Becoming The Prince's Wife. Rebecca Winters

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Becoming The Prince's Wife - Rebecca Winters Princes of Europe

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to see you. It looks like I’m going to have to do it more often.”

      He was a huge flirt. The tabloids hadn’t been wrong about him. “I won’t be here long enough to get caught again. I have a law practice waiting for me back in Arancia.”

      He studied her for a moment. “I heard you’re in the same firm with Abby.”

      “We were until her marriage. Now she’s a full-time mother to your nephew.”

      A heart-stopping smile appeared. “It must be tough on your male colleagues working around so much beauty and brains.”

      “They’re all married.”

      “That makes it so much worse.”

      She laughed. “You’re outrageous.”

      “Then we understand each other. Tomorrow we’ll be eating breakfast on the terrace off the morning room. I’ll send a maid for you at eight-thirty. Buona notte, Carolena.”

      “Buona notte.”

      “Val,” he said again.

      “Val,” she whispered before shutting the door. She lay against it, surprised he was so insistent on her using his nickname, surprised he’d made such an impact on her.

      After their delicious meal, she wasn’t ready for bed yet. Once she’d slipped on her small garden-print capri pajamas, she set up her laptop on the table and started to look up Mount Etna. The amount of information she found staggered her. There were dozens of videos and video clips she watched until after one in the morning.

      But by the time she’d seen a video about six volcanologists killed on the Galeras volcano in the Colombian Andes in 1993, she turned off her computer. The scientists had been standing on the ground when it began to heave and then there was a deafening roar. The volcano exploded, throwing boulders and ash miles high and they’d lost their lives.

      The idea of that happening to the prince made her ill. She knew he took precautions, but as he’d pointed out, there was always a certain amount of risk. The desire to see a vent up close would be hard to resist. That’s what he did in his work. He crept up close to view the activity and send back information. But there might come a day when he’d be caught. She couldn’t bear the thought of it, but she admired him terribly.

      The playboy prince who’d had dozens of girlfriends didn’t mesh with the volcanologist whose name was Val. She didn’t want to care about either image of the sensational-looking flesh-and-blood man. When Carolena finally pulled the covers over her, she fell asleep wishing she’d never met him. He was too intriguing for words.

      At seven-thirty the next morning her cell phone rang, causing her to wonder if it was the prince. She got a fluttery feeling in her chest as she raised up on one elbow to reach for it. To her surprise it was Abby and she clicked on. “Abby? Are you all right? How’s Max?”

      “He’s still running a temperature and fussing. I think he’s cutting another tooth. The reason I’m calling is because I’m going to miss breakfast with you and stay in the apartment with him. It will give Vincenzo and Valentino time to get some work done this morning.”

      “Understood. I’m so sorry Max is sick.”

      “It’ll pass, but under the circumstances, why don’t you order breakfast in your room or out by the pool. I’ll get in touch with you later in the day. If you want a limo, just dial zero and ask for one to drive you into town, and do a little shopping or something.”

      “Don’t worry about me. I’ll love relaxing by the pool. This is heaven after the hectic schedule at the law firm.”

      “Okay, then. Talk to you soon.”

      This was a good turn of events. The less she saw of Valentino, the better.


      BY TEN-THIRTY A.M., Valentino could see that Vincenzo wasn’t able to concentrate. “Let’s call it a day. I can see you want to be with Abby and Max. When I’ve finished with some other business, we’ll meet for dinner.”

      Vincenzo nodded. “Sorry, Valentino.”

      “You can’t help this. Family has to come first.” He walked his brother-in-law out of his suite where they’d had breakfast while they talked. When they’d said goodbye, he closed the door, realizing he had a free day on his hands if he wanted it.

      In truth, he’d never wanted anything more and walked over to the house phone to call Carolena Baretti’s room, but there was no answer. He buzzed his assistant. “Paolo? Did Signorina Baretti go into town?”

      “No. She had breakfast at the pool and is still there.”

      “I see. Thank you.”

      Within minutes he’d changed into trunks and made his way to the pool with a beach towel and his phone. He spotted her sitting alone reading a book under the shade of the table’s umbrella. She’d put her hair in a braid and was wearing a lacy cover-up, but he could see a spring-green bikini beneath it.

      “I guess it was too much to hope you were wearing that purple swimsuit I found you in last evening.”

      She looked up. Maybe it was a trick of light, but he thought she looked nervous to see him. Why?

      Carolena put her book down. “You’ve finished your work with Vincenzo already?”

      He tossed the towel on one of the other chairs. “Between you and me, I think he wanted to take a nap with his wife.”

      A smile appeared. “They deserve some vacation time away from deadlines.”

      “Amen. We’ll do more work tomorrow when Max is feeling better. Come swim with me.”

      She shook her head. “I’ve already been in.”

      “There’s no law that says you can’t swim again, is there?” He put his phone on the table.

      “No. Please—just forget I’m here.”

      “I’m afraid that would be impossible,” he said over his shoulder before plunging in at the deep end to do some laps. When he eventually lifted his head, he was shocked to discover she’d left the patio and was walking back to her wing of the palace on those long shapely legs.

      Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. Propelled into action, he grabbed his things and caught up to her as she was entering the door of her apartment. Valentino stood in the aperture so she couldn’t close it on him.

      “Did you go away because I’d disturbed you with my presence? Or was it because you have an aversion to me, signorina?”

      Color swept into her cheeks. “Neither one.”

      His adrenaline surged. “Why didn’t you tell me you preferred to be alone?”

      “I’m just a guest. You’re the prince doing your own thing. This is your home. But I had no intention of offending you by leaving the pool.”


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