A Bachelor At The Wedding. Kate Little

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A Bachelor At The Wedding - Kate Little Mills & Boon Vintage Cherish

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“Maybe we can figure out some strategies.”

      Stephanie agreed, relieved to see him switch back into “boss” mode again. She swallowed hard. She didn’t want to get personal with him. But traveling and working together all weekend like this was going to be a challenge.

      But once she and Matt got down to work, the time passed quickly and the flight to Miami wasn’t nearly as difficult as she’d expected. She actually enjoyed brainstorming with him, and he always seemed very interested in her perspective. He knew so much and was very creative for a businessman, she thought. She learned a lot, just trading ideas with him.

      He’s not just a pretty face, she thought with a secret smile.

      When they reached Miami, they quickly found their connection, a small, local airline that flew between the mainland and many islands. The flight was not on the regular schedule, but since Matt was willing to pay handsomely for all sixteen seats, the pilot was willing to take him wherever he wanted to go.

      Stephanie was not the greatest flyer and felt a little wary of the tiny, noisy aircraft. She took a seat and fastened her belt, forcing a calm expression.

      Matt sat down beside her and patted her hand. “Nothing to worry about. We’ll be up and down before you even know it.’

      She turned to him, feeling even more distressed. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

      He smiled, but in a way that didn’t make her foolish. More like her burgeoning hysteria was somehow…cute.

      “Sure you don’t want some gum?” he asked in a kind voice. “It might distract you.”

      He took out the pack again and held it out to her. This time she took a stick. “Thanks.”

      “No problem. I’ll let you warm up a little. Then we’ll let the games begin.”

      She glanced at him, wondering if he was serious. He did look serious. She looked straight ahead, smiling a little. “I need to warn you. I grew up in Brooklyn. Four sisters. I’m tough.”

      “Bring it on, babe.” He glanced at her, nearly laughing and she felt her smile growing even wider. Then she held her hand out for the pack of gum again.

      “Two sticks each. Best three out of five.”

      He looked surprised yet pleased at her challenging tone. “You’re on.”

      Stephanie took the second stick of gum and started to chew. Then tried to remember how to blow a bubble. It had been a long time….

      The rickety, noisy twin-engine plane rolled down the runway and slowly rose in the air without her barely noticing. When she looked out the window, they were flying smoothly over water and she could already see their destination, the small green island, nearby.

      Matt won the bubble-blowing contest easily. His efforts were amazing. Her first two were laughable, but her last one was a real contender.

      “You’re good,” she admitted as the plane taxied down the runway. “Who would have guessed this hidden talent?”

      He grinned at her, looking pleased by the compliment. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, Stephanie. You’d be surprised.”

      His dark eyes flashed a silent challenge. She met his gaze a minute and looked away.

      If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he’s flirting with me. Maybe Nana was right. Maybe I am getting whisked.

      Stephanie turned her head and gave herself a mental shake. She was imagining this, right? Or maybe he was flirting, but it didn’t mean anything. He was bored and just flexing some cramped male flirting muscles. Just wants to make sure everything is in working order. Sort of like testing a fire alarm?

      She wondered where she’d find his reset button. She really needed to turn it off.

      Another sleek limo met them at Blue Cay’s tiny airport and they rode the short distance to the hotel without speaking much. The air-conditioned car sped down an empty, narrow road, and the dark and tropical night surrounded them. Palm trees on the roadside swayed gently and the deep-blue sky above was studded with white stars. She couldn’t see the water but sensed it all around, the scent of the sea in the heavy humid air like a strange perfume.

      The limo turned down a long driveway that led to the resort. The columned entrance and portico was brightly lit and very impressive, everything white with blue tile. The surrounding landscape gave the impression of a lush rainforest, with giant Royal Palms and masses of tropical plants and colorful flowers,

      She stepped out of the car and stared around, feeling very disoriented. And instantly sticky and overdressed, even in her spring weight suit. She could actually feel her hair curling in the humidity, springing loose from the pins that held it in place. She felt rumpled and tired and knew that she must look a dreadful mess.

      Matt sprang out of the car, seeming energized and in total control. “Finally,” he said. He took her arm and began to lead her towards the lobby.

      The hotel looked quiet, especially for a Friday night she thought. Then she realized, no bellmen, rushing forward to take their bags and help them check in. One lonely soul standing at the front desk.

      The lone employee behind the desk spotted their approach and rushed toward them, flying through the automatic glass doors.

      “Mr. Harding…. How was your trip? Here, let me take that for you.” Ben Drury, the hotel general manager, Stephanie guessed.

      And I thought I’ve had a bad day. His was just beginning.

      Ben Drury made a grab for Matt’s leather duffel bag, but Matt held on firmly.

      “That’s all right, Ben. I can handle it.” He cast his employee a tight smile.

      Ben backed off, still smiling, looking as if he might very well stumble over his own feet. He was that nervous.

      “As you like. If you need a hand, just holler.”

      “This is my assistant, Stephanie Rossi. She’s come down to help out.”

      Matt stepped aside to make the introductions and Ben shook Stephanie’s hand. “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Rossi. Welcome. If you need anything at all while you’re here—”

      I’d better get it myself. Because there’s no one left working here, Stephanie silently finished for him. She glanced at Matt, sensing he knew what she was thinking and shared the joke. It was a struggle to keep a straight face as Ben completed his welcoming speech.

      “—just let me know. I’d be delighted to help you in any way possible….”

      Still, Stephanie felt awfully sorry for the guy. The disaster wasn’t exactly his fault. Though he might lose his job over it. She smiled at him. “Thank you,” she said quietly.

      “You must be tired from the trip. Would you like to see your rooms? I’ve booked you both in the beachfront suites. I think you’ll be quite comfortable.”

      That sounded like a plan, Stephanie thought. She was exhausted. She definitely wanted to see her room.

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