The Heir's Unexpected Baby. Jules Bennett

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The Heir's Unexpected Baby - Jules Bennett Mills & Boon Desire

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argued that he was too busy traveling for work and making money to find a woman. She often hinted that all that money was a waste if he had nobody to spend it on.

      As much as the thought of another woman in his life terrified him, Jack couldn’t fault Tilly for her efforts. The woman’s heart was in the right place—he just wished she’d give up. He’d had the love of his life once. That kind of love didn’t happen twice.

      As far as dating, well, he didn’t want to worry about that, either. He was perfectly content with the way things were. Worrying about himself was enough.

      But part of him, okay a huge part, worried about Viv when she was with the O’Sheas. He’d be a fool not to worry. So much for not getting personally involved.

      Katie’s cry pulled him away from his thoughts as he headed back onto the patio. Viv sat in one of the cushioned chairs at the table. She was muttering nurturing words and holding Katie in a cradle position.

      Jack froze when he spotted the pale pink lace peeking from beneath Viv’s suit jacket. Mercy, not again. Katie had a white-knuckled grip on the V and was pulling the material apart.

      The lace was quite the contrast against Viv’s dark he shouldn’t be looking at and lace his fingers shouldn’t be itching to trace.

      Pull it together.

      He adjusted the diaper bag on his shoulder and attempted to ignore the fact this woman loved lace lingerie.

      “What do you need out of here?” he asked, unzipping the bag.

      She lifted her head and every time those dark eyes clashed with his, he struggled to look away. She had a power she wasn’t even aware of and he’d do good to remind himself she was off-limits.

      “Just set it down. I can get it.”

      Setting the bag at her feet, he stepped back and took a seat across from her. Unfortunately, when she bent down to dig inside the bag, Katie’s grip tightened and that V only widened. A little pink bow was nestled in the middle of her breasts.

      Damn it all. How the hell could he conduct a “business” meeting like this?

      “Just tell me what you’re looking for.”

      He got to his feet and picked the bag up, forcing himself not to look her way. Focus on the bag. That was the only way they were going to get anywhere this evening.

      “Oh, the pain reliever.” Viv shifted Katie on her lap, then adjusted her controversial jacket. “It’s a small pink-and-white bottle with a dropper lid.”

      What the hell was a dropper lid? He shuffled through diapers, wipes, jars of baby food, lotion, a stuffed doll...

      “Sorry. The outside pouch. I put it in there so it would be easily accessible.”

      Of course she had.

      Jack finally pulled out the right thing and handed it to her. With his hands on his hips, he stood back and watched as Katie settled back against Viv’s arm.

      “It’s okay, sweetheart.” Viv put the medicine in her mouth, then seemed to be rubbing it on Katie’s gums. “You’ll feel better in just a minute.”

      Viv had brought Katie into his office a couple times when her neighbor wasn’t available to babysit. During those occasions, Jack found a reason to step out for the day. Being near this combination of beautiful woman and enchanting baby was like getting smacked in the face with all he’d lost...his family being the sole reason he was determined to bring down those who kept skirting the law.

      As Jack watched Viv console a fussy Katie, he couldn’t help but wonder what his life would’ve been like had his wife lived. He tried not to go there in his mind, but sometimes that just wasn’t possible.

      “Sorry.” Viv looked up at him with a soft smile. “Why don’t you go ahead and eat. I’d hate to hold you up any longer.”

      Thankful for the chance to focus on something else, Jack started filling both of their plates. “How was today? Did you work with Laney?”

      Laney O’Shea, the baby of the clan, was now engaged to Ryker Barrett, right-hand man and family enforcer. The two were expecting their first child in the summer and Jack hated the jealousy that rolled through him. People like that shouldn’t get to experience the happiness that had been robbed from him.

      “What?” she looked up at him, then back to the baby. “Oh, yeah. Laney was there all day.”

      “Any interesting clients?” he asked. “Did Ryker or her brothers stop in?”

      Viv eased the baby up onto her shoulder, patting her back in an attempt to calm her. “Ryker dropped by and brought Laney lunch. He’s been pretty territorial and protective of her since she got pregnant.”

      Gritting his teeth, Jack set her full plate in front of her. “Did he do anything else? Use the computers, make a call?”

      “No. He was actually in and out in about ten minutes.” Viv looked down to her plate. “There’s no way I’ll eat all of this.”

      “Eat what you want. Tilly takes any leftovers to the homeless shelter by her house. She actually always makes extra and takes it there anyway.”

      Viv stilled, her hand resting on Katie’s back. “That’s so sweet.”

      Jack shrugged. “She’s got a big heart and she doesn’t mind using my money to help others.”

      Katie’s cries had calmed. Either the meds had kicked in or the poor thing was exhausted from crying.

      Viv picked up her fork and stabbed one roasted potato. “And what about you? I’d say your heart is big or you wouldn’t let her use your money for such things.”

      “I have no problem helping anyone when I see the need.” He stared across the table, realizing she hadn’t looked at him since mentioning work and was now trying to steer the conversation into another territory. “I grew up with a single mother who worked hard to make sure we never wanted for anything. I figure she struggled raising me alone. I would often hear her crying at night when she thought I was asleep.”

      Jack stopped, not wanting to dig too far into his suppressed memories. The past could easily cripple him, pull him down. The only thing he could use his past for was to propel him forward, to always remember where he came from. And he’d never forget the mother who sacrificed so much.

      He pulled in a breath, determined to get back on track. “What happened today at the office?”

      Her fork clattered to the plate, but she quickly picked it back up and shrugged. “Nothing. Just the same daily routine.”

      Again, the lack of eye contact. He’d known Viv long enough, hell, he’d been a soldier and investigator long enough, to know when someone was lying. What was going on?

      Slowly, without taking his eyes off her, he leaned forward in his seat. “What happened today?” he repeated, slower this time until she finally looked directly at him.

      “Jack, I’m telling you what happened.” Now she held

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