The Heir's Unexpected Baby. Jules Bennett

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The Heir's Unexpected Baby - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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she settled into her older model car, Viv turned on her heated seat, locked the doors and pulled the small leather-bound book from her purse.

      It didn’t take her long to realize she’d struck gold. The author of this journal was none other than the late Patrick O’Shea. The patriarch of the Boston family Jack was hell-bent on bringing down. The family she’d been infiltrating for a year.

      As she skimmed the pages, she knew when she got to Jack’s house he’d devour this thing. She couldn’t wait to get this to him, to show him she was valuable and actually had something concrete they might be able to use.

      She flipped another page, then froze as she read the entry. Her blood chilled as each word sank in. There was no skimming this one. In fact, she read it twice to make sure she wasn’t seeing things.

      Heart in her throat, she knew there was no way Jack could ever see this journal. Everything he’d wanted to bring down the family was here...including the fact that Jack was Patrick’s illegitimate son.

      Heels clicked on the hardwood, the echo growing louder as Viv approached. Jack came to his feet and turned toward the entryway of the patio room. He’d had his chef set up dinner out here so they could close all the French doors and have some privacy.

      Jack sucked in a breath the second she came into view. The punch of lust to the gut was nothing new, though. More and more, when he saw her, she never failed to have a dramatic issue he’d have to deal with on his own.

      Her pink suit jacket cut in at her narrow waist, the matching skirt fell just above her knee and her black heeled boots showcased just how long those legs truly were.

      He’d traveled the world, both in the military and for pleasure, and had seen stunning women all over the globe. But Viv, who managed to embody innocence, class and a touch of sultriness, was one woman he couldn’t get out of his mind.

      Jack knew Viv would be gorgeous in anything she wore. That Native American heritage of hers set her apart from nearly every woman he knew. And the fact that she stood out in his mind only added to his guilt. He had to get a grip or he’d mess up their working relationship, and he refused to find another assistant. Viv was invaluable and they worked smoothly as a team.

      And she was the only one he trusted to get inside the O’Sheas’ inner sanctum and bring back information.

      “Sorry I’m late.” She blew out a breath, hugged little Katie closer to her chest. “She’s been a little fussy and I’m pretty sure her teeth are bothering her.”

      Jack shoved his hands in his pockets. He had no experience with teething babies...not that he wouldn’t have welcomed it once. But that chance was stolen from him the night his pregnant wife had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      Working with Viv seriously hit his emotions from every single angle. Self-control was key to him not losing his ever-loving mind. And if he focused on the task at hand, at bringing down the O’Sheas, then nothing else mattered.

      “I hope I didn’t hold you up.” Viv glanced at the table, her eyes wide. “Wow. You really went all out.”

      The yeast rolls, the turkey roulade with plum sauce, the roasted potatoes and veggies, wine...even pats of butter in the shape of doves. Tilly, his chef, housekeeper and wanna-be matchmaker, had gone a bit overboard. And Jack knew for a fact there was a homemade red velvet cheesecake waiting for them in the kitchen.

      He gave a mental shrug. Tilly’s attempts were all in vain. Regardless of the fact that Jack had told her this dinner was strictly business, she clearly had ignored him and done her own usual.

      Tilly had been his chef for nearly a decade and never missed a chance to set him up with a woman. Jack had turned down numerous blind dates she’d foisted on him. When he was ready, he could find his own damn date. Considering he was married to Carson Enterprises and dedicated to working for justice, he didn’t have time to worry about dating or keeping a woman happy.

      Jack glanced at the overly romantic table, then back to Viv. “I told Tilly this was a business dinner, but she’s hell-bent on marrying me off.”

      Viv quirked a dark brow. “Well, this is already better than nearly every date I’ve been on. I’m still recovering from the last one.”

      Before Jack could ask what she meant, not that it was his business, Katie let out a cry. Viv patted her back and rocked back and forth, whispering comforting words in an attempt to calm the baby. Nothing seemed to be working, but he wasn’t exactly an expert...nor would he ever be.

      “I left the diaper bag up front where Tilly hung our coats. Could you grab it for me?”

      Diaper bag. Sure. Maybe this meeting would have been better suited to a phone call. Viv had her hands full, technically working two jobs and caring for an eleven-month-old baby.

      Jack refused to feel guilty as he headed to retrieve the diaper bag. Viv had been with him long enough and she was a strong woman. He wasn’t worried she couldn’t pull this off. He was counting on her to pull this off.

      And that irritated him on a certain level. He hated relying on someone else to get the job done. He was a hands-on guy, so waiting for her to feed him information was not his idea of a dream job. But the FBI was counting on him to uncover something that would tie the O’Sheas to the crimes against the Parkers. Then they would have the open door to search the rest of their dealings.

      The gray-and-white-patterned bag sat next to the accent table by the front door. Jack grabbed the strap and jerked the heavy bag up onto his shoulder. What the hell was in this thing? How could someone so small need so much stuff?

      He started back down the hallway, but stopped short when Tilly stepped through the wide arched opening leading into the kitchen.

      “Everything all right, Mr. Carson?”

      Mr. Carson. She’d worked for him for nearly ten years and he’d given up trying to get her to call him by his first name. Tilly epitomized respect. Ironic, considering she didn’t mind nosing right on into his love life...or lack thereof.

      “Fine, Tilly. Thank you. Viv just needed her diaper bag.”

      Tilly smiled, the corners of her eyes creasing. “That little girl is lucky to have Ms. Smith in her life.”

      Jack nodded. “You’re off duty from playing cupid tonight.” And every other night.

      A smile spread across her face, deepening the fan of wrinkles around her eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she claimed as she turned back to the kitchen. She stopped, threw a glance over her shoulder and added, “Just let me know when to serve the cheesecake for two.”

      “I’ll serve it,” he told her with a laugh. How could he not admire her determination, even if it was wasted? “Why don’t you go on home?”

      Her eyes all but sparkled. “Want to be alone? I get it. Consider me gone.”

      He wasn’t going to correct her. Yes, he wanted to be alone with Viv, but not for the reasons Tilly assumed. She’d draw her own conclusions no matter what Jack said, so he wasn’t wasting his breath. Besides, he never

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