Becoming The Prince's Wife. Rebecca Winters

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Becoming The Prince's Wife - Rebecca Winters Princes of Europe

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No doubt this prince had been a handful to his parents. Somehow the thought made him even more approachable.

      “With all these wrought-iron balustrades and rustication, the palace really is beautiful.”

      “Along with the two-toned lava masonry, the place is definitely unique,” he commented before ushering her through another pair of doors, where a staff member was on duty. Their arms brushed in the process, sending little trickles of delight through her body. Her reaction was ridiculous. It had to be because she’d never been this close to a prince before. Except for Vincenzo, of course, but he didn’t count. Not in the same way.

      They walked down one more hall to the entrance of the dining room where Abby and Vincenzo sat at the candlelit table with their heads together talking quietly and kissing. Gilt-framed rococo mirrors made the room seem larger, projecting their image.

      Valentino cleared his throat. “Should we come back?” He’d already helped Carolena to be seated. The teasing sound in his voice amused her, but his question caused the other two to break apart. While Abby’s face flushed, Vincenzo got to his feet and came around to give Valentino a hug.

      “It’s good to see you.”

      “Likewise. I’m sorry I took so long. It’s my fault for leaving work late today, but it couldn’t be helped.”

      “No one understands that better than I do. We took the liberty of bringing Carolena with us. Allow me to introduce you.”

      Valentino shot her a penetrating glance. “We already met at the swimming pool.”

      Carolena felt feverish as she and Abby exchanged a silent glance before he walked around to hug her friend. Then he took his place next to Carolena, who still hadn’t recovered from her initial reaction to his masculine appeal.

      In a moment, dinner was served, starting with deep-fried risotto croquettes stuffed with pistachio pesto called arancini because they were the shape and size of an orange. Pasta with clams followed called spaghetti alle vongole. Then came the main course of crab and an aubergine side dish. Valentino told them the white wine came from their own palace vineyard.

      “The food is out of this world, but I’ll have to pass on the cannoli dessert,” Carolena exclaimed a little while later. “If I lived here very long I’d look like one of those fat Sicilian rock partridges unable to move around.”

      Both men burst into laughter before Valentino devoured his dessert.

      Carolena looked at Abby. “What did I say?”

      Vincenzo grinned. “You and my wife have the same thought processes. She was afraid pregnancy would make her look like a beached whale.”

      “We women have our fears,” Abby defended.

      “We certainly do!”

      Valentino darted Carolena another glance. “In that purple swimsuit you were wearing earlier, I can guarantee you’ll never have that problem.”

      She’d walked into that one and felt the blood rush to her cheeks. That suit was a frivolous purchase she wouldn’t have worn around other people, but since she’d been alone... Or so she’d thought. “I hope you’re right, Your Highness.”

      His eyes smiled. “Call me Val.”

      Val? Who in the world called him that?

      He must have been able to read her mind because his next comment answered her question. “My brother and I didn’t like our long names, so we gave ourselves nicknames. He’s Vito and I’m Val.”

      “V and V,” she said playfully. “I’m surprised you didn’t have to wash your initials off some of those putti.”

      Another burst of rich laughter escaped his throat. When it subsided, he explained their little joke to Vincenzo and Abby.

      Carolena smiled at Abby. “I’d caution you never to tell that story to Max, or when he’s more grown up he might take it into his head to copy his uncles.”

      “Fortunately we don’t have putti,” Vincenzo quipped.

      “True,” Abby chimed in, “but we do have busts that can be knocked over by a soccer ball.”

      Amidst the laughter, a maid appeared in the doorway. “Forgive the intrusion, Your Highness, but the queen says it seems the young prince has started to cry and is running a temperature.”

      In an instant both parents jumped to their feet bringing an end to the frivolity.

      Wanting to say something to assure them, Carolena said, “He’s probably caught a little cold.”

      Abby nodded. “I’m sure you’re right, but he’s still not as used to the queen yet and is in a strange place. I’ll go to him.” She put a hand on Vincenzo’s arm. “You stay here and enjoy your visit, darling.”

      At this point, Valentino stood up. “We’ll have all day tomorrow. Right now your boy needs both of you.”

      “Thank you,” they murmured. Abby came around to give Carolena a hug. “See you in the morning.”

      “Of course. If you need me for anything, just phone me.”

      “I will.”

      When they disappeared out the doors, Carolena got to her feet. “I’ll say good-night, too. Thank you for a wonderful dinner, Your Highness.”

      He frowned. “The name’s Val. I want to hear you say it.”

      She took a deep breath. “Thank you...Val.”

      “That’s better.” His gaze swept over her. “Where’s the fire?”

      “I’m tired.” Carolena said the first thing that came into her head. “I was up early to finish some work at the firm before the limo arrived to drive me to the airport. Bed sounds good to me.”

      “Then I’ll walk you back.”

      “That won’t be necessary.”

      He cocked his dark blond head. “Do I frighten you?”

      Your appeal frightens me. “If anything, I’m afraid of disturbing your routine.”

      “I don’t have one tonight. Forget I’m the prince.”

      It wasn’t the prince part that worried her. He’d made her aware of him as a man. This hadn’t happened since she’d fallen in love with Berto and it was very disturbing to her.

      “To be honest, when you showed up at the swimming pool earlier, you looked tired after a hard day’s work. Since it’s late, I’m sure you’d like a good sleep before you spend the day with Vincenzo tomorrow.”

      “I’m not too tired to see you back to your room safely.”

      “Your Highness?” The same maid came to the entrance once more. “The queen would like to see you in her apartment.”


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