Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol. Sri Aurobindo

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Savitri – Eine Legende und ein Symbol - Sri Aurobindo

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      Bring not thy brief and helpless human tears

      Across the fathomless moments of a heart

      That knows its single will and God’s as one:

      It can embrace its hostile destiny;

      It sits apart with grief and facing death,

      Affronting adverse fate armed and alone.

      In this enormous world standing apart

      In the mightiness of her silent spirit’s will,

      In the passion of her soul of sacrifice

      Her lonely strength facing the universe,

      Affronting fate, asks not man’s help nor god’s:

      Sometimes one life is charged with earth’s destiny,

      It cries not for succour from the time-bound powers.

      Alone she is equal to her mighty task.

      Intervene not in a strife too great for thee,

      A struggle too deep for mortal thought to sound,

      Its question to this Nature’s rigid bounds

      When the soul fronts nude of garbs the infinite,

      Its too vast theme of a lonely mortal will

      Pacing the silence of eternity.

      As a star, uncompanioned, moves in heaven

      Unastonished by the immensities of Space,

      Travelling infinity by its own light,

      The great are strongest when they stand alone.

      A God-given might of being is their force,

      A ray from self’s solitude of light the guide;

      The soul that can live alone with itself meets God;

      Its lonely universe is their rendezvous.

      A day may come when she must stand unhelped

      On a dangerous brink of the world’s doom and hers,

      Carrying the world’s future on her lonely breast,

      Carrying the human hope in a heart left sole

      To conquer or fail on a last desperate verge,

      Alone with death and close to extinction’s edge.

      Her single greatness in that last dire scene

      Must cross alone a perilous bridge in Time

      And reach an apex of world-destiny

      Where all is won or all is lost for man.

      In that tremendous silence lone and lost

      Of a deciding hour in the world’s fate,

      In her soul’s climbing beyond mortal time

      When she stands sole with Death or sole with God

      Apart upon a silent desperate brink,

      Alone with her self and death and destiny

      As on some verge between Time and Timelessness

      When being must end or life rebuild its base,

      Alone she must conquer or alone must fall.

      No human aid can reach her in that hour,

      No armoured god stand shining at her side.

      Cry not to heaven, for she alone can save.

      For this the silent Force came missioned down;

      In her the conscious Will took human shape:

      She only can save herself and save the world.

      O queen, stand back from that stupendous scene,

      Come not between her and her hour of Fate.

      Her hour must come and none can intervene:

      Think not to turn her from her heaven-sent task,

      Strive not to save her from her own high will.

      Thou hast no place in that tremendous strife;

      Thy love and longing are not arbiters there;

      Leave the world’s fate and her to God’s sole guard.

      Even if he seems to leave her to her lone strength,

      Even though all falters and falls and sees an end

      And the heart fails and only are death and night,

      God-given her strength can battle against doom

      Even on a brink where Death alone seems close

      And no human strength can hinder or can help.

      Think not to intercede with the hidden Will,

      Intrude not twixt her spirit and its force

      But leave her to her mighty self and Fate.”

      He spoke and ceased and left the earthly scene.

      Away from the strife and suffering on our globe,

      He turned towards his far-off blissful home.

      A brilliant arrow pointing straight to heaven,

      The luminous body of the ethereal seer

      Assailed the purple glory of the noon

      And disappeared like a receding star

      Vanishing into the light of the Unseen.

      But still a cry was heard in the infinite,

      And still to the listening soul on mortal earth

      A high and far imperishable voice

      Chanted the anthem of eternal love.

      End of Canto Two

      End of Book Six


The Book of Yoga

      Canto One


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