His Marriage Demand. Yahrah St. John

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His Marriage Demand - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Desire

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vulnerable and his for the taking. Last night he’d come up with a plan for revenge to finally get back at Fallon and the Stewarts for their treatment of him and his mother.

      Stewart Technologies needed cash and Gage was the money man. He not only had loads of it himself, he knew how and where to acquire more. He would convince Fallon bygones were bygones and help the company with an influx of cash. Meanwhile he’d secretly purchase stocks until eventually he owned the lion’s share and could take it away from them. The best part in this entire scenario was the chance to bed Fallon, the overindulged princess.

      Today when he’d seen her, something indefinable had happened. It was as if the years had melted away. Gage had been hit in the gut with the incredible need to possess her. He didn’t want any other man to have her, at least not until he’d had his fill.

      When he exited the building and slid into the Bugatti waiting for him at the curb, a new idea began to form in Gage’s mind.

      What if he married Fallon! For his help in saving the company, he would become a member of the acclaimed Stewart family and finally not only have Fallon in his bed, but have the prestige he’d always wanted. Because, try as he might, no matter how much money he made, there was a certain echelon of society that still saw him as the maid’s son. Wouldn’t it get their goat to have him rubbing elbows with the lot of them? To show them he wasn’t just the underprivileged kid-made-good? It was a brilliant strategy.

      Fallon had no idea what was in store for her tonight.

      As he started the engine, Gage’s cellphone rang. The display read Mom. “Hey, Mama. How are you?”

      “I’d be doing a lot better if you came to see me. You’ve been back for a while and I’ve yet to see you.”

      “I’m sorry. I’ve been a little busy, and you were away on one of your trips. But I’ll visit this weekend.”

      “Good. It’s good to have you back in Austin. It’s been much too long.”

      “Yes, it has.” He hadn’t been home since he’d finished college and they both knew why. The Stewarts. Gage hadn’t thought he’d get a fair break in a town where Henry Stewart had so much power. But the tide had changed, providing Gage the opportunity to put a plan in place to give the Stewarts the comeuppance they so richly deserved.

      * * *

      Fallon didn’t have time to go home and change if she was going to be on time for dinner with Gage. A departmental meeting ended later than she’d anticipated, leaving her precious little time to shower in the private bathroom in her office and change into one of several dresses she kept on hand for such occasions. She chose a beaded champagne cocktail dress that accentuated her curves. Refreshing her makeup, she added a touch of blush to her cheekbones to go along with the mascara, eyeliner and pale pink lipstick.

      Glancing at herself in the mirror, Fallon felt armed and ready for a night in Gage’s company. And she felt like she needed every bit of armor for this unexpected invitation.

      Throughout the remainder of the afternoon, Fallon had wondered why Gage wanted to help her family. She’d come up with only one reason: comeuppance. After the way he’d been treated by the Stewarts, he wanted to be the one to come in on the white horse and save the day. Him, the man her father had thrown out of the house because he’d dared to touch his daughter. Gage wanted them to owe him.

      Fallon didn’t much blame him.

      Gage had every right to be angry over how he and his mother had been treated. But now the shoe was on the other foot. The Stewarts were the laughingstock of the business community, turned down by every bank in town because of her father’s poor decisions and financial mismanagement. Fallon hoped seeing how far they’d fallen from grace would be enough to salve Gage’s wounds.

      She made it to the restaurant at seven o’clock on the nose.

      The hostess led her to a secluded corner booth where Gage was already seated, wearing a fine, tailored suit. Had he booked this? Did he intend for it to be as romantic as it looked? A dark, quiet corner with a table for two?

      He stood when she approached. “Fallon, you’re looking lovely this evening.” She was stunned when he kissed her on the cheek before she slid into the booth.

      “Uh, thank you,” she returned, her pulse thumping erratically from the contact of his lips.

      “I took the liberty of ordering wine,” Gage said, pinning her with his razor-sharp gaze. “A Montoya Cabernet. I hope that’s all right?”

      She nodded, somewhat amazed at how at ease he was in a restaurant of such wealth and sophistication. He poured her a glass. She accepted and tipped her glass to his when he held it up for a toast.

      “And what are we toasting?” she asked.

      “New beginnings.”

      Fallon sipped her wine. “Sounds intriguing.”

      He grinned, showing off a pearly white smile, and Fallon’s stomach flip-flopped. “I’ve been away in New York and London the last decade. So, get me up to speed, Fallon. How did you end up as CEO of Stewart Technologies?”

      “It’s really quite simple. My father needed an heir apparent,” Fallon said, “and I was the only one willing to step up to claim the throne.”

      “You make it sound so medieval,” Gage responded, tasting his wine.

      She smiled. “It isn’t that elaborate, I’m afraid. My brother Dane wanted nothing to do with the family business, much preferring his acting career to being an active member of the Stewart family.”

      “Was it really so horrible growing up in the lap of luxury?” Gage inquired wryly.

      Fallon detected the note of derision in his tone. “You’d have to ask him.”

      The waiter interrupted them to rattle off the daily specials. They both ordered the soup to start, followed by the spinach salad and fish for their entrée. It was all very civilized and Fallon couldn’t understand Gage’s agenda. Why was he treating her like an old friend when she knew that was far from the case?

      Once the waiter left, Gage prompted Fallon. “Please continue with your story, I’m fascinated.”

      “After what happened between us all those years ago, my father was very unhappy with me.”


      She sighed softly but didn’t stop. “You have to understand, I was his baby girl.”

      “Dressed like you were ready to take me to bed?”

      Fallon didn’t rise to the bait. “Seeing me like that made him realize I was growing up too fast and he didn’t like it. And I was desperate to regain his affection.”

      “Had you lost it?”

      Gage was perceptive, picking up on what she hadn’t said. She didn’t answer. “He sent me to a finishing school to ensure I was exposed to the ‘right’ crowd.”

      “And were you?”

      Her lips thinned with irritation. “They

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