. Ava’s heart turned over and she realized she was grasping at tiny responses as much as Will did.

      She noticed Caroline was looking often at the tall nursery-rhyme-character clock in her playroom and she realized for the first time that Caroline could tell time.

      She wrote Will a text that Caroline was watching the clock and thought she was excited and anxious for him to come home to take her to pick out her puppy’s things. Ava hesitated before sending the message, unsure if she should get Will’s hopes up, but a minute after she sent it, she received a brief reply that he would try to come home early.

      When Will arrived home at three, Caroline was ready, holding the brown bear and waiting quietly.

      He came striding into the room in his charcoal suit. Handsome, oozing vitality, Will had a dynamic presence that charged the air with electricity. He flashed a wide smile at Ava and picked up Caroline to hug her. “Ready to get your puppy a crate and bed and toys?”

      Caroline nodded. “Yes, sir. And a collar.”

      “We’ll get a collar, too. Shall we go?”

      In the pet store, Ava enjoyed watching the two of them walking around while Will talked to Caroline about her choices. She pointed at what she wanted, and Will would put it in a basket he carried. When she selected a collar, she smiled briefly at Will. She placed the collar in the basket he carried and when she turned away, he gave Ava a glance that indicated how thrilled he was over Caroline’s response.

      When they returned home, they picked a place in the kitchen for the dog dishes, and upstairs a perfect spot in Caroline’s playroom for the puppy’s crate. Caroline set out the toys while Will put away the puppy food.

      Finally, it was bedtime for the tired little girl. Will carried Caroline to bed. While he was gone, Ava left him a note that she was going to turn in early. She hurried to her suite to close the door on another night of temptation. It would be more fun to spend the next few hours with Will, but better if she didn’t. All the time at the pet shop her pulse had galloped. She was drawn to Will more each day, yet she hadn’t changed her feelings about an affair. Will was utterly opposed to marriage and serious commitment—the things she cherished most. The safest thing to do was to keep her distance when she could.

      By ten o’clock, she was more restless than ever and wished she hadn’t been so hasty in shutting herself away from him.

      She didn’t fall asleep until nearly morning, and then it was fitful and filled with dreams that involved Will.

      The next day was another like the previous one with Caroline watching the clock and being far more wiggly than normal. In the early afternoon after lunch, Ava read a book Caroline had selected. When she finished, she picked up another one.

      “Did you like your dog?” Caroline asked.

      Startled by Caroline speaking to her, Ava tried to avoid showing her surprise. “Yes, I did. We had a Labrador retriever, Gus. We loved him and he loved us.”

      Caroline nodded.

      Ava was so pleased that Caroline had asked her a question. It was a very good sign.

      Will wanted Ava to go along to get the pup, so once again the three of them climbed into the limo, a travel crate, leash and a toy at the ready.

      Ava took a camcorder, wondering whether Will ever took pictures of Caroline.

      They drove to a tall two-story house in a north suburban area of Fort Worth. A friendly woman introduced herself and showed them in, taking them to the garage where a mother dog was sprawled on a blanket. Caroline’s eyes were wide as she watched fluffy puppies wandering around her.

      “Now, Caroline, you pick out which one of the puppies you would like to take home,” Will said.

      Two puppies wandered to Caroline; one chewed on her shoe. Will leaned down to pick up the puppy and hold it so Caroline could see its face. He reached out and scooped up another. Ava watched the two of them and she prayed the puppy would make a difference in Caroline’s life.

      After deliberating and looking at each puppy several times, Caroline finally picked one up and held it carefully with Will’s help.

      “This one,” she said to him.

      He shot a glance at Ava and she smiled, her heart leaping because of the moment that was significant for them.

      “You want that puppy? You’re sure?”

      “Yes, please,” Caroline answered, nodding her head.

      Will settled up with Mrs. Winston, the breeder, then carried the puppy to the car and placed it in the crate. Caroline sat beside it, her arm on the crate while she watched the puppy, Will talking warmly about the dog.

      By they time they got home and had the pup and its belongings unloaded, Ava left Will and Caroline while she went to her room to freshen up. After a while, she walked back to the playroom to see what was happening.

      Will lay on the floor with his shoes kicked off. His shirt was pulled out of his slacks and his tie was gone, the shirt’s top buttons unfastened. He was stretched out, playing with the pup while Caroline sat facing him, holding a toy sock monkey for the dog. Ava’s heart missed a beat at the sight of Will and his niece. He was laughing, playing with the dog and talking to Caroline, who laughed at the pup’s antics.

      In that moment Ava had to face the fact that she was falling in love with Will. Sadness for the loss of Ethan no longer was a solid wall around her, enclosing her feelings and her heart.

      She stepped inside, going to sit near them.

      “Come join us,” Will said. “This is a great pup. We’re going to have to give it a name so it

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