Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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strong by death to slay or to create,

      The riven invisible atom’s omnipotent force.

      One chance remained that here might be a power

      To liberate man from the old inadequate means

      And leave him sovereign of the earthly scene.

      For Reason then might grasp the original Force

      To drive her car upon the roads of Time.

      All then might serve the need of the thinking race,

      An absolute State found order’s absolute,

      To a standardised perfection cut all things,

      In society build a just exact machine.

      Then science and reason careless of the soul

      Could iron out a tranquil uniform world,

      Aeonic seekings glut with outward truths

      And a single-patterned thinking force on mind,

      Inflicting Matter’s logic on Spirit’s dreams

      A reasonable animal make of man

      And a symmetrical fabric of his life.

      This would be Nature’s peak on an obscure globe,

      The grand result of the long ages’ toil,

      Earth’s evolution crowned, her mission done.

      So might it be if the spirit fell asleep;

      Man then might rest content and live in peace,

      Master of Nature who once her bondslave worked,

      The world’s disorder hardening into Law, –

      If Life’s dire heart arose not in revolt,

      If God within could find no greater plan.

      But many-visaged is the cosmic Soul;

      A touch can alter the fixed front of Fate.

      A sudden turn can come, a road appear.

      A greater Mind may see a greater Truth,

      Or we may find when all the rest has failed

      Hid in ourselves the key of perfect change.

      Ascending from the soil where creep our days,

      Earth’s consciousness may marry with the Sun,

      Our mortal life ride on the spirit’s wings,

      Our finite thoughts commune with the Infinite.

      In the bright kingdoms of the rising Sun

      All is a birth into a power of light:

      All here deformed guards there its happy shape,

      Here all is mixed and marred, there pure and whole;

      Yet each is a passing step, a moment’s phase.

      Awake to a greater Truth beyond her acts,

      The mediatrix sat and saw her works

      And felt the marvel in them and the force

      But knew the power behind the face of Time:

      She did the task, obeyed the knowledge given,

      Her deep heart yearned towards great ideal things

      And from the light looked out to wider light:

      A brilliant hedge drawn round her narrowed her power;

      Faithful to her limited sphere she toiled, but knew

      Its highest, widest seeing was a half-search,

      Its mightiest acts a passage or a stage.

      For not by Reason was creation made

      And not by Reason can the Truth be seen

      Which through the veils of thought, the screens of sense

      Hardly the spirit’s vision can descry

      Dimmed by the imperfection of its means:

      The little Mind is tied to little things:

      Its sense is but the spirit’s outward touch,

      Half-waked in a world of dark Inconscience;

      It feels out for its beings and its forms

      Like one left fumbling in the ignorant Night.

      In this small mould of infant mind and sense

      Desire is a child-heart’s cry crying for bliss,

      Our reason only a toys’ artificer,

      A rule-maker in a strange stumbling game.

      But she her dwarf aides knew whose confident sight

      A bounded prospect took for the far goal.

      The world she has made is an interim report

      Of a traveller towards the half-found truth in things

      Moving twixt nescience and nescience.

      For nothing is known while aught remains concealed;

      The Truth is known only when all is seen.

      Attracted by the All that is the One,

      She yearns towards a higher light than hers;

      Hid by her cults and creeds she has glimpsed God’s face:

      She knows she has but found a form, a robe,

      But ever she hopes to see him in her heart

      And feel the body of his reality.

      As yet a mask is there and not a brow,

      Although sometimes two hidden eyes appear:

      Reason cannot tear off that glimmering mask,

      Her efforts only make it glimmer more;

      In packets she ties up the Indivisible;

      Finding her hands too small to hold vast Truth

      She breaks up knowledge into

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