Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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the antithesis twixt heaven and hell.

      All life’s high visions are embodied there,

      Her wandering hopes achieved, her aureate combs

      Caught by the honey-eater’s darting tongue,

      Her burning guesses changed to ecstasied truths,

      Her mighty pantings stilled in deathless calm

      And liberated her immense desires.

      In that paradise of perfect heart and sense

      No lower note could break the endless charm

      Of her sweetness ardent and immaculate;

      Her steps are sure of their intuitive fall.

      After the anguish of the soul’s long strife

      At length were found calm and celestial rest

      And, lapped in a magic flood of sorrowless hours,

      Healed were his warrior nature’s wounded limbs

      In the encircling arms of Energies

      That brooked no stain and feared not their own bliss.

      In scenes forbidden to our pallid sense

      Amid miraculous scents and wonder-hues

      He met the forms that divinise the sight,

      To music that can immortalise the mind

      And make the heart wide as infinity

      Listened, and captured the inaudible

      Cadences that awake the occult ear:

      Out of the ineffable hush it hears them come

      Trembling with the beauty of a wordless speech,

      And thoughts too great and deep to find a voice,

      Thoughts whose desire new-makes the universe.

      A scale of sense that climbed with fiery feet

      To heights of unimagined happiness,

      Recast his being’s aura in joy-glow,

      His body glimmered like a skiey shell;

      His gates to the world were swept with seas of light.

      His earth, dowered with celestial competence,

      Harboured a power that needed now no more

      To cross the closed customs-line of mind and flesh

      And smuggle godhead into humanity.

      It shrank no more from the supreme demand

      Of an untired capacity for bliss,

      A might that could explore its own infinite

      And beauty and passion and the depths’ reply

      Nor feared the swoon of glad identity

      Where spirit and flesh in inner ecstasy join

      Annulling the quarrel between self and shape.

      It drew from sight and sound spiritual power,

      Made sense a road to reach the intangible:

      It thrilled with the supernal influences

      That build the substance of life’s deeper soul.

      Earth-nature stood reborn, comrade of heaven.

      A fit companion of the timeless Kings,

      Equalled with the godheads of the living Suns,

      He mixed in the radiant pastimes of the Unborn,

      Heard whispers of the Player never seen

      And listened to his voice that steals the heart

      And draws it to the breast of God’s desire,

      And felt its honey of felicity

      Flow through his veins like the rivers of Paradise,

      Made body a nectar-cup of the Absolute.

      In sudden moments of revealing flame,

      In passionate responses half-unveiled

      He reached the rim of ecstasies unknown;

      A touch supreme surprised his hurrying heart,

      The clasp was remembered of the Wonderful,

      And hints leaped down of white beatitudes.

      Eternity drew close disguised as Love

      And laid its hand upon the body of Time.

      A little gift comes from the Immensitudes,

      But measureless to life its gain of joy;

      All the untold Beyond is mirrored there.

      A giant drop of the Bliss unknowable

      Overwhelmed his limbs and round his soul became

      A fiery ocean of felicity;

      He foundered drowned in sweet and burning vasts:

      The dire delight that could shatter mortal flesh,

      The rapture that the gods sustain he bore.

      Immortal pleasure cleansed him in its waves

      And turned his strength into undying power.

      Immortality captured Time and carried Life.

      End of Canto Nine

      Canto Ten

      The Kingdoms and Godheads of the Little Mind

      This too must now be overpassed and left,

      As all must be until the Highest is gained

      In whom the world and self grow true and one:

      Till That is reached our journeying cannot cease.

      Always a nameless goal beckons beyond,

      Always ascends the zigzag of the gods

      And upward

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