Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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heaped fodder of innumerable facts,

      Plebeian fare on which today we thrive.

      Thus streamed down from the realm of early Light

      Ethereal thinkings into Matter’s world;

      Its gold-horned herds trooped into earth’s cave-heart.

      Its morning rays illume our twilight’s eyes,

      Its young formations move the mind of earth

      To labour and to dream and new-create,

      To feel beauty’s touch and know the world and self:

      The Golden Child began to think and see.

      In those bright realms are Mind’s first forward steps.

      Ignorant of all but eager to know all,

      Its curious slow enquiry there begins;

      Ever its searching grasps at shapes around,

      Ever it hopes to find out greater things.

      Ardent and golden-gleamed with sunrise fires,

      Alert it lives upon invention’s verge.

      Yet all it does is on an infant’s scale,

      As if the cosmos were a nursery game,

      Mind, life the playthings of a Titan’s babe.

      As one it works who builds a mimic fort

      Miraculously stable for a while,

      Made of the sands upon a bank of Time

      Mid an occult eternity’s shoreless sea.

      A small keen instrument the great Puissance chose,

      An arduous pastime passionately pursues;

      To teach the Ignorance is her difficult charge,

      Her thought starts from an original nescient Void

      And what she teaches she herself must learn

      Arousing knowledge from its sleepy lair.

      For knowledge comes not to us as a guest

      Called into our chamber from the outer world;

      A friend and inmate of our secret self,

      It hid behind our minds and fell asleep

      And slowly wakes beneath the blows of life;

      The mighty daemon lies unshaped within,

      To evoke, to give it form is Nature’s task.

      All was a chaos of the true and false,

      Mind sought amid deep mists of Nescience;

      It looked within itself but saw not God.

      A material interim diplomacy

      Denied the Truth that transient truths might live

      And hid the Deity in creed and guess

      That the World-Ignorance might grow slowly wise.

      This was the imbroglio made by sovereign Mind

      Looking from a gleam-ridge into the Night

      In her first tamperings with Inconscience:

      Its alien dusk baffles her luminous eyes;

      Her rapid hands must learn a cautious zeal;

      Only a slow advance the earth can bear.

      Yet was her strength unlike the unseeing earth’s

      Compelled to handle makeshift instruments

      Invented by the life-force and the flesh.

      Earth all perceives through doubtful images,

      All she conceives in hazardous jets of sight,

      Small lights kindled by touches of groping thought.

      Incapable of the soul’s direct inlook

      She sees by spasms and solders knowledge-scrap,

      Makes Truth the slave-girl of her indigence,

      Expelling Nature’s mystic unity

      Cuts into quantum and mass the moving All;

      She takes for measuring-rod her ignorance.

      In her own domain a pontiff and a seer,

      That greater Power with her half-risen sun

      Wrought within limits but possessed her field;

      She knew by a privilege of thinking force

      And claimed an infant sovereignty of sight.

      In her eyes however darkly fringed was lit

      The Archangel’s gaze who knows inspired his acts

      And shapes a world in its far-seeing flame.

      In her own realm she stumbles not nor fails,

      But moves in boundaries of subtle power

      Across which mind can step towards the sun.

      A candidate for a higher suzerainty,

      A passage she cut through from Night to Light,

      And searched for an ungrasped Omniscience.

      A dwarf three-bodied trinity was her serf.

      First, smallest of the three, but strong of limb,

      A low-brow with a square and heavy jowl,

      A pigmy Thought needing to live in bounds

      For ever stooped to hammer fact and form.

      Absorbed and cabined in external sight,

      It takes its stand on Nature’s solid base.

      A technician admirable, a thinker crude,

      A riveter of Life to habit’s grooves,

      Obedient to gross Matter’s tyranny,

      A prisoner of the moulds in which it works,

      It binds

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