Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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Death’s black eagles scream to the precipice,

      And met the hounds of bale who hunt men’s hearts

      Baying across the veldts of Destiny,

      In footless battlefields of the Abyss

      Fought shadowy combats in mute eyeless depths,

      Assaults of Hell endured and Titan strokes

      And bore the fierce inner wounds that are slow to heal.

      A prisoner of a hooded magic Force,

      Captured and trailed in Falsehood’s lethal net

      And often strangled in the noose of grief,

      Or cast in the grim morass of swallowing doubt,

      Or shut into pits of error and despair,

      He drank her poison draughts till none was left.

      In a world where neither hope nor joy could come

      The ordeal he suffered of evil’s absolute reign,

      Yet kept intact his spirit’s radiant truth.

      Incapable of motion or of force,

      In Matter’s blank denial gaoled and blind,

      Pinned to the black inertia of our base

      He treasured between his hands his flickering soul.

      His being ventured into mindless Void,

      Intolerant gulfs that knew not thought nor sense;

      Thought ceased, sense failed, his soul still saw and knew.

      In atomic parcellings of the Infinite

      Near to the dumb beginnings of lost Self,

      He felt the curious small futility

      Of the creation of material things.

      Or, stifled in the Inconscient’s hollow dusk,

      He sounded the mystery dark and bottomless

      Of the enormous and unmeaning deeps

      Whence struggling life in a dead universe rose.

      There in the stark identity lost by mind

      He felt the sealed sense of the insensible world

      And a mute wisdom in the unknowing Night.

      Into the abysmal secrecy he came

      Where darkness peers from her mattress, grey and nude,

      And stood on the last locked subconscient’s floor

      Where Being slept unconscious of its thoughts

      And built the world not knowing what it built.

      There waiting its hour the future lay unknown,

      There is the record of the vanished stars.

      There in the slumber of the cosmic Will

      He saw the secret key of Nature’s change.

      A light was with him, an invisible hand

      Was laid upon the error and the pain

      Till it became a quivering ecstasy,

      The shock of sweetness of an arm’s embrace.

      He saw in Night the Eternal’s shadowy veil,

      Knew death for a cellar of the house of life,

      In destruction felt creation’s hasty pace,

      Knew loss as the price of a celestial gain

      And hell as a short cut to heaven’s gates.

      Then in Illusion’s occult factory

      And in the Inconscient’s magic printing-house

      Torn were the formats of the primal Night

      And shattered the stereotypes of Ignorance.

      Alive, breathing a deep spiritual breath,

      Nature expunged her stiff mechanical code

      And the articles of the bound soul’s contract,

      Falsehood gave back to Truth her tortured shape.

      Annulled were the tables of the law of Pain,

      And in their place grew luminous characters.

      The skilful Penman’s unseen finger wrote

      His swift intuitive calligraphy;

      Earth’s forms were made his divine documents,

      The wisdom embodied mind could not reveal,

      Inconscience chased from the world’s voiceless breast;

      Transfigured were the fixed schemes of reasoning Thought.

      Arousing consciousness in things inert,

      He imposed upon dark atom and dumb mass

      The diamond script of the Imperishable,

      Inscribed on the dim heart of fallen things

      A paean-song of the free Infinite

      And the Name, foundation of eternity,

      And traced on the awake exultant cells

      In the ideographs of the Ineffable

      The lyric of the love that waits through Time

      And the mystic volume of the Book of Bliss

      And the message of the superconscient Fire.

      Then life beat pure in the corporeal frame;

      The infernal Gleam died and could slay no more.

      Hell split across its huge abrupt façade

      As if a magic building were undone,

      Night opened and vanished like a gulf of dream.

      Into being’s gap scooped out as empty Space

      In which she had filled the place of absent God,

      There poured a wide intimate and blissful Dawn;


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