Tidings of Joy. Margaret Daley

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Tidings of Joy - Margaret Daley Mills & Boon Love Inspired

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laughed. “Did you tell him you had a ninety-eight in Algebra I and that you’re taking Algebra II?”

      She nodded. “I wonder why he offered.”

      “Did you ask him?”

      “He left before I could. Maybe I will tomorrow.”

      “Speaking of tomorrow, I’d better get a load of laundry done tonight or neither of us will have anything to wear.”

      When Tanya entered the kitchen, her gaze fell on the table where Chance had sat for dinner. He was a puzzle. And one of her favorite things to do was put together jigsaw puzzles, the more pieces the better. She had a feeling there were a lot of pieces to Chance Taylor.

      “Have a seat.” Nick Blackburn indicated a brown leather chair in front of his large desk.

      Chance quickly scanned the spacious office as he sat. The rich walnut tones of the furniture with a navy-and-brown color scheme lent a refined elegance to the room. He’d been in many offices that conveyed power and wealth. This one ranked near the top.

      Mr. Blackburn perused the application Chance had filled out, and he knew the second the man read about his time spent in the state penitentiary. To give Mr. Blackburn credit, he finished the application before he glanced up at Chance and asked, “What did you do time for?”


      The man’s eyes widened slightly before he put the paper down, a bland expression veiling his curiosity. “You only served two years?”

      “My conviction was overturned when the real murderer was apprehended last month.”

      “So you served two years for a crime you didn’t commit.”

      Even though it really wasn’t a question, Chance said, “Yes.”

      “That’s where you met Samuel?”

      “Yes, sir. He took an interest in me and we became friends.”

      “You know you’re overqualified for this job. You have an MBA from Harvard. You’ve worked for several top money-managing companies in the country and were on the fast track.”

      “Were is the operative word here. That was in my past. Besides—” Chance grinned “—Blackburn Industries is well respected and a multimillion dollar business. I consider this job an opportunity to do something different.”

      “Because you don’t see people letting you manage their money after spending time in prison?”

      Chance leaned forward. “To be frank, I don’t want to be reminded of the life I once had. I need to start over in something totally different. What are the duties of the job?”

      After Mr. Blackburn listed them for Chance, the man said, “Do you think you can handle those?”

      In his sleep, Chance thought and nodded.

      “There will be some traveling to my Chicago office. The dress is casual here but not in Chicago.”

      “I understand.”

      Nick Blackburn pushed back his chair and stood. Offering Chance his hand, he said, “Then you’ve got yourself a job. I’ve never known Samuel to be wrong about a person, and he thinks you can do this job.”

      “When do I start, Mr. Blackburn?”

      “It’s Nick, and you can start Wednesday morning when I get back from Chicago. Be here at nine and I’ll show you around and introduce you to the staff here in Sweetwater.”

      A few minutes later as Chance left the building, he couldn’t resist turning his face to the sun, relishing its warmth as it bathed him. He would never tire of doing that.

      He had a job. That was one worry taken care of. Now all he had to figure out was how to be there for Tanya and Crystal without them knowing why. After spending time with them the night before, he wasn’t sure he wanted them ever to know his involvement in Tom’s death.

      “Okay, you have to tell us about the guy renting your apartment.” Jesse scooted over in the booth at Alice’s Café to allow Tanya to slide in beside her. “We’ve all been waiting with bated breath.”

      “Jesse Blackburn, don’t you get any ideas. No matchmaking! He’s only my tenant. Just passing through.” Taking a sip of her coffee, Tanya looked around the group and added, “How did you know I have a man renting my garage apartment?”

      Beth Morgan grinned. “Samuel told me. Do you think there are any secrets among us after all these years?”

      “What else did your husband say?” Tanya thought about all she wanted to know concerning her tenant, especially what or who was responsible for the pain behind his half smile that never quite reached his eyes. She hadn’t slept much the night before, her mind insisting on playing through all kinds of scenarios.

      “Not much. Samuel just told me you rented your apartment to Chance Taylor, a friend from his past. You know my husband. He doesn’t say much about a person he knows. He always likes people to make up their own mind. So spill the beans. What’s he look like?”

      An image of the first time she had seen Chance on her porch flashed into Tanya’s mind. Even from the beginning she’d been drawn to his eyes where she’d seen a shadow of sadness in their depths. “He’s very tall, dark hair, blue eyes, nice build, probably in his late thirties. He had an interview this morning with Nick about the assistant’s job.”

      Surprise widened Jesse’s eyes. “He did and Nick didn’t tell me.”

      “This isn’t a secretarial-type position, is it?” Zoey Witherspoon asked.

      Jesse shook her head. “More like Nick’s right hand. Someone he can train to take over part of his duties that demand he travel to Chicago.”

      “Chance’s background is in finance so he should be qualified,” Tanya said, glad she knew at least that much about her new tenant.

      With her elbow on the table, Darcy Markham rested her chin in her palm. “Mmm. He sounds promising.”

      “Hey, you’re married to a very nice, good-looking man. And you’re expecting your third child,” Zoey said, gently punching Darcy in the arm. “Between you and Beth we’ll be spending a lot of time at the maternity floor of the hospital in a few months.”

      “That doesn’t mean I can’t look at a handsome man because that’s as far as it goes. No one will take the place of Joshua in my heart.”

      Tanya listened to her friends talk about their husbands, their children, the babies Darcy and Beth were expecting. She was the only one not married in the group, and she felt the loneliness of her situation more now than ever. A few years ago—first with Crystal’s riding accident, then Tom’s arson conviction that led to him divorcing her and ultimately his death in prison—her whole life had fallen apart. She was still trying to put the pieces back together and keep her manic depression under control. And she would because she had no other choice. Crystal depended on her.

      “Samuel said Chance wasn’t sure how long he would stay in Sweetwater,”

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