Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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by God’s martyred body for the world;

      Gethsemane and Calvary are his lot,

      He carries the cross on which man’s soul is nailed;

      His escort is the curses of the crowd;

      Insult and jeer are his right’s acknowledgment;

      Two thieves slain with him mock his mighty death.

      He has trod with bleeding brow the Saviour’s way.

      He who has found his identity with God

      Pays with the body’s death his soul’s vast light.

      His knowledge immortal triumphs by his death.

      Hewn, quartered on the scaffold as he falls,

      His crucified voice proclaims, 'I, I am God;'

      'Yes, all is God,' peals back Heaven’s deathless call.

      The seed of Godhead sleeps in mortal hearts,

      The flower of Godhead grows on the world-tree:

      All shall discover God in self and things.

      But when God’s messenger comes to help the world

      And lead the soul of earth to higher things,

      He too must carry the yoke he came to unloose;

      He too must bear the pang that he would heal:

      Exempt and unafflicted by earth’s fate,

      How shall he cure the ills he never felt?

      He covers the world’s agony with his calm;

      But though to the outward eye no sign appears

      And peace is given to our torn human hearts,

      The struggle is there and paid the unseen price;

      The fire, the strife, the wrestle are within.

      He carries the suffering world in his own breast;

      Its sins weigh on his thoughts, its grief is his:

      Earth’s ancient load lies heavy on his soul;

      Night and its powers beleaguer his tardy steps,

      The Titan adversary’s clutch he bears;

      His march is a battle and a pilgrimage.

      Life’s evil smites, he is stricken with the world’s pain:

      A million wounds gape in his secret heart.

      He journeys sleepless through an unending night;

      Antagonist forces crowd across his path;

      A siege, a combat is his inner life.

      Even worse may be the cost, direr the pain:

      His large identity and all-harbouring love

      Shall bring the cosmic anguish into his depths,

      The sorrow of all living things shall come

      And knock at his doors and live within his house;

      A dreadful cord of sympathy can tie

      All suffering into his single grief and make

      All agony in all the worlds his own.

      He meets an ancient adversary Force,

      He is lashed with the whips that tear the world’s worn heart;

      The weeping of the centuries visits his eyes:

      He wears the blood-glued fiery Centaur shirt,

      The poison of the world has stained his throat.

      In the market-place of Matter’s capital

      Amidst the chafferings of the affair called life

      He is tied to the stake of a perennial Fire;

      He burns on an unseen original verge

      That Matter may be turned to spirit stuff:

      He is the victim in his own sacrifice.

      The Immortal bound to earth’s mortality

      Appearing and perishing on the roads of Time

      Creates God’s moment by eternity’s beats.

      He dies that the world may be new-born and live.

      Even if he escapes the fiercest fires,

      Even if the world breaks not in, a drowning sea,

      Only by hard sacrifice is high heaven earned:

      He must face the fight, the pang who would conquer Hell.

      A dark concealed hostility is lodged

      In the human depths, in the hidden heart of Time

      That claims the right to change and mar God’s work.

      A secret enmity ambushes the world’s march;

      It leaves a mark on thought and speech and act:

      It stamps stain and defect on all things done;

      Till it is slain peace is forbidden on earth.

      There is no visible foe, but the unseen

      Is round us, forces intangible besiege,

      Touches from alien realms, thoughts not our own

      Overtake us and compel the erring heart;

      Our lives are caught in an ambiguous net.

      An adversary Force was born of old:

      Invader of the life of mortal man,

      It hides from him the straight immortal path.

      A power came in to veil the eternal Light,

      A power opposed to the eternal will

      Diverts the messages of the infallible Word,

      Contorts the contours of the cosmic plan:

      A whisper lures to evil the human heart,

      It seals up wisdom’s eyes, the soul’s regard,

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