His Marriage Demand. Yahrah St. John

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His Marriage Demand - Yahrah St. John Mills & Boon Desire

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it is you’re playing.”

      “No games. Just facts. I’m willing to give you millions to help Stewart Technologies, even though it’s been hemorrhaging money. I’m willing to give my money to help save your company. And in return, I offer you the chance to be my wife. I think it’s a fair trade.”

      “Of course you would.” Fallon scooted out of the booth. “But I’m not a stock to be bought and traded. Furthermore, you got your signals wrong. I’m not interested in you in the slightest.” She made it as far as the foyer of the restaurant before Gage caught up to her and swung her into a nearby alcove.

      “You’re not interested in me, eh?” Gage asked, stepping closer into her space. So close, her body was smashed against his. “How about we test that theory, shall we?”

      She saw the challenge in his eyes seconds before his head lowered and he sealed his lips to hers. Fallon wanted to refuse him but the thrill of having his lips on hers again was too much to resist. Need unfurled in her, the likes of which she hadn’t felt since...since the last time he’d kissed her. No other man had ever come close to making her feel this way.

      This hot. This excited.

      Gage’s arm slid around her waist to the small of her back and he pressed her body even closer to his. Meanwhile his tongue breached her mouth, allowing him to increase the pressure, demand more and compel her to accept him. The kiss was hard yet soft, but also rough enough to thrill her. Fallon’s lips parted of their own accord and his tongue slid in. Teasing, stroking, tasting the soft insides of her mouth.

      Fallon whimpered and her stance relaxed as the sheer power of his kiss enflamed her. Sliding her arms around his neck, she held his head to hers, reveling in the deeply carnal kiss. Gage ground his lower half against hers and she felt every inch of his hard body. Her tongue searched his mouth ravenously and he met her stroke for stroke. Her breasts rubbed against his chest and her nipples hardened. Fallon had never felt so desirable and could have gone on kissing him, but Gage pulled away first.

      His breathing was ragged but he managed to say, “I’ve proven you are interested, but I’ll give you some time to think about my offer.”

      Fallon looked up, dazed and confused. “Wait a minute.” How could he compose himself after that kiss? “How much time?” she croaked out.

      “Forty-eight hours.”

      She shook her head. “I can’t make a decision about the rest of my life in two days.”

      “Well, that’s too damn bad because that’s my offer,” Gage responded. “You can take it or leave it. It’s up to you.” He tapped the face of his Rolex watch. Then he reached inside his suit jacket and pulled out his business card. “My personal cell. Call me when you’re ready to say yes.”

      * * *

      A whirlwind of thoughts swirled around Fallon’s mind as she somehow managed to drive herself home from her dinner with Gage. When she got back to the cottage she kicked off her heels, undressed and removed her makeup, and put on her old college T-shirt. Sliding into her king-size platform bed and falling back against the pillows, Fallon recalled the bombshell Gage dropped.

       Marry me.

      Gage had proposed marriage in exchange for saving Stewart Technologies, the company her father started forty years ago. Could she let it slip through her fingers without a fight? But Gage wasn’t offering a marriage in name only. He wanted them to become lovers.

      The thought both excited and terrified her, especially after that hot kiss at the restaurant. Her attempt to appear unaffected had been smashed to smithereens. The chemistry between them was off the charts. He’d smelled and tasted so good. And the way he’d held her close, her heart had fluttered unlike anything she’d ever felt with other men. Had his one life-changing kiss all those years ago ruined her for anyone else? Because there hadn’t been many men. Since Gage she’d never succeeded in finding someone who could fulfill an ache. So instead she focused on her career at the expense of her personal life. Work was her baby, so much so she hadn’t given much thought to marriage or children.

       Would Gage want children?

      No, no, no. She shook her head. She wouldn’t have children with a man as part of a business arrangement or for money like her mother had. She was no fool. She knew Nora hadn’t married her father for love. Instead she’d married him for the life he could give her. Fallon wouldn’t want that for herself or for Gage. And why would he want to marry her anyway? She’d lied and cost his family their livelihood. He should hate her but instead he was offering her a way out. It didn’t make sense. He could be setting her up for failure so he could give her the comeuppance he thought she deserved.

      Was she honestly giving Gage’s proposal serious consideration? She couldn’t. Shouldn’t. He’d been a brute, only giving her forty-eight hours to make a life-changing decision. Marry him or risk losing the company. Marry him and agree to be his wife, his lover. He could have been her first if they hadn’t been interrupted by her parents. Fallon remembered the passion she’d felt in his arms then and now. Was it fate they would end up in this predicament? Was she always destined to be his?

      * * *

      Unable to sleep, Gage restlessly prowled his penthouse. Wondering. Wishing. Hoping.

       Would Fallon say yes?

       Would she agree to marry him?

      He knew it was wrong to give her an ultimatum but he’d had to. Once she committed, he didn’t want her to change her mind. When she agreed to be his and his alone, they would have a quick engagement, a big splashy wedding and a satisfying honeymoon. He wanted the entire community and all of Austin society to know he, the maid’s son, had bagged Fallon Stewart, heiress to Stewart Technologies. He would rub it in all their faces that the young man they’d bullied because of his humble background had turned into a successful and wealthy entrepreneur.

      Fallon needed to agree. She wasn’t going to get a better offer. She’d exhausted every avenue. No one was going to lend her the amount of money required to turn the company around. A personal gift from him to Fallon would ensure Stewart Technologies stayed viable. In the meantime, since most investors were ditching shares, he would gobble them up until he owned the majority interest. Once he owned enough shares in the company, he would ensure it turned a profit or he’d die trying.

      The best part of the deal was that he would finally take Fallon to bed. It was long overdue and very, very necessary. Tonight, when they’d kissed, he’d nearly combusted. She’d tasted exquisite and he remembered how her nipples had turned to stiff peaks against his chest. He’d wanted to break through the icy barrier she’d erected and find the passionate girl who’d stolen into his bedroom. And he had. When she’d opened her mouth to let him in, he’d taken all she’d had to give. He still had a thick, hard erection to prove it. If they hadn’t been in a restaurant, Gage would have ravished her where she stood. But he was no animal. He was willing to wait. Hell, he’d waited nearly two decades to be with her—another few weeks wouldn’t make much difference.


      “He did what?” With a look of shock on her face, Shana sat back on the couch in Fallon’s cottage the following evening. She’d arrived a half hour ago. After the pleasantries were over, Fallon

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