My Stallion Heart. Deborah Fletcher Mello

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My Stallion Heart - Deborah Fletcher Mello The Stallions

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thought we were becoming friends.”

      “It’s good they don’t pay you to think.”

      “And you’re a mean girl, too!” Tinjin exclaimed. “Beautiful and mean!”

      “You should be careful,” Natalie said, her expression smug. “That’s a lethal combination.”

      They were interrupted as a hostess suddenly moved between them. “Can I get either of you anything to drink?” the woman asked as she looked from one to the other before letting her gaze rest on Tinjin’s face. She gave him a suggestive smile.

      He smiled back. “I’d love a scotch. Straight,” he said. He looked toward Natalie.

      “A glass of white wine, please,” Natalie said.

      “And white wine for my friend,” Tinjin said as he passed the woman his credit card.

      “I’ll bring those right over.” She gave Tinjin a quick wink of her eye.

      Tinjin winked back.

      When the woman was out of earshot Natalie shook her head. “Really?” she snapped, her eyes narrowed into thin slits as she stared at him.


      “You’re really going to flirt with another woman right in front of me? Really?”

      “That wasn’t flirting. Besides, you set the rules. You said that it’s not like we’re friends, remember?”

      “It’s still low of you. But then you’re a man, I guess I shouldn’t have expected better.”

      “What’s that supposed to mean?”

      “It means that I don’t have a lot of expectations when it comes to you and your kind, TJ. That’s what it means.”

      Tinjin crossed his arms over his chest. “Beautiful, mean and bitter. You’re just a walking contradiction, aren’t you?”

      “Am I?”

      A wry smile pulled at his full lips. “You’re like an angel’s trumpet.”

      “A what?” Confusion washed over her expression.

      “Angel’s trumpet. It’s this incredibly beautiful flower. It has amazing color and seductive lines. In low doses it can be a highly effective hallucinogen. Too much and it’s lethal. It’s also called devil’s weed.”

      Natalie paused as she pondered his comment. Before she could respond the hostess returned with their drinks.

      “If you need anything else please let me know,” she said, the comment directed straight at Tinjin.

      “Thank you. We’ll do that,” Natalie said.

      Tinjin laughed. “I think you like me.”

      “Maybe I do. Maybe I don’t,” Natalie said nonchalantly.

      He nodded. “Yeah! You like me a lot!”

      She rolled her eyes. “I’m getting used to you, TJ. Don’t misread me.”

      “Oh, I’m reading you just fine, Gnat!” Tinjin said with a soft chuckle.

      Natalie met the look he was giving her. Despite her best efforts she couldn’t fight the smile that pulled at her mouth. An easy laugh slipped past her lips. She rolled her eyes a second time.

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