The Midwife's Glass Slipper / Best For the Baby. Karen Rose Smith

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The Midwife's Glass Slipper / Best For the Baby - Karen Rose Smith Mills & Boon Cherish

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she took seriously. It would take her years to cover the money he’d siphoned from his pension. What man would want to take that on? Not to mention the way Jared might feel when he knew the circumstances behind her legal bills.

      “How old are you?” Gloria asked.

      “I’m thirty-two.”

      “Have you ever been married?”

      “Yes, I’m divorced.” She expected to see judgment in Gloria’s eyes, maybe disapproval. To her surprise, she didn’t see either.

      “And Jared is forty-three, also divorced. I imagine you both have history that needs to be put to rest.”

      “Sometimes history can’t be put to rest.” Not when it was ongoing, Emily thought…not when she felt as if she had to hide it.

      “Would you do something for me, Emily?”


      “If you have feelings for Jared, don’t give up on him if he seems to push you away.”

      Courtney suddenly scrambled off the chair and placed the magazine into her grandmother’s lap. “See the horse? I want to ride a horse.”

      “Me, too,” chimed in Amy.

      Emily was glad for the interruption.

      While the girls chatted with their grandmother again, she had time to think about their conversation. The last thing she’d expected to find in west Texas was romance. Yet Jared was the type of man she’d always dreamed of meeting someday. He was sexy and caring and a wonderful dad.

      There were so many things he didn’t know about her.

      When Jared returned to the room a short time later, Emily was sitting in the chair with Courtney on her lap. Amy was standing at her grandmother’s bed, singing a song she’d learned in preschool.

      Emily noticed Jared stop in the doorway, taking in the scene. His gaze was gentle as it rested on his daughters. But when it settled on his mother, he frowned and a distant look came into his eyes. Emily had noticed that same distance in his tone when he mentioned his mom, and couldn’t help but wonder what had caused it. Gloria Madison seemed to be a kindly, friendly woman. What had transpired between mother and son to cause resentment? Was that what Jared felt toward his mother?

      Crossing to Gloria’s bed, he said, “I think two little girls are more than ready for bed.”

      “We’re not sleepy, Daddy,” Courtney told him, and then yawned.

      He laughed. “Even if you’re not sleepy, Grandma needs her rest, too.”

      “It was so good to see you.” Gloria gave both Amy and Courtney hugs. To Emily she said, “I’ll be going to a rehab facility tomorrow, but I’d love to see you again.”

      “I enjoyed talking to you. I’ll visit you if I can.” The truth was, Emily had missed her mother ever since she’d lost her. And Gloria with her kindness and honest observations was someone Emily would like in her life.

      Ten minutes later, Emily sat in Jared’s sedan beside him as he pulled into the driveway at his home. Courtney had fallen asleep in her car seat and Amy was almost there.

      “I can help you get the girls to bed,” she offered, not ready to leave him yet, feeling more and more drawn to Amy and Courtney.

      “When I bring them home alone and they fall asleep, I have to wake them up. I don’t like to leave one of them in the car while I take the other inside.”

      “I can understand that.”

      “On the other hand, I don’t want you to feel obliged that you have to do anything.”

      “I don’t feel obliged. When we’re not at work, Jared, you’re not my boss. We’re just two people. If you’re afraid you’re taking advantage of me, you’re not. I want to be here.”

      She felt him studying her in the darkness.

      “All right. Let’s take them inside.”

      As Emily carried Amy and Jared carried Courtney, she felt a closeness to him. They didn’t seem to need words to establish understanding. It was almost as if words would muddle up the connection they had. Yet Emily knew the time was coming when she’d have to tell him everything about her. That idea scared her.

      Emily helped Jared change the girls into their nightclothes, feeling motherly. She liked the feeling. After she pulled Amy’s sheet up to her chin, she kissed her on the forehead. It just seemed the natural and right thing to do. Jared did the same with Courtney. Both girls curled on their sides, Courtney with Stardust, Amy with a favorite teddy bear.

      Emily and Jared walked down the hall into the great room. There she said, “I’d better go. We both have early days tomorrow.”

      Jared approached her and rested his hands on her shoulders. “You’ve been a great help ever since my mom’s accident.”

      “You didn’t want me to go along tonight, though, did you?”

      “You made the visit easier for Amy and Courtney. But, no, I guess I didn’t want you to get more involved in my life.”

      Her expression must have shown the hurt she felt at his words.

      He grimaced. “That didn’t come out right.”

      “I think it did.”

      “Emily, damn it all,” he swore. “Every time I’m near you, I want to kiss you. In the hospital bathroom I wanted to tug you into my arms. Damn it,” he said again, his arms enfolding her. “I’ve wanted to do this all night.” He bent his head to hers and kissed her.

      Their lips melded together. His tongue invaded her mouth. He was hungry, demanding, possessive. This time, he didn’t restrain his need and she responded to it, seeking the strokes of his tongue, kissing him back for all she was worth.

      He backed her up to the sofa and they fell onto it, holding on to each other, breaking the kiss and coming back for more.

      Emily liked everything about being with Jared. She loved touching him. She loved the feel of her fingers laced in his thick hair. She loved exploring the taut skin at his neck.

      Jared groaned and slid his hands under her top. When his thumbs found her nipples and teased them through her bra, she thought she’d explode. She was lost in what they were when they were together like this. But he must have been aware of reality all along…because he let his hands drop away and slip out from under her top.

      Moments later he tore his lips from hers and muttered, “We’ve got to stop.”

      “Why?” She couldn’t believe she asked it, but she needed to know.

      He looked sad as he stroked her face and pushed wayward curls from her forehead. “Because we don’t want to make a mess of each other’s lives.”

      She opened her eyes and stared into his. “Why are you so sure that would happen?”


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