Extreme Measures. Brenda Harlen

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Extreme Measures - Brenda Harlen Mills & Boon Vintage Intrigue

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the unyielding strength of his muscles, the thunderous beating of his heart.

      “It’s been a really long day and I have to get up early in the morning and I’m sure you have things to do and if you want to get together for coffee some time on the weekend maybe we could do that, but now really isn’t…”

      Her words trailed off as he skimmed his knuckles down her cheek.

      “You babble when you’re nervous.” His lips curved in a slow, seductive smile that made her breath catch in her throat and her pulse race. “I like that I can still make you nervous.”

      She could hardly deny it. Nor could she deny the anticipation that surged through her veins as his head lowered toward her.

      Then his mouth closed over hers and a wave of desire crashed through the last, lingering vestiges of her resistance. Overwhelmed by yearning, overpowered by need, she closed her eyes and surrendered to the sweet, mindless pleasure of his kiss.

      His lips were as masterful as she remembered. She’d never known anyone who could kiss like Colin, with a kind of arrogant confidence that might have been annoying if it wasn’t so darned arousing.

      Her lips parted on a sigh to welcome the teasing caress of his tongue as he deepened the kiss. She hadn’t felt his arms come around her, hadn’t been aware of her own reaching for him, but suddenly they were entwined together and the press of his long, lean and very hard body sent dangerous currents racing through her. She shifted closer, the friction of the subtle movement making her skin burn, her body ache.

      It had been years—five years, in fact—since she’d felt anything close to this kind of arousal. And all it took was a kiss.

      Or maybe it was Colin.

      She had no defenses against him. She never had. It was this fleeting thought, this reminder of their disastrous history, that finally penetrated the sensual haze fogging her brain and jolted her back to reality.

      She pulled out of his arms. “I want you to go, Colin.”

      “Making me leave isn’t going to make the attraction between us go away.” He brushed his thumb over the curve of her bottom lip, moist and swollen from his kiss. “The chemistry’s still there. You might not like it, but you can’t deny it.”

      He was right—she couldn’t deny it. But she could, and she would, resist it. What was chemistry without staying power, anyway? Nothing more than an invitation to heartbreak—and she’d been there, done that.

      She took a deliberate step back. “I have no intention of being a distraction for you while you’re in town.”

      “Do you think that’s all I want?”

      “I gave up trying to figure out what you wanted a long time ago.”

      He moved toward her, breaching the careful distance she’d put between them. “I want you, Nicole. I’ve always wanted you.”

      Her heart did a silly little flip-flop inside her chest, but she refused to show how much his words affected her. “What about me?” she countered. “What about what I want?”

      “Tell me,” he said, his voice as seductive as a caress. “Tell me what you want.”

      She steeled herself against the traitorous yearnings of her body, the inexplicable longing in her heart.

      I want you to go.

      Before she could speak, the familiar creak of the screen door snagged her attention. Every muscle in her body stiffened, her breath caught.

      Colin, his eyes still focused on her own, hadn’t heard the sound. His back to the house, he couldn’t see the tiny figure standing in the doorway. But Nikki could, and she saw the whole of her universe start to crumble around her even before Carly spoke.


      Chapter 2

      Colin stared at the child in the doorway while his mind desperately scrambled for a plausible explanation to the scene that was unfolding in front of him. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think. He felt as though he’d just been blindsided at center ice, and he was helpless to do anything as the world spun out of control around him.

      “Mommy, I had a bad dream.”

      He saw Nikki move toward the child, smooth a trembling hand over the little girl’s tousled blond hair.


      Whatever he’d expected when he’d returned to Fairweather, he hadn’t expected this.

      Nikki had a child.

      He shook his head. He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it. But the relationship between the woman and the child was obvious, and triggered a multitude of other questions in his mind. Whose? When? And most heart wrenching of all—how could she have betrayed him in such a way?

      Nikki didn’t spare him a glance as she crouched down beside the little girl. “What did you dream about, sweetie?”

      “I don’t ’member.” Her bottom lip quivered. “I just woke up an’ I was scared.”

      “It’s okay,” Nikki soothed, wrapping her arms around the child. “Mommy’s here.”

      It’s been five years. A lot of things have changed in that time.

      Her words echoed in his mind. Obviously a lot of things had changed, more than he ever would have expected.

      Nikki had told him she’d never married again, and he’d mistakenly assumed that meant she’d never loved anyone else. The existence of this child proved otherwise.

      The pain of knowing she’d been with another man, loved another man, was like losing her all over again. It was a betrayal of everything they’d shared, of all that they’d meant to each other.

      You were the one who wanted the divorce.

      Dammit, he hadn’t wanted the divorce. He hadn’t wanted anything more than he’d wanted to be with Nikki. But his career had made that impossible, and he couldn’t bear to see how much their separation hurt her.

      So he’d said goodbye; he’d walked away. And she’d found someone else. As he stared at the blond head nestled against Nikki’s shoulder, the realization simply shattered him.

      Somehow sensing his perusal, the little girl turned. The initial shock of hearing her call Nikki “Mommy” was nothing compared to the impact he felt when the child looked at him through eyes that were the mirror image of his own.

      Colin grasped the railing behind him for support as a whole new wave of emotions washed over him. The most overwhelming, and the most unexpected, of them all was joy. Pure, unadulterated joy filled his heart as he stood face-to-face with his child.

      His child.

      There was absolutely no doubt in his mind, not the slightest hint of uncertainty in his soul. This beautiful little girl was his daughter.

      She, however,

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