Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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the Ordeal of the Foreknowledge of Death and the Heart’s Grief and Pain

      Fate followed her foreseen immutable road.

      Man’s hopes and longings build the journeying wheels

      That bear the body of his destiny

      And lead his blind will towards an unknown goal.

      His fate within him shapes his acts and rules;

      Its face and form already are born in him,

      Its parentage is in his secret soul:

      Here Matter seems to mould the body’s life

      And the soul follows where its nature drives.

      Nature and Fate compel his free-will’s choice.

      But greater spirits this balance can reverse

      And make the soul the artist of its fate.

      This is the mystic truth our ignorance hides:

      Doom is a passage for our inborn force,

      Our ordeal is the hidden spirit’s choice,

      Ananke is our being’s own decree.

      All was fulfilled the heart of Savitri

      Flower-sweet and adamant, passionate and calm,

      Had chosen and on her strength’s unbending road

      Forced to its issue the long cosmic curve.

      Once more she sat behind loud hastening hooves;

      A speed of armoured squadrons and a voice

      Far-heard of chariots bore her from her home.

      A couchant earth wakened in its dumb muse

      Looked up at her from a vast indolence:

      Hills wallowing in a bright haze, large lands

      That lolled at ease beneath the summer heavens,

      Region on region spacious in the sun,

      Cities like chrysolites in the wide blaze

      And yellow rivers pacing lion-maned

      Led to the Shalwa marches’ emerald line,

      A happy front to iron vastnesses

      And austere peaks and titan solitudes.

      Once more was near the fair and fated place,

      The borders gleaming with the groves’ delight

      Where first she met the face of Satyavan

      And he saw like one waking into a dream

      Some timeless beauty and reality,

      The moon-gold sweetness of heaven’s earth-born child.

      The past receded and the future neared:

      Far now behind lay Madra’s spacious halls,

      The white carved pillars, the cool dim alcoves,

      The tinged mosaic of the crystal floors,

      The towered pavilions, the wind-rippled pools

      And gardens humming with the murmur of bees,

      Forgotten soon or a pale memory

      The fountain’s plash in the white stone-bound pool,

      The thoughtful noontide’s brooding solemn trance,

      The colonnade’s dream grey in the quiet eve,

      The slow moonrise gliding in front of Night.

      Left far behind were now the faces known,

      The happy silken babble on laughter’s lips

      And the close-clinging clasp of intimate hands

      And adoration’s light in cherished eyes

      Offered to the one sovereign of their life.

      Nature’s primaeval loneliness was here:

      Here only was the voice of bird and beast, –

      The ascetic’s exile in the dim-souled huge

      Inhuman forest far from cheerful sound

      Of man’s blithe converse and his crowded days.

      In a broad eve with one red eye of cloud,

      Through a narrow opening, a green flowered cleft,

      Out of the stare of sky and soil they came

      Into a mighty home of emerald dusk.

      There onward led by a faint brooding path

      Which toiled through the shadow of enormous trunks

      And under arches misers of sunshine,

      They saw low thatched roofs of a hermitage

      Huddled beneath a patch of azure hue

      In a sunlit clearing that seemed the outbreak

      Of a glad smile in the forest’s monstrous heart,

      A rude refuge of the thought and will of man

      Watched by the crowding giants of the wood.

      Arrived in that rough-hewn homestead they gave,

      Questioning no more the strangeness of her fate,

      Their pride and loved one to the great blind king,

      A regal pillar of fallen mightiness

      And the stately care-worn woman once a queen

      Who now hoped nothing for herself from life,

      But all things only hoped for her one child,

      Calling on that single head from partial Fate

      All joy of earth, all heaven’s beatitude.

      Adoring wisdom and beauty like a young god’s,

      She saw him loved by heaven as by herself,

      She rejoiced in his brightness and believed in his fate

      And knew not of the evil

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