Accidental Fiancee. Mary Moore

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Accidental Fiancee - Mary Moore Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical

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saving Lydia’s Season worth this?

      * * *

      It was at that moment that Brandon realized, if he could not get out of this incredible fiasco, that she would be the perfect candidate for a marriage of convenience. The thought surprised him, but indeed, she had every attribute he would seek in a wife.

      She was not an ethereal beauty as her sister was, but he had already decided she was the more handsome of the two.

      She had wit and intelligence, and could hold her own in any conversation with him. She made him laugh.

      He found, of a sudden, he would be interested in her views on many topics, and he could think of worse ways to spend an evening than in her company. He could also see her easily being included in the business endeavor he and Dennis had begun under the aegis of Lord Langdon.

      “Perhaps it is not one thing that would make me choose you.” He nodded his head as he walked around the room, thinking out loud. “Maybe it is what we have just been saying. You are quite different than my usual style, and that in itself could be enough. Most of those close to me know it is the sameness in women that bores me.”

      He stopped pacing and said with serious foreboding, “Very well, I will play the reformed rake. I know it will be hard, even awkward at times, but it will only be for a few weeks. I think it will serve.”

      “Oh, dear, I am losing my mind. We cannot tell people we are in love! The ton would laugh us out of Town.” Then she said, less heated, “And it is a lie.”

      He began to realize that the faith she touted could cause some problems. It was more than a walk to a village church on Sundays. The thought of even telling a little white lie made her unhappy. He did not understand it, but he did not like to see her so troubled.

      “Lydia?” he asked politely. “Will you leave us for a moment? I need to talk to your sister alone.”

      * * *

      Lydia did as she was bade, and as he closed the door behind her, Grace walked over to the window and looked out. She felt chilled to the bone, but it was a beautiful March day, so she knew it was not from the weather. She spoke, still staring out, “How I wish I was at home and all of this was a terrible nightmare.”

      He walked up behind her and lightly took her by the shoulders to turn her to face him.

      “Look at me, Grace,” he said in a low voice. She glanced up at him in surprise. It was another tone of voice she had not heard him use before. “This is not meant to offend you, but I wish to show you something.” He pulled her a little closer and continued to gaze into her eyes. “Do you know, Lady Grace, it is good that you do not lie, because you say the most amazing things with your eyes.” She did not notice that his face moved infinitesimally closer to hers as their gazes remained locked.

      He was speaking in a mesmerizing voice, low and subtle, and she was shocked when he very lightly touched his lips to hers. It was her first kiss. She did not even know it was coming, and her surprise turned to shock. He immediately drew back and her eyes widened at the realization of what had happened.

      “What can you be about, my lord? How dare you take such liberties? I trusted you!” She was rambling, but she was angry and confused. She could still feel his lips, the sensation was odd but so tender. Yet tender was the last word she would ever use to describe him.

      His eyes, only moments before so close to hers, changed, then he took a step back and straightened the cuffs of his coat. “I am sorry if I frightened you. I needed to show you that we shall have no problem proclaiming a relationship...without any words at all. Of course, most in London will never see such scenes, but it is obvious that we can be convincing as a couple for the amount of time you need to get Lydia married off.” He turned, walked to the table and finished the cup of coffee he’d nursed earlier.

      It had all been a game! The kiss was to show her that he could make her fall in love with him! Her fists balled in rage. “How dare you?” she growled in anger. “I have known you less than twenty-four hours!” She did not want her first kiss to be part of a game. It had come and gone, and meant nothing to him.

      “I told you I meant no insult. I am sorry, but you have known me less than twenty-four hours and we are betrothed. You must come to terms with this, Grace.”

      “Very well, my lord,” she said coldly. “You have made your point. I am going to go get my hat and pelisse, and have the horses put to. Perhaps, as we journey to London, you will tell me how we are to handle the widow you mentioned.”

      * * *

      “You keep overstating that situation.” Now he was angry! They were in her carriage and he knew she was still upset about the kiss. “During the Little Season I danced with her more than some others and took her up in my curricle once or twice. Since then, I have been at my estate and at Lord Southby’s house party, and there has been no contact between us. As I told you before, she is not seventeen years of age, and has some experience of the world. She may have believed I was declaring my intent because of those few things, but I assure you I did not.”

      “As you wish,” she said, turning to stare out the window. “The only thing left to settle is the termination of our betrothal. What causes that? Is it public or private? And what will that mean in terms of Lydia’s prospects?”

      “It could be a private decision between the two of us that we do not suit. One of us might wish to leave Town for a while.”

      “I will go, gladly. Home is where I wish to be,” she said stoically.

      He continued as if she had not interrupted him. “More than likely, however, with Lydia’s beauty and her dowry, she will be spoken for even before we end the engagement. Then you can either leave or stay, as you please. Though I hope you will stay.”

      She folded her arms across her chest and cocked her head to the side.

      “Assuming, however, that Lydia is not betrothed, you must stay. It will be the great on dit of the Season. And whatever cause Society assigns to the break, the sympathy will be with you in any event.”

      He wished they had the time for him to soothe her feelings and make her laugh. But they must work together now to save their reputations, and a sullen attitude would not help the situation. Seeking a way to make her smile, he said, “You really do have to get in the habit of calling me Brandon, or at the very least Weston, or no one is going to believe any of this. Why, even a significant sigh when you say my name would not come amiss a time or two.” He winked at her as he said the last.

      After plans had been finalized, the trip to London passed uneventfully. Lord Weston sat languidly, listening to Grace and Lydia talk, speaking only when there was a specific question in his mind.

      Even though Grace was still upset that he had kissed her to make a point, she could not forget his distress as he’d told her of his youthful indiscretion, reminding her that he had not always been so blasé where feelings were concerned. She wondered how many rakes were actually born to it and how many were driven to it by some horrible circumstance in their past. Father, this man needs Your grace and Your forgiveness. You give it so freely. Help me to show him that.


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