Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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is the origin of our suffering here,

      It binds earth to calamity and pain.

      This all must conquer who would bring down God’s peace.

      This hidden foe lodged in the human breast

      Man must overcome or miss his higher fate.

      This is the inner war without escape.

      “Hard is the world-redeemer’s heavy task;

      The world itself becomes his adversary,

      Those he would save are his antagonists:

      This world is in love with its own ignorance,

      Its darkness turns away from the saviour light,

      It gives the cross in payment for the crown.

      His work is a trickle of splendour in a long night;

      He sees the long march of Time, the little won;

      A few are saved, the rest strive on and fail:

      A Sun has passed, on earth Night’s shadow falls.

      Yes, there are happy ways near to God’s sun;

      But few are they who tread the sunlit path;

      Only the pure in soul can walk in light.

      An exit is shown, a road of hard escape

      From the sorrow and the darkness and the chain;

      But how shall a few escaped release the world?

      The human mass lingers beneath the yoke.

      Escape, however high, redeems not life,

      Life that is left behind on a fallen earth.

      Escape cannot uplift the abandoned race

      Or bring to it victory and the reign of God.

      A greater power must come, a larger light.

      Although Light grows on earth and Night recedes,

      Yet till the evil is slain in its own home

      And Light invades the world’s inconscient base

      And perished has the adversary Force,

      He still must labour on, his work half done.

      One yet may come armoured, invincible;

      His will immobile meets the mobile hour;

      The world’s blows cannot bend that victor head;

      Calm and sure are his steps in the growing Night;

      The goal recedes, he hurries not his pace,

      He turns not to high voices in the night;

      He asks no aid from the inferior gods;

      His eyes are fixed on his immutable aim.

      Man turns aside or chooses easier paths;

      He keeps to the one high and difficult road

      That sole can climb to the Eternal’s peaks;

      The ineffable planes already have felt his tread;

      He has made heaven and earth his instruments,

      But the limits fall from him of earth and heaven;

      Their law he transcends but uses as his means.

      He has seized life’s hands, he has mastered his own heart.

      The feints of Nature mislead not his sight,

      Inflexible his look towards Truth’s far end;

      Fate’s deaf resistance cannot break his will.

      In the dreadful passages, the fatal paths,

      Invulnerable his soul, his heart unslain,

      He lives through the opposition of earth’s Powers

      And Nature’s ambushes and the world’s attacks.

      His spirit’s stature transcending pain and bliss,

      He fronts evil and good with calm and equal eyes.

      He too must grapple with the riddling Sphinx

      And plunge into her long obscurity.

      He has broken into the Inconscient’s depths

      That veil themselves even from their own regard:

      He has seen God’s slumber shape these magic worlds.

      He has watched the dumb God fashioning Matter’s frame,

      Dreaming the dreams of its unknowing sleep,

      And watched the unconscious Force that built the stars.

      He has learned the Inconscient’s workings and its law,

      Its incoherent thoughts and rigid acts,

      Its hazard wastes of impulse and idea,

      The chaos of its mechanic frequencies,

      Its random calls, its whispers falsely true,

      Misleaders of the hooded listening soul.

      All things come to its ear but nothing abides;

      All rose from the silence, all goes back to its hush.

      Its somnolence founded the universe,

      Its obscure waking makes the world seem vain.

      Arisen from Nothingness and towards Nothingness turned,

      Its dark and potent nescience was earth’s start;

      It is the waste stuff from which all was made;

      Into its deeps creation can collapse.

      Its opposition clogs the march of the soul,

      It is the mother of our ignorance.

      He must call light into its dark abysms,

      Else never can Truth conquer Matter’s sleep

      And all earth look into the eyes of God.

      All things obscure his knowledge must

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