Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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      Or peers through cloud-rack for a vanished sun:

      She sees, not understanding what she has seen,

      Through the locked visages of finite things

      The myriad aspects of infinity.

      One day the Face must burn out through the mask.

      Our ignorance is Wisdom’s chrysalis,

      Our error weds new knowledge on its way,

      Its darkness is a blackened knot of light;

      Thought dances hand in hand with Nescience

      On the grey road that winds towards the Sun.

      Even while her fingers fumble at the knots

      Which bind them to their strange companionship,

      Into the moments of their married strife

      Sometimes break flashes of the enlightening Fire.

      Even now great thoughts are here that walk alone:

      Armed they have come with the infallible word

      In an investiture of intuitive light

      That is a sanction from the eyes of God;

      Announcers of a distant Truth they flame

      Arriving from the rim of eternity.

      A fire shall come out of the infinitudes,

      A greater Gnosis shall regard the world

      Crossing out of some far omniscience

      On lustrous seas from the still rapt Alone

      To illumine the deep heart of self and things.

      A timeless knowledge it shall bring to Mind,

      Its aim to life, to Ignorance its close.

      Above in a high breathless stratosphere,

      Overshadowing the dwarfish trinity,

      Lived, aspirants to a limitless Beyond,

      Captives of Space, walled by the limiting heavens,

      In the unceasing circuit of the hours

      Yearning for the straight paths of eternity,

      And from their high station looked down on this world

      Two sun-gaze Daemons witnessing all that is.

      A power to uplift the laggard world,

      Imperious rode a huge high-winged Life-Thought

      Unwont to tread the firm unchanging soil:

      Accustomed to a blue infinity,

      It planed in sunlit sky and starlit air;

      It saw afar the unreached Immortal’s home

      And heard afar the voices of the Gods.

      Iconoclast and shatterer of Time’s forts,

      Overleaping limit and exceeding norm,

      It lit the thoughts that glow through the centuries

      And moved to acts of superhuman force.

      As far as its self-winged air-planes could fly,

      Visiting the future in great brilliant raids

      It reconnoitred vistas of dream-fate.

      Apt to conceive, unable to attain,

      It drew its concept-maps and vision-plans

      Too large for the architecture of mortal Space.

      Beyond in wideness where no footing is,

      An imagist of bodiless Ideas,

      Impassive to the cry of life and sense,

      A pure Thought-Mind surveyed the cosmic act.

      Archangel of a white transcending realm,

      It saw the world from solitary heights

      Luminous in a remote and empty air.

      End of Canto Ten

      Canto Eleven

      The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Greater Mind

      There ceased the limits of the labouring Power.

      But being and creation cease not there.

      For Thought transcends the circles of mortal mind,

      It is greater than its earthly instrument:

      The godhead crammed into mind’s narrow space

      Escapes on every side into some vast

      That is a passage to infinity.

      It moves eternal in the spirit’s field,

      A runner towards the far spiritual light,

      A child and servant of the spirit’s force.

      But mind too falls back from a nameless peak.

      His being stretched beyond the sight of Thought.

      For the spirit is eternal and unmade

      And not by thinking was its greatness born,

      And not by thinking can its knowledge come.

      It knows itself and in itself it lives,

      It moves where no thought is nor any form.

      Its feet are steadied upon finite things,

      Its wings can dare to cross the Infinite.

      Arriving into his ken a wonder space

      Of great and marvellous meetings called his steps,

      Where Thought leaned on a Vision beyond thought

      And shaped a world from the Unthinkable.

      On peaks imagination cannot tread,

      In the horizons of a tireless sight,

      Under a blue veil of eternity


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