My Stallion Heart. Deborah Fletcher Mello

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My Stallion Heart - Deborah Fletcher Mello The Stallions

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      “What happened last week?”

      “I resigned. I’m moving on to bigger things.”

      “What things?”

      “I’m opening my own design house.”

      “Here in the United States?”

      Tinjin shook his head. “No. In Paris.”

      “Is that where you live?” Natalie asked, her curiosity peaking.

      “Right now I live in London but I also have a flat in Paris and I’ll be moving back there next month.”

      “Interesting...” Natalie said, her voice fading ever so slightly.

      Tinjin smiled. “Give me a chance and you’ll soon discover that I’m a very interesting man,” he said, his tone slightly smug. “I’m also quite the gentleman. It’s my European aesthetic with my Southern upbringing. My granny raised me well. I love my granny!” he exclaimed, his smile widening.

      She leaned forward, her gaze narrowing slightly. “So does that mean you’re a little bit of a mama’s boy?” she asked. There was a hint of teasing in her tone.

      Tinjin laughed. “Yes, ma’am! And I’m proud of it. There’s no shame in my game!”

      For the first time, Natalie smiled back. She found him amusing. He was clearly confident and had just enough attitude without being arrogant. He was direct, but not pushy and definitely quite the charmer. She liked him and his devil-may-care attitude, and she found herself curious to know more about the man.

      * * *

      Travis Stallion eased his body against his wife’s, snaking his arm around her waist as he pulled her to him. The two stood quietly together, staring down at their children as both slumbered peacefully. He pressed a kiss to the back of Tierra’s neck.

      “They’re growing too fast,” Tierra whispered. “Tianna’s lifting her head up by herself already.”

      “They are,” Travis whispered back. “You should have seen Lorenzo on the horses today. Once he warmed up to everyone, there was no stopping him.”

      “He’s got a little crush on Gabrielle. I saw how he was following her around.”

      Travis chuckled. “That’s my boy! I’m going to hate to have to tell him that she’s his family.”

      Tierra giggled as she grabbed her man’s hand and led him from the room. They closed the door and moved to their own bedroom. Inside, both slipped beneath the covers and cuddled close against each other.

      “I still haven’t been able to reach Tinjin,” Tierra commented. “That girl who works for him said he’s stuck at the airport in New York.”

      “Your brother might not make it. I was listening to the news and they said the weather has made a mess of things. Flights have been canceled up the entire east coast. They’re getting hit hard.”

      She blew a low sigh. “I hope he’s still able to meet us. I really wanted to see him. Since he moved abroad we barely spend any time together anymore. I love my brother and I want our kids to know him.”

      “You know you can always fly to London to see Tinjin, Tierra. I told you that. In fact, I think you should still go and take Mama Dee with you. You both deserve some time away. I can watch the kids or you can take them with you. You know I’d support whatever you wanted.”

      Tierra nodded. “Maybe after I’m not breast-feeding anymore. I think my grandmother would like to go visit Tinjin.”

      Travis eased a warm palm across her abdomen and up until his fingers lightly grazed the curve of her breast. He gently stroked the lush tissue, his heated touch teasing.

      Tierra laughed. “You’re trying to start something!”

      He nodded his head. “I am.”

      “You starting something is how we got Tianna. We were going to wait until Lorenzo was four before we had another baby, remember?”

      He nuzzled his face into her hair. “I can’t help it if you’re abundantly fertile.”

      She laughed again as he continued to stroke her gently, his hands gliding up and down her body. They lay together for only a brief moment, relaxing into the soft inhalations of each breath and then minutes later both were sound asleep.

      * * *

      Natalie and Tinjin had been talking on and off for a couple of hours. Despite the conversation being lighthearted and easy, there was a hint of sadness behind her eyes and Tinjin felt it tugging at his heartstrings. The emotion surprised him just enough to give him reason to pause. He stared at her as her gaze moved to the window and the weather outside. It was still snowing, white flakes of ice and cold blanketing everything in view.

      “So why are you going to Salt Lake City?” he asked, breaking through the quiet that had moved between them.

      He watched as she bristled, biting down against her bottom lip. Her eyes misted but she fought back the urge to cry. She tossed him a quick look, then returned her stare to the window and the landscape outside.

      “You ask a lot of questions, TJ,” she finally answered, shifting in her seat to meet his eyes. “You’re like a woman, you’re so nosey.”

      Tinjin laughed. “You’re one to talk. And don’t call me TJ. My parents named me Tinjin and I like my name. It’s the only thing the two left me with.”

      She chuckled softly. “I like your name, too, so don’t be so sensitive.”

      “I’m not being sensitive. Just don’t call me TJ. We don’t know each other that well.”

      “I think we know each other very well. Well enough that you deserve a nickname. If it makes you feel better you can give me one. Something just between the two of us.”

      Tinjin paused briefly. “Okay, Gnat. I’ll call you Gnat. Like the bug.”

      “You’re calling me a bug? An annoying bug?”

      He shrugged his broad shoulders. “It fits. I’m giving you a nickname just like you gave me one. We’ll be TJ and Gnat. Gnat and TJ. Airport buddies forever!”

      “You’re not funny. And you’re a pain in the ass, do you know that?”

      Tinjin laughed. “Takes one to know one.”

      Natalie rolled her eyes.

      “Now that you’ve walked all around my question, are you going to answer it?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

      She eyed him intently, the look he was giving her moving her heart to skip a quick beat. She took a deep breath and held it for a second. “No, I’m not,” she said finally. “It’s still none of your business.”

      “I told you why I was headed in that direction.”


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