By The Sheikh's Command. Debbi Rawlins

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By The Sheikh's Command - Debbi Rawlins Mills & Boon American Romance

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rel="nofollow" href="#u570ea7a4-675e-545e-908f-733e6d789566">Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen


      Chapter One

      Brianna Taylor saw him standing in the shadows, and held her breath. She would never have come to the barn if she had known Sheikh Rafe Bahram would be there. In fact, she wouldn’t have come at all.

      Afraid to exhale, she stood, frozen, watching him, curious as to what he was doing. Unlike the angry man who’d arrived over a week ago, he seemed calm and at peace now. His dark head bowed forward, he murmured something she was too far away to hear. The tone reached her, though, low, soothing, hypnotic, as if he were whispering words of love to a woman.

      The idea startled her. No one else was in the barn. Besides, with Allie gone, Bri was the only woman on the ranch. He spoke again and then ducked out of view. Fascinated, she took an involuntary step forward, and then abruptly realized he was talking to Magic Carpet, the Flying Ace’s newest colt, born only two weeks ago.

      Luckily, Rafe hadn’t seen her. It wasn’t too late to back out and run to the house. No one was there. Cord and Rafe’s sister, Allie, had left for their honeymoon. The reminder that her brother now had a wife, someone else to share his life, dealt a fresh blow of grief and her steps faltered.

      Not that she wasn’t happy for him. She truly was thrilled that he’d found someone so perfect for him like Allie, but it had been only a year since Bri had found Cord, only a year of having someone genuinely care about her and not consider her existence a burden to the modern world.

      Rafe’s head came up again and she stopped, fearing any movement would attract his attention. He started to turn toward her and, without another thought, she dropped to the ground in a crouched position.

      Immediately she regretted it.

      How foolish. She could have waved and then walked out. It wasn’t as if she’d been spying on him. But it was too late and all she could hope for…

      “What are you doing?”

      The nearness of Rafe’s husky, accented voice startled her. He stood only a foot away. She looked up into his concerned dark eyes, lost her balance and landed on her fanny on the hard floor.

      “Brianna.” He bent over to take her elbow, but she evaded him.

      Humiliation stung her cheeks. “I’m looking for my earring. I lost it.” He continued to stare at her with unnerving intensity. Maybe because she never wore earrings. She was too chicken to get her ears pierced. She averted her gaze and focused on the hay-littered floor. “I lost it yesterday.”


      She nodded without looking up and sifted through the hay.

      “In this exact spot?”

      She nodded again, and then the amusement in his voice registered, and she looked up. A ghost of a smile played at the corners of his mouth. She was fairly certain she hadn’t seen him smile before.

      “Well, not in this exact spot. If I knew that, then it wouldn’t be lost, would it?” She lowered her gaze again when she realized how prickly she sounded.

      He laughed softly and crouched beside her. “I will help you search.”

      “No.” She swallowed when his knee brushed her thigh. “I’m fine. Really.”

      She’d never been this close to him. Once they’d sat opposite each other across the dinner table, but he’d been in an awful mood, his face darkened by a scowl. He’d come to Bridle to take his sister back to their home in Munir but found out Allie and Cord were getting married. That Allie had tricked him by switching places with her maid and remaining behind in Texas still amazed Brianna. Allie was her new hero. Bri would never have had the nerve.

      “Of course you are, but two of us searching would be better, would it not?”

      “I’m sure you have more important things to do,” she muttered as she stared down at the clumps of straw she’d formed.

      “What could be more important than helping a lady in distress?”

      At the amusement in his voice, she looked up and their eyes met in challenge. “Where I come from, losing an earring is hardly a disaster.”

      “Where I come from, a lady sometimes loses something to gain a man’s attention. Perhaps with the intent of initiating a…friendship.”

      Brianna stared back in disbelief. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. And then finally she said, “That’s stupid.”

      He smiled, taking some of the sting out of her lessthan-profound comment. “I agree.”

      “You don’t do that enough.”

      “Do what?”

      She blinked, stunned that she’d said that out loud. “Never mind.”

      “I would like to hear this.”

      “It’s no big deal.” She shrugged and looked away. “You don’t smile enough.”

      “Ah.” If he was surprised at her observation, he hid it well. “Why do you prefer that I smile?”

      “I don’t,” she said quickly. “I just don’t want you to still be angry that Allie tricked you. You have to see how happy she is, how madly in love she and Cord are.” She sighed. “Having someone love you that much is like—” She stopped, mortification stinging her cheeks.

      “Go on. What is it like?”

      “I was talking about Allie and Cord.” Oh, God, she wanted to stand up and run as fast as she could. To the lake at the foot of the Desert Rose, where no one bothered her, where she could sit and stare at the peaceful water and make believe life was perfect.

      “Yes, but you seem to have strong feelings about—”


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