The Mckennas: Finn, Riley and Brody. Shirley Jump

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The Mckennas: Finn, Riley and Brody - Shirley Jump Mills & Boon By Request

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      “We’re pretending to be married,” he said.

      “Are we?” He didn’t respond. She lifted her gaze to his. “Can I ask you something?”


      She let a beat pass. Another. Still her emerald gaze held his. “Why did you agree to marry me?”

      “Because you said that’s what it would take. To get on board with the hospital project.”

      “You are ‘the Hawk,’ Finn McKenna,” she said, putting air quotes around his nickname. “You could negotiate your way out of an underground prison. But when I proposed this … marriage, you didn’t try to negotiate at all. You agreed. What I want to know is why.”

      The night air seemed to still. Even the whoosh-whoosh of traffic seemed to stop. Nothing seemed to move or breathe in the space of time that Ellie waited for his answer. He inhaled, and that damned jasmine perfume teased at his senses, reawakened his desire.

      Why had he married her? She was right—he could have offered something else in return for her cooperation on the hospital project. Or he could have just said no. “I guess I just really needed that project to help my business get back on track.”

      She took a step closer, and lifted her chin. “I don’t believe you.”

      “Truly, it was all about business for me.”

      “And that was all?”

      She was mere inches away from him. A half step, no more, and she’d be against him. Desire pulsed in his veins, thundered in his head. His gaze dropped from her eyes to her lips, to her curves. “No,” he said, with a ragged breath, cursing the truth that slipped through his lips. “It’s not.”

      Then he closed that gap, and reached up to capture one of those tendrils of her hair. All day, he’d wanted to do this, to let one silky strand slip through his grasp. “Is it for you?” he asked.

      She swallowed, then shook her head. “No. It’s not.” She bit her lip, let it go. “It’s becoming more for me. A lot more.”

      Finn watched her lips form the words, felt the whisper of her breath against his mouth. And he stopped listening to his common sense.

      He leaned in, and kissed Ellie. She seemed to melt into him, her body curving against his, fitting perfectly against his chest, in his arms. She was soft where he was hard, sweet where he was sour, and the opposite of him in every way. Finn kissed her slow at first, then harder, faster, letting the raging need sweep over him and guide his mouth, his hands. She pressed into him, and he groaned, in agony for more of her, of this.

      His cell phone began to ring, its insistent trill ripping through the fog in Finn’s brain. He jerked away from Ellie, then stepped away. “I’m sorry.” He flipped out the phone, but the call had already gone to voice mail. The interruption had served its purpose.

      Finn had regained his senses.

      Ellie stepped toward him, a smile on her lips, and everything in Finn wanted to take her in his arms and pick up where they left off. But doing so would only do the one thing he was trying to avoid—

      Plunge him headlong down that path of wild and crazy. The kind of roller-coaster romance that led to bad decisions, bad matches, and in the end, unhappiness and broken hearts.

      “We can’t do this.” He put some distance between them and picked up his glass, just to have something to do with his hands—something other than touch Ellie again.

      “Can’t do what?” A smile curved across her face. “Let this lead to something more than a contract?”

      “Especially not that. We can’t treat this like … like a real marriage. It’s a business partnership. And that’s all.” He shook his head and put the glass back on the tray. The remains of their snack sat there, mocking him. Tempting him to go back to pretending this was something that it wasn’t.

      But Ellie wasn’t so easily dissuaded. She stood before him, hands on her hips. “What are you so afraid of?”

      “I’m not afraid of anything. I just think it’s best if we keep this business only.”

      “So that’s what that kiss was, business only?”

      “No, that was a mistake. One I won’t make again.”

      “And the rooftop dinner? The kiss in the courthouse? Also mistakes?”

      He sighed. This was why he hadn’t wanted to go down this path. He could already see hurt brimming in Ellie’s eyes. He’d done this—he’d made her believe their fake marriage might be leading to something more—and he’d been wrong.

      Was any project worth hurting Ellie? Seeing her crying, just like he had seen his mother crying so many times?

      He exhaled, then pushed the words out. The words he should have said long ago. “After the interview, I don’t think we should wait to annul this marriage.” There. He’d said it. Fast, like ripping off a bandage.

      Didn’t stop it from hurting, though.

      Her green eyes filled with disbelief. A ripple of shock filled her features. “What?”

      “The business deal can be maintained if you want,” he said. He kept his voice neutral, his stance professional. If he treated this like business as usual, perhaps she would, too. But the notes of her perfume kept teasing at his senses while the tears in her green eyes begged him to reconsider. Finn struggled to stick to his resolve. This was the best thing, all around. “Uh, if you like, I’ll keep my team in place at WW, and help you through the project. It seems like they’re working well together. No reason to break that up.”

      “That wasn’t the deal. You were supposed to help me adopt Jiao.”

      “I’ll do my part. When the interview is set up, just let me know and I’ll be here for that.”

      “Pretending to be my husband.”

      “Wasn’t that the arrangement?”

      She didn’t say anything for a while. Outside her building, a car honked, and a dog barked. Night birds twittered at each other, and the breeze whispered over them all.

      “Was that all you were doing a minute ago? Sealing a business deal?”

      She made him sound so cold, calculated. So like the Hawk nickname he hated. “You think that’s the only reason I kissed you?”

      “Isn’t it? You wanted an alliance that would help your company. I wanted a child. We each get what we want out of this marriage. It’s as simple as that. That’s all this marriage is about. A simple business transaction.” She took a step closer, her gaze locked on his. “Isn’t it? Or did it start to become something more for you, too?”

      She was asking him for the truth. Why had he married her if it wasn’t about the business?

      He couldn’t tell her it was because he was tired of sleeping on that sofa bed. That he

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