By The Sheikh's Command. Debbi Rawlins

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By The Sheikh's Command - Debbi Rawlins Mills & Boon American Romance

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kitten let out a wail and Bri nearly dropped Rafe’s drink as she jumped back. “Oh, you poor thing, I’m so sorry.” Bri set the glass of scotch and bottle of cola on the bar and stooped to cuddle the kitten, but the little thing scurried out of the room.

      “Are you all right?” Rafe appeared almost instantly. He grabbed her upper arms as she straightened, his concerned eyes probing hers.

      “Fine.” She cleared her throat. “It was Mittens. She got underfoot and we sort of scared each other.”

      He glanced around.

      “She’s probably halfway to the stables by now.”

      His hands tightened slightly around her arms and he studied her face with unnerving closeness.

      “What?” Bri tried to take a step back.

      “Have you ever been alone before?”

      She laughed at the irony. “I’ve been alone plenty, believe me. Besides, you’re here, aren’t you?”

      “Yes,” he said so patiently it annoyed her. “And if you need anything—”

      “I won’t.”

      He nodded, but his condescending expression irked her. True, she hadn’t been in charge of the ranch before, but two of the hands had been with the Flying Ace so long they didn’t need her. Ty Thomas and Joe Piedmont had started right after Cord’s father had bought the ranch.

      Her father. The thought stopped her. Even after hearing Cord’s stories and seeing all the pictures, she still couldn’t think of Gerald Brannigan as her father. She did wish she had met him, though. But he’d died unaware of her existence.

      “Of course, you can always call Cord on his cell phone.”

      She glared at Rafe. “I will not.”

      “Because he is on his honeymoon? Business is business. Cord understands.”

      “So do I. But a honeymoon is a honeymoon, and if he doesn’t understand that, I’m sure Allie will help remind him.”

      A hint of a smile lit his face. “I am sure you are quite right. Subtlety is not my sister’s strong suit.”

      “Subtlety has nothing to do with it. Now that they’re married, priorities have changed.”

      “Ah.” He nodded. “You are a romantic.”

      “No, I’m not.” Why did she sound so defensive? If she were a romantic, it wouldn’t be a crime. “Marriage is important.”

      “I agree.” He gave a curt bow. “It is much like business.”

      That stopped her. Marriage was personal. It was about love and respect between two people who couldn’t bear to live without each other. But of course Munir royalty didn’t share that opinion. Allie had explained about duty to family and country coming before personal desire. Maybe having no family wasn’t so bad after all.

      “I see you do not agree,” Rafe said when she stayed silent. “Americans do not understand. American women in particular do not—”

      She put up a hand. “I wouldn’t finish that thought if I were you.”

      “As you wish.” His dark eyes watched her with such intensity it was as if he could see more than he should. “Where are you going?”

      “To my office.” She took the glass from the bar and handed it to him before she headed out. “I have a lot of work to do.”

      “Brianna. Wait.”

      She hesitated, but didn’t actually turn around, torn between curiosity and the need to rush to the safety of her office.


      Curiosity won. She turned to him.

      “Will you run from me the entire week?”

      AFTER DINNER, Rafe sat outside in the patio, sipping his coffee while Brianna cleaned up the kitchen. She had declined his offer to help but promised to sit with him later. But only after he had nearly badgered her into agreeing.

      She was a puzzle, that one. Perhaps by the time Aliah and Cord returned, he would understand the shy blonde more. Why she blushed so easily and seemed to shrink away from attention instead of making the most of her considerable charms. She had him confused. Few people were able to do that.

      “I brought you some brandy,” she said as she stepped onto the patio. “Sometimes Cord has it with his coffee after dinner.” She set the bottle down on the table, along with a crystal snifter.

      “What about you? Will you not join me?”

      She wrinkled her nose. “I don’t like the stuff. It’s too strong.”

      “I agree. Please. Sit.”

      A blush stole across her cheeks, and she drew in her lower lip beneath even white teeth, a nervous habit he found most appealing. “I’ll stay a few minutes,” she said and then sank into the chair farthest from him.

      He picked up his coffee, not in the least interested in the brandy. A restless energy disturbed his equilibrium. Is that why he looked to this shy beauty for distraction?

      “Well, if you don’t need me anymore…”

      “Why do you run from me? Has Aliah filled your head with horror stories?”

      She’d started to rise, but sank back down, looking genuinely surprised. “No, of course not. She adores you. And I don’t understand why you keep thinking I’m running away. I’m not on vacation. I have work to do.”

      “I have asked only for a few minutes.”

      She sighed. “I’m sorry. I am a little edgy. There are just so many changes around here lately…”

      Rafe studied the way she anxiously smoothed back the tendrils of hair that had come loose, looking as if she wanted to get up and run as fast as she could. “Were you not in favor of the marriage?” he asked quietly.

      “No. I mean, yes.” She gave her head a flustered shake. “I love Allie like a sister. I’m happy for both of them.”

      “Yet the balance here is upset.”

      Her forehead creased in a frown and she shrugged.

      “Brianna, I understand. I have made peace with the marriage, but still it is difficult for me to see Aliah with a husband. In fact, a near stranger. No matter my growing fondness for Cord.” He had failed to take Aliah back. His people would not understand. “But she made her choice.”

      Curiosity lit her eyes. “I thought men in your country didn’t believe in giving women a choice.”

      “Most don’t.”

      “But you do.”

      He lifted the

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