Tidings of Joy. Margaret Daley

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Tidings of Joy - Margaret Daley Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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coming down the street sent Tanya hurrying down the stairs.

      Even though Crystal was fifteen now and a freshman in high school, when her job allowed her, Tanya liked to be there when her daughter came home from school, especially lately. Something was bothering Crystal and her daughter wouldn’t talk to her about it. Maybe today Crystal would say something that would reveal what was going on. She rounded the side of the garage when the bus stopped and the driver descended the steps to man the lift.

      While Crystal powered her wheelchair up the driveway, the small school bus drove away. If the frown on her daughter’s face was any indication, today had not been a good one. Tanya sighed and met Crystal halfway.

      “We have a tenant for the apartment,” Tanya said, forcing a light tone into her voice to cover the apprehension her child’s expression raised.

      Her daughter didn’t say a word. She maneuvered the wheelchair around Tanya and kept going toward the ramp at the back of the house. Tanya followed, trying to decide how to approach Crystal about what was happening at school. This year when she had begun at Sweetwater High, she’d quickly started trying to get out of going, even to the point of making up things that were wrong with her. Tanya had talked with her teachers, but no one knew what was going on. She had seen her usually happy, even-tempered child become someone else, someone who was angry and resentful. Was it the typical teenager angst of going through puberty? Or was it something else? Had Crystal’s father’s death finally manifested itself in her troubled behavior? Tom had died almost five months ago, and their daughter had gone through the usual grief associated with death but had seemed all right as her summer vacation had come to an end. Now Tanya didn’t know. Maybe Crystal had suppressed her true feelings.

      In the kitchen Tanya called out to Crystal before she wheeled herself through the doorway into the hall, “Our new tenant is joining us for dinner.”

      Crystal continued to remain quiet as she disappeared from view. Perplexed, Tanya stared at the empty doorway, wondering if Zoey, a high school counselor, or Beth Morgan, Crystal’s English teacher, knew what was going on with her daughter at school. She made a mental note to call her friends later to see if anything had happened today to warrant this sullen demeanor.

      Chance descended the stairs to his apartment over the garage and headed across the yard toward the back door. He noticed the ramp off the deck and remembered Tom talking about his teenage daughter who was in a wheelchair. Until he had seen the ramp, however, he hadn’t really thought about the implication of having a child who was physically disabled or the fact that he would be eating with a young girl who would only be a year or two older than the age his own daughter would have been if she had lived.

      He stopped his progress toward the deck, indecision stiffening his body. He’d seen plenty of teenagers since his daughter’s…death. Surely he could handle an hour in the same room with Tanya’s child. How difficult could it be?

      Chance discovered a few minutes later just how hard it would be when Crystal opened the door to his knock, a smile on her thin face, a black Lab standing beside her. He sucked in a sharp breath and held it. Staring up at him with open interest was a young girl who had dark brown hair and hazel eyes, so very reminiscent of his daughter’s. She even had a sprinkle of freckles on her small upturned nose as Haley had.

      He cleared away the huge knot in his throat and struggled against the urge to run as far away as he could. His legs refused to move forward into the house even though Tanya’s daughter opened the door wider for him.

      “Come in before all the insects do,” Tanya said, approaching them.

      He shook off the panic beginning to swell in his chest and shuffled into the kitchen. Turning to shut the back door, he took a few precious seconds to compose his reeling emotions at the sharp reminder of what he’d lost. When he pivoted back toward the pair, his feelings were tamped down beneath all the defensive layers he’d created over the past few years. Under closer inspection of Tom’s daughter, he saw no real similarities between Haley and her, other than their coloring.

      If he was going to repay the debt, he had no choice but to learn to deal with the teenager—and the mother. I can do this, he told himself and forced a smile to his lips. “I’m Chance, the new tenant,” he said to Crystal, realizing he was probably stating the obvious.

      The teenager’s smile grew. “I’m Crystal. Welcome to Sweetwater.”

      “Thanks.” He inhaled the aroma of ground beef that peppered the air. “It smells wonderful. What are we having?”

      “As I told you earlier, nothing fancy. Just tacos. I hope you like Mexican food. Crystal and I love it.” Tanya gestured toward the counter. “Everyone’s going to put their own together.”

      “I like anything I don’t have to cook.” He took another few steps farther into the kitchen, committing himself to spending some time with his landlady and her daughter.

      Tanya handed him a plate with big yellow and blue flowers painted on it. “You don’t cook then?”

      “Not unless you call heating up a can of spaghetti cooking.”

      Crystal giggled, patting her dog. “Even I can do that.”

      “My daughter’s taking a Foods and Nutrition class this year. Hopefully she’ll learn more than heating up what’s in a can.”

      Chance noticed the instant school was mentioned that Crystal’s cheerful expression vanished and the young girl dropped her head, her attention glued to her lap. Did she struggle with schoolwork? He made a note to find out. Maybe he could help her with her homework, then he would be one step closer to being able to leave Sweetwater, to appeasing his guilt.

      “You go first.” Tanya swept her arm across her body, indicating he prepare his tacos.

      Chance took two large empty shells and filled them with the meat sauce, cheese, lettuce and diced tomatoes. His mouth watered in anticipation of his first home-cooked meal in years. After he doused his tacos with chunky salsa, he made his way to the round oak table in the alcove with three large windows overlooking the deck and backyard.

      He sat at one of the places already set with utensils, a blue linen napkin and a glass with ice in it. When he noticed a pitcher on the table, he poured himself some tea, then doctored it with several scoops of sugar.

      Crystal positioned herself next to him and put her plate on her yellow place mat. “Mom said you’re from Louisville. I went there once, when I was nine, and took a riverboat up the Ohio River.”

      As Tanya settled into the chair across from him, Chance said to Crystal, “I’ve never ridden on a riverboat. Did you like it?”

      “Yeah! I’d like to take one all the way to New Orleans. I’ve never been to New Orleans. I haven’t seen very many places.” She glanced down at her wheelchair, then fixed her large hazel eyes on him as though that explained why she didn’t go places.

      A tightness constricted his chest. He couldn’t imagine being confined to a wheelchair, every little bump in the terrain an obstacle, not free to move about as you wanted. He knew about that and had hated every second of his confinement. “You’ll have time,” he finally said, feeling a connection between him and Crystal that went beyond her father.

      “That’s what Mom says.”

      “I promised her a trip when she graduates from high school.” Tanya poured tea for herself and her daughter.

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